I'm quite pleased to see how well Divisions is going. And the Trench Wars Division league ops are doing a bang up job. I just think there are a few flaws in the system. It seems like alot of the squads on TWD will not face tougher squads. Although what they are evading today is what they are going to face in Trench Wars Leagues. It seems like alot of squads are using TWD as a training ground to get there players good enough to beat squads ranked 20 - 30 . Although what they should be doing is facing tougher squads and earning there way into Leagues. After having an open wide discusion on twd chat, alot of people feel like some squads are cheating there way in leagues by facing easier squads.
The big question is what can we do to improve Trench Wars Division to filter out the vary best from the crap. I heard Randedl come up with this idea that squads cant face squads ranked below them. If squads do the vary least and face squads ranked one above them, then atleast we will see the best rise. I realize that it is too late to implement these rules but it would be nice to see this done next TWD.
It's easy to say whats wrong with it, but it wont change the fact that there is somthing wrong with it.