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possible double squadding in twd -- idea only at the moment

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  • #31
    Biased poll, as javs are voting on it too...

    Obviously training squads in twd format have had their flaws. Captains who put the time in usually got burnt out and tired of doing it. Double squadding has many advantages as long as it's controlled properly.

    I'm not understanding why everyone is afraid to try it out. It's not like it will be detrimental to the zone.

    If we're worried about people not taking it seriously, we need to keep a close eye on who will be captaining each training squad. For example, ph or sertifi would not be good candidates. Whereas Royst / Shayde / Diakka/ Claushouse / Jack would be. It has to be someone with the drive to make the game more active, and bring more pubbers into bding.

    If this goes down, I would volunteer.


    • #32
      Other ideas (which can go with my ranked/unranked play idea):

      -Squads can now vs themselves through the bot. I can !challenge penetrate, and I guess someone else on the squad will accept. That will make us the team capt's, and we get to choose our team from the roster that is currently available. This will be an unranked match.

      -Squad vs randoms. Eventually, when no other squads are accepting our challenges, you can send a command to the bot that sends a zoner asking for people to play against, kind of like how elim asks for worthy opponents, or whichever arena does that ("Penetrate are looking for worthy basers to take them on! Test your skills in ?go twbd"). Then your squad can put in your own line, and the other team can get a cap selected and choose from the people that show up in the arena. Squads with under the minimum required players on at the time can utilize this, because then they can cap the "random" team, then add in their players and then get the extra players from the people who show up. This will be an unranked match.

      The issues I see arising are mostly from when the "random squad", just like the value 0 squads, don't take matches seriously, and either dick around or players just leave midgame. I don't know if there should either be an incentive to stay, or a punishment for negative consequences (which would be counter-intuitive to this entire thought experiment). But I guess we won't know unless we try something.
      duel pasta <ER>> i can lick my asshole

      Mattey> put me in corch

      zidane> go kf urself pork


      • #33
        Originally posted by project dragon View Post
        Other ideas (which can go with my ranked/unranked play idea):

        -Squads can now vs themselves through the bot. I can !challenge penetrate, and I guess someone else on the squad will accept. That will make us the team capt's, and we get to choose our team from the roster that is currently available. This will be an unranked match.

        -Squad vs randoms. Eventually, when no other squads are accepting our challenges, you can send a command to the bot that sends a zoner asking for people to play against, kind of like how elim asks for worthy opponents, or whichever arena does that ("Penetrate are looking for worthy basers to take them on! Test your skills in ?go twbd"). Then your squad can put in your own line, and the other team can get a cap selected and choose from the people that show up in the arena. Squads with under the minimum required players on at the time can utilize this, because then they can cap the "random" team, then add in their players and then get the extra players from the people who show up. This will be an unranked match.

        The issues I see arising are mostly from when the "random squad", just like the value 0 squads, don't take matches seriously, and either dick around or players just leave midgame. I don't know if there should either be an incentive to stay, or a punishment for negative consequences (which would be counter-intuitive to this entire thought experiment). But I guess we won't know unless we try something.
        Ranked/unranked games would involve a big bot change, so again unlikely to happen. Im trying to think of a way without having to change so much that we might actually see it happening and soon rather then 2020.

        -squad vs squad - This could happen, squad could just create a B team, so not a big issue providing they dont try to set the value of both squads to 1.

        squad vs randoms --- thats wbduel. The idea is for squad mechanics, IDEALLY to have people get pubbers into a squad and actually teach them how to play as a squad. In case you didnt notice, going 15/20-10 vs randoms is easy, not so easy in a squad game.

        - It also is not hard if a player abuses the system, ie. joins squads just to leave midway intentionally etc.. to stop that individual from being able to DS, ie. restrict to 1 roster only. I dont see many people doing this, as it wouldnt be in their interest and while everyone else around them gets to dd/jd/bd etc they are then stuck waiting for 4 from their squad to log on.

        - someone mentioned javs aren't voting etc... When i said TWD i meant roster which means its for TWJD/TWBD/TWDD hell even TWSD heh.

        Voting is too close atm anyways to make a definitive call on this at the moment, so hope a few more actually votes to swing this one way or another.


        • #34
          yes, this would be tremendously helpful! and essential to having training squads; moreover, improving league activity overall (look at twd basing during TWL... there's been like 1 bd every 3 days )

          a great idea and would help tw a lot. thanks demonic.
          top 100 basers list


          • #35
            Hm maybe limit amount of non squad members to like 2 for dd/jd. Allow squads to add up to 2 ppl from spec but there should be an option like !notplaying available. good idea overall, but I do see problems like tiny brought up happening. Should be enabled always except during qualification for twl.


            • #36
              Sounds 2 much like base/wbduel/javduel. Keep the ideas coming, maybe I change my mind.
              "Action is the real measure of intelligence. "
              Napoleon Hill

              wiibimbo>I'm gonna take u out next week for a beer and pizza at Leonardo' homo tho! I prefer big boobs
              Dral>I can get implants


              • #37
                sqauads with value 0 should be limited. maybe 2, or 4. else all i see is chaos.
                but then again, 0 squads actually can get so much advantage over 1's, that might not be fair at all? like when u !ch a squad, you got no idea what you're expecting lol.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Hulk View Post
                  Isn't your current squad all fins????????????????????????????????
                  Yes but you are missing the point. We have about 10 players, Finland has 1000 or more(always atleast 4 online).


                  • #39

                    Why the hell is staff thinking outside the box? What you are currently proposing would not only be highly ineffective, but also way too complicated to work in this zone. You need to realize that this game is no longer as competitive as it used to be several years ago, currently what we're playing is a casual game and it should be treated that way if you wish to keep the zone active.

                    All you need to do is go with the most simple and effective way of boosting the zone/squad/player activity. Here is one example of how it could be accomplished:

                    • Disable the rule after TWL hard lock.
                    • Limit the amount of squads a player can join to two.
                    • Enable the rule once TWL qualifications start and repeat.

                    Most squads would certainly take advantage of this rule to play together with their friends, as TWD is mostly meant to be played for fun, thus boosting the general activity of the players and squads by quite a bit. This would also open up the possibility of creating a new squad to either train new players or to simply play with your friends in a more casual gaming environment.

                    Only two squads would be against this change as they would not take advantage of it. I believe neither Fierce or Pandora would recruit people from other squads, as they do not want to risk ruining their "team chemistry" and simply want to practice with their top lineups.

                    Peace out.


                    • #40
                      Mark it down.

                      02/26/13 at 5:45PM U.S. Eastern time.

                      Turban got serious.
                      All good things must come to an end.


                      • #41
                        aye, and one hour later no fucks given.


                        • #42
                          that's what u get for being super cereal.
                          All good things must come to an end.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Turban View Post

                            Why the hell is staff thinking outside the box? What you are currently proposing would not only be highly ineffective, but also way too complicated to work in this zone. You need to realize that this game is no longer as competitive as it used to be several years ago, currently what we're playing is a casual game and it should be treated that way if you wish to keep the zone active.

                            All you need to do is go with the most simple and effective way of boosting the zone/squad/player activity. Here is one example of how it could be accomplished:

                            • Disable the rule after TWL hard lock.
                            • Limit the amount of squads a player can join to two.
                            • Enable the rule once TWL qualifications start and repeat.

                            Most squads would certainly take advantage of this rule to play together with their friends, as TWD is mostly meant to be played for fun, thus boosting the general activity of the players and squads by quite a bit. This would also open up the possibility of creating a new squad to either train new players or to simply play with your friends in a more casual gaming environment.

                            Only two squads would be against this change as they would not take advantage of it. I believe neither Fierce or Pandora would recruit people from other squads, as they do not want to risk ruining their "team chemistry" and simply want to practice with their top lineups.

                            Peace out.
                            Quite literally would never work.

                            Disable after hardlock -- ok complete web re-write to change how the site reacts during hard lock. Will this happen?? probably not.
                            limit # of squads to 2 -- this is no different to idea currently being discussed, as clearly stated we could limit # of rosters ppl could join on.
                            Enable the rule during twl -- um.. why would we only enable during twl qualification.

                            Sorry Turban, but this is an absolutely terrible idea, normally you think things through quite well. The above idea is far from perfect as well, needs plenty of working on which i think i said in first post however i see 2 possibilites and i know what i would do as a squad cap.

                            Lets assume i ran squad X, which will be the TWL squad so would hold the value of 1. I would then have a squad Y which would be like a farm squad where my roster could still join it, but with a view to bring pub players into the squad and train them still "within" the squad. Good ones can be moved into squad x and join that roster.

                            Thats just one application, others who dont want to play in TWL could simply sit on a couple of value 0 squads and play with 2 squads, thus increasing activity. Its really not hard to understand, has a minimal change which CAN get done.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by maketso View Post
                              If there is going to be 2 squads per person make the second squad's games worth playing too.
                              For example make the squads by nationality, I know I would try if I played a jd Finland vs. North American faggots. Or just make 2 huge squads America vs. World. Everyone hate americans so everyone would always try to win

                              Note: I do not think double-squading is the solution to any problems tw has.
                              Seriously, no one thinks this is a decent idea?
                              This is the easiest way to divide the players to other teams and make the games mean something without making everyone think its double-squading.

                              There are actually some sort of stats that relate to this idea (graph that shows the origin of the players by country with the amount of players from the matching country).


                              • #45
                                yeh i think this is a great idea, if you ever had doubts: trial it for 1 week or 2 and then add another thread with a poll to evaluate how its going. out of 31 votes: only 7 people completely disagree with the idea... thats not bad. This idea will allow more trainer squads to b available meaning that there should b more easier games for a new player to face.
                                1:Hece> iv done good A (amphetamine) many times and ppl say u cant get your dick up on dick works on every chemical i have tried so far

