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  • SEASON 30 PLAYER RATINGS (discussion)

    Season 30 Player Ratings have been finalized by the ratings team for all divisions.

    View Ratings Sheet

    On the PlayerRatings tab, Columns D-F are Season 30 ratings. Last known ratings from previous season(s) are Columns H-J.

    Ratings formatted as dark green indicate a ratings increase for that player / division.
    Ratings formatted as dark redindicate a ratings decrease (or previously unrated) for that player / division.

    Players where the ratings team did not have a consensus are listed on the RatingsDiscrepancies tab.

    Our goal for this season is to focus on higher-quality matches. Based on the analysis we've done and the captain volunteers we have available, we have high confidence we will keep the number of teams at 8. To support our goal of high quality matches, we are aiming to have the star caps set around 43/43/69, with Warbird very potentially being increased to 43.5.

    Feel free to discuss any glaring player rating issues you may find. I ask that anyone wanting to discuss the proposed number of teams and star cap limits in the ongoing Signup thread. An official draft sheet and finalized player ratings with be posted later this week alongside draft stream details.

    zidane> big play
    Omega Red> dwop sick
    mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
    WillBy> ^^

    1:Chief Utsav> LOL
    1:Rule> we dont do that here.

    cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass

  • #2
    Link to discord thread for discussing player ratings
    zidane> big play
    Omega Red> dwop sick
    mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
    WillBy> ^^

    1:Chief Utsav> LOL
    1:Rule> we dont do that here.

    cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


    • #3
      First and foremost I feel that the TWDT-B star cap should most definitely be increased for this season. I see a bold claim that there's a focus on having higher quality games, yet basing is reverting back to having low quality and outright unenjoyable games.

      Previous season we had increased the star cap up to 71 which felt very good and most teams were adding full lines, and the quality of games for once felt like they were good which was a first in TWDT-B history. I did some quick number-crunching and would like to propose the star cap to be set to at least 70 this season, but one could argue to to increase it beyond that to 70.5 or beyond should there be one or two more strong signups. Current proposed basing star cap would be the equivalent of having a star cap of ~40.5 in both dueling leagues if that makes it easier to understand the quality of games. When comparing last season sign up list of playable players with this one, we're basically at a near identical level so no clue why basing star cap was lowered by 2 full ratings?

      Player ratings look generally fine, aside from the glaring inflation in Dueling leagues which is offset by star cap increase, but there's a few changes which I would like to propose:

      Bick has not gotten to play a single TWDT match despite signing up for several seasons in a row. It would be fair to lower his rating to 7 / 7.5 / 7.

      Azuline was bumped up.. why? I feel 8.5 is still a fair rating to him, he's not better than WillBy or other sharks in that rating tier or above.

      Creature should also be lower in basing. I am not sure where this rating is coming from, but given his activity levels and how he has performed in previous seasons, it should be fair to drop him down to 8.5 rating.

      Rabbit, Jabra, MetalKid and Captain Lonestar should be lowered by half a rating in TWDT-B. Rabbit was increased from 7.5 to 8.5 after having one good season. Jabra will never get any playtime with that rating, and looking at his match history I can't see any justification for this bump to be fair. Logain is a returning player who mains javelin and almost never bases. MetalKid was never a baser and feels weird to have that rating when he returned after a decade.

      okyo was one of the most dominant spiders last season and could warrant bumped up to 9-star rating.

      Unlimited was probably the best 7-star value spider last season, and always been solid in that slot, and thus I feel bumping him up to 7.5 would be more than fair.

      Lee is similar level to Unlimited in basing, so would consider lowering back to 7.5 rating. He was best one of the best 7.5 last season, but wasn't so good that he should have been bumped up a tier.

      Singer should be lowered to down to 8.5. He used to be a good javelin, but his inactivity and lack of care definitely has shown.

      Rojo and Ra both should all be lowered down to 7.5 rating in TWDT-J. They would be some of the best players in that bracket instead of being the absolute worst choice 8-star players. MetalKid seems more fair at 7 rating as he is more of a pure warbird.
      Last edited by Turban; 01-14-2025, 06:18 PM.


      • #4
        definitely agree with turb that base should be higher than 69, inflation is real!


        • #5
          No offence to zidane, but he has been quite horrendous in wb several leagues already, maybe man deserves 7.5? Instead i can see him pumped to 8.5.
          Tj has been really decent in wb in several leagues, he needs to be at least 7.5. Last league his stats were similar to vio, turban, zizu and turban, before that same thing.
          Saying that, there are i think several players who maybe deserve a drop in wb. Jz, hulk, paky pop up, but list of higher rated players barely playing or playing not on that level is longer. I guess it depends on if u want to keep inflating.
          I would pump genx to 7.5 in jav, he was key in last season win and played very well, definitely on par with other 7.5s out there. Would drop sarger to 7.5 as well. as well as jabra to 8.
          From base, dont see why zizzo remained at 8.5. As far as i remember he had very good season in terrier, was maybe even best out there. Azzaz should be 7, also if u have cow lives as 6,5, snoopie should be also. Also good argument to lower jabra here.
          I should be 7 in jav and remain 7.5 in base.


          • #6
            Originally posted by LeeRomeno View Post
            No offence to zidane, but he has been quite horrendous in wb several leagues already, maybe man deserves 7.5? Instead i can see him pumped to 8.5.
            Tj has been really decent in wb in several leagues, he needs to be at least 7.5. Last league his stats were similar to vio, turban, zizu and turban, before that same thing.
            You just wrote in the same paragraph that Zid and Tj should be equally rated in wb... wild

            Asia Minor> see you sunday fuckers
            Asia Minor> maybe not
            Asia Minor> i hope you guys lose
            bloodzombie> I hope your mom fucks you while you sleep
            bloodzombie> every time you have a wet dream, it's really your mom fucking you
            bloodzombie> remmeber that next time
            bloodzombie> seriously


            • #7
              FF at 8.5/8.5/7.5 is some nasty work lmao who was smoking what when they came up with that?
              J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

              8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
              8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

              2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw


              • #8
                Originally posted by renzi View Post
                FF at 8.5/8.5/7.5 is some nasty work lmao who was smoking what when they came up with that?
                what do you suggest or do you just want to know about the weed?
                zidane> big play
                Omega Red> dwop sick
                mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                WillBy> ^^

                1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                • #9
                  Basing has currently the following distribution of players signed up who would realistically be added in a match. I filtered out some players who will never want to play the league which wasn't many, or players who simply should not be added under any circumstances given how we seemingly want quality games.

                  17 players rated 10
                  8 players rated 9.5
                  10 players rated 9
                  21 players rated 8.5
                  16 players rated 8
                  27 players rated 7.5
                  18 players rated 7
                  1 player rated 6.5

                  This means should we evenly distribute every player to a draft team we would have an average basing strength of 8.30 stars per team. This sounds fine and good on paper, and for comparison TWDT-D and TWDT-J would have an average player strength of roughly 7.9 and 7.8 respectively when filtering out 6-star players from the equation. This would mean when looking at the average strength of teams, should everything be evenly distributed, star caps could in theory be set to 40/40/68 respectively to allow most "average" players to play at the cost of higher star players.

                  However should we want to focus on having higher quality games, which seems to be the theme of this season, we can look at this from a different perspective.

                  On average a team will have roughly a basing distribution of following stars:

                  2 players rated 10
                  1 player rated 9.5
                  1 player rated 9
                  2 players rated 8.5
                  2 players rated 8
                  3 players rated 7.5
                  3 players rated 7 or below

                  Now obviously teams will never be evenly distributed, but this would mean you could in theory have a top line of 71.5 stars on every team. I feel it is is far more realistic that to assume that some teams will be missing at least one 9-star or above, and there might be weeks where someone can not make it out of the top lineup, thus lowering it the average strength of a basing lineup to about ~70 stars in worst case scenario.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Dwopple View Post

                    what do you suggest or do you just want to know about the weed?
                    8.5/9/9. final offer.
                    J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass

                    8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
                    8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6

                    2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw


                    • #11
                      As Logains brother I would say he is actually more of a baser than a jav. Also he won TWDTB in 2017 but anyways he havent played more than those games and a few since what 2007 i would say so ye he should have a lower rating also his showrate is most likely pretty low


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by HellzNo! View Post

                        You just wrote in the same paragraph that Zid and Tj should be equally rated in wb... wild
                        zid 8* (0 games, while being cap, so obviously did not consider himself worth a while playing) (power made it to finals)
                        tj 7* 45-53 rec, similar stats to zapata (8.5) in poor pure luck team, played whenever he showe

                        2023 fall -
                        zid 8* (ranked in bottom 10), played 4 games 15-38 rec (power won wb that season)
                        tj 6.5* played 6 games, won 5 with 38-42 rec (similar to ppl like spawnisen, spartan, hulk etc)

                        Now it does not make sense putting zid to 8.5, if you dont want to lower him, then at least keep his 8, but isnt the point of rating review to check how person has done rated at something and then correct for next league.
                        Zids form in wb has been in decline for last couple of years, while tj has shown similar quality both as 6.5 and 7 in last 2 leagues and has been important member in lineup and deserves a bump to 7.5 for sure. Zid is case of someone who can probably get up to his old 8.5 level if he pracs and takes this seriously, but rather trend shows he does not care about that in wb.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by LeeRomeno View Post
                          I would pump genx to 7.5 in jav, he was key in last season win and played very well, definitely on par with other 7.5s out there.
                          I rarely ever leave the bench in Jav. I don't think I have ever even played a full season of Jav. I only did well because the Jav line was broken. Come to think of it I think Zidane is the only one to ever actually attempt to take me off the bench in Jav. There is no reason to bump me up in Jav.
                          rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
                          rEnZi> its crazy
                          rEnZi> thats real power

                          Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


                          • #14
                            i've updated the ratings spreadsheet with feedback from the community + reviewing with other raters. Ratings are not final, but hopefully they're in a better spot now to help continue further refining, as needed.

                            heck the CommunityFeedback tab to see a full list of rating changes based on the feedback I've compiled (from everywhere excluding in-game chat and individual discords):

                            AREAS OF CONCERN: sharks

                            WE ARE HAVING ACTIVE RATINGS DISCUSSIONS IN THE PUBLIC TW STAFF DISCORD (we're up to 130 messages at the time of this post) which is by far the best and up to date place to provide input or weigh in. Link directly to the channel:

                            If you need an invite to the discord, use this first:
                            zidane> big play
                            Omega Red> dwop sick
                            mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                            WillBy> ^^

                            1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                            1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                            cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Turban View Post
                              Basing has currently the following distribution of players signed up who would realistically be added in a match. I filtered out some players who will never want to play the league which wasn't many, or players who simply should not be added under any circumstances given how we seemingly want quality games.

                              17 players rated 10
                              8 players rated 9.5
                              10 players rated 9
                              21 players rated 8.5
                              16 players rated 8
                              27 players rated 7.5
                              18 players rated 7
                              1 player rated 6.5

                              This means should we evenly distribute every player to a draft team we would have an average basing strength of 8.30 stars per team. This sounds fine and good on paper, and for comparison TWDT-D and TWDT-J would have an average player strength of roughly 7.9 and 7.8 respectively when filtering out 6-star players from the equation. This would mean when looking at the average strength of teams, should everything be evenly distributed, star caps could in theory be set to 40/40/68 respectively to allow most "average" players to play at the cost of higher star players.

                              However should we want to focus on having higher quality games, which seems to be the theme of this season, we can look at this from a different perspective.

                              On average a team will have roughly a basing distribution of following stars:

                              2 players rated 10
                              1 player rated 9.5
                              1 player rated 9
                              2 players rated 8.5
                              2 players rated 8
                              3 players rated 7.5
                              3 players rated 7 or below

                              Now obviously teams will never be evenly distributed, but this would mean you could in theory have a top line of 71.5 stars on every team. I feel it is is far more realistic that to assume that some teams will be missing at least one 9-star or above, and there might be weeks where someone can not make it out of the top lineup, thus lowering it the average strength of a basing lineup to about ~70 stars in worst case scenario.
                              Thank you for posting this. I have some other IRL things to take care today of but I'm planning to port over the analysis we used to determine star caps directly into the ratings sheet this evening. I will also find time to read and digest the details of your reasoning. Much appreciated for providing the detail and let's please continue to discuss areas of concern.
                              zidane> big play
                              Omega Red> dwop sick
                              mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                              WillBy> ^^

                              1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                              1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                              cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass

