Before going into games, there is one interesting nuance i would like to mention. At least first time for me, league is being hosted without res-cap. I am not sure if it affects jav/base too much, but for wb this could make the game even more lobbing/r3/r4 type of thing. Not sure everyone even realized its possible to play with whatever resolution you want, but from stats i can see some ppl really have tested that, for example bick played with 3060x1721 reso (not that it helped him too much). Anyways, just my 2 cents, i think res-caps should be actually forced, mainly as i dont want to buy new monitor just for this game 
Now to games:
2nd week rating: good (4 wins from 6)
How is it going overall: strong mid-table
I am glad that Ambush took my first week suggestions and results are there for all to see. Multitalent saiyan had some amazing games, picking up from poor first week, especially in wb and they indeed sorted out their base line getting 4 wins out of total 6 games:
Already first wb game showed ambush had picked up the pace. Saiyan going incredible 14-1, supported by good performances from rest of team, made them demolish power in the most one-sided wb game of the week. Ambush didnt stop there, second game was against one of the best wb teams Legendary, but also Bombeds crew gave saiyan nothing to worry, with another MVP performance from saiyan backed with great support from hulk and strong, giving legendary their first wb loss of season.
Surprisingly though, jav seems to be the league ambush still struggles. In their first game vs dice, saiyan went again crazy with 22-10, but very poor performance from hulk (5-10, out in 9 mins), below his standards turban with 8-10 and ibex for some reason javving with 2954x1662 reso ( i think its a thing for svs players as bigger reso is clear advantage there) going 3-10 didnt really give them much chance. They switched things around a bit for second game against terrorist with rylo/cig smoke coming in and hulk went mvp with 17-10 and they indeed had around 3 mins of 5v4 as well, but failed to capitalize on that and with rest of the team sucking, including saiyan going 6-10 this time.
In base, ambush really had also very easy schedule, facing 2 worst teams in cloud/prime and neither game really caused them much worries as they went won comfortably. Most of future opponents are far more dangerous. Weaker opponents also gave them chance to do some rotations with cigsmoke/joe handling shark duties in first game with hulk played as spider and hulk switching to shark for second game with rucci getting spider time.
Tasks to work on: they need to do some team pracs in jav to find that working combination, looks to be weakest out of all leagues for them. But overall they are moving towards securing playoff spot.
Pure Luck
2nd week rating: holy shit, they seem to be really good? (4 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: Top of table baby
Pure luck really didnt stop from where they started, besides 1 loss in jav, they are running the show for now.
Their only wb game though was of course vs struggling power, who are only team not to win a single wb game so far. It was perhaps a bit too close game (+5) considering they managed to take out spectacular pretty early, but faced some tough resitance from okyo/beam duo. In the end though, everyone did good, groan played well as low vp going 8-8 and tiny/dak pulled some key KOs in deciding moments of game.
Tiny/rampage were best performers in their win vs legendary with captor managing to stay alive. Taking out struggling bombed early proved to be key to this game. They went to second game vs dice with same lineup, but captor/scuzzy struggled. Tiny is always known to sub pretty actively, but this time banks/dak duo didnt really bring needed change as they went down into inspired cape and his team.
First base vs terrorist was really interesting one as tiny as terr hadnt been really tested vs proper terrier so far in this league. It wasnt definitely a one-sided game, but strong sharking from mark/willby and excellent spidering from ft/banks/groan/vys and PA handling under like a champ gave them advantage in holding base in final minutes with solid +3 win. Giving terrorist their only loss this base season shows pure luck has their base line sorted and ready to go. Tiny showed a bit his sloppier side against cloud, who had dutch baser as terrier and in all honesty, they probably should have won it quicker, but in the end they still did with 5 minutes difference.
Tasks to work on: tiny needs to prac terrier and they need to sort out their jav line was my suggestion last time, i think it still applies here. Jav is only league they have had losses so far this season.
2nd week rating: Shitty (1 win from 5)
How is it going overall: not good
Power is now barely above playoff line with unexpectedly poor weekend. Only win came from jav, where they still look very strong, but key people missing for base and still finding their way in wb hurts them bad.
First wb game was already mentioned demolishment by ambush. Pretty much everyone but okyo sucked balls and were taken out one by one around 12-13 minute mark. Second game vs pure luck was better, but total 15 kills among spectacular/zidane/genx really gave them no chances, despite valiant effort from okyo/beam.
In jav, they only had 1 game, which was solid as expected from power. Zid himself went mvp with 15-7, rabbit did again good as low star and everyone else also managed to stay alive and contribute with +10 win vs legendary. Spectacular with 3 KOs playing key role as well.
Power is now first team that has suffered from poor showup. With bacon/violence/beam missing they really struggled to build up the team with spectacular having to take shark duties and they ended up playing with 66.5vps. With bacon missing, their spiders were weak, so they tried switching genx to spider with rabbit terring, had genx ragequitting resulting in rabbit taking over as terrier, but poor dude went 1-7, so that didnt help the case with them losing out clearly to dice. Terrorist was another team in luck having to face weakened power. Playing with 66.5 vps, they just didnt have enough firepower to be much of a threat.
Tasks to work on: time will tell this poor show this week was on-off or this will become and issue for power. WB line is still struggling, so maybe its time to tip into trading market and reshuffle?
2nd week rating: Still only competitive in wb (1 win from 5)
How is to going overall: Among the bad teams this league
Bombed decided to bench himself in wb, putting up very solid lineup without any low vp. This proved to be good decision against Thunder as that experience paid off in key moments with every single teammember going at least even in score and staying alive just better compared to some Thunder players. They tried similar thing vs ambush, but that game was again example of how those top players can decide games, as they just couldnt handle saiyan, who was clutch in this game, which cannot be said to any Legendary player. So first loss of season in wb for bombeds team.
It went worse in jav. In first game they were just outplayed by pure luck with neither temujin or bombed living up to their high vps. They dropped temu for second game in favor of skatarius and bombed did better, but once again, it seems that this team is just not clicking in ways it should in jav at the moment and zid mopped floor with them.
Their base game against dice proved that nomatter how crazy spiderline (bombed/autopilot/lockdown/jabra/skatarius total 46.5 vps) they have, if you have 1 7.5 as terr and 2 7.5 shark, that is too lopsided freq setup and will not give you wins in league. Legendary actually comfortably outkilled dice, but mistakes from terr and lack of proper support from sharks just makes you unable to fully take advantage in that spider firepower.
Tasks to work on: Legendary has alot of talent, but i feel like they may need to do some trading to balance their lineups and looking at trading topic, there may be already something cooking for bombeds team.
2nd week rating: best team of weekend (5 wins from 6)
How is it going overall: Proving to be very solid performer in all leagues
Cape had very emotional 2 weeks between the first round and second round ending with first blockbuster trade of season with Rough going to Prime and drose coming to Dice. By the look of it, this sort of forced trade, has not really affected dice performances at all or even improved on them.
Already first game of week for Dice had some essence of drama as rough and drose faced each other, but it was banzi with incredible 17-7 who proved to be star for this game, with cape also proving solid sub for sword and changing somewhat the flow of game as early game belonged to Prime.
Drose was obviously shooked still from playing in new team and went 0-5 before subbed by cape in second game vs Thunder, but in reality that game came down to Dice just not able to handle ease, who went crazy 22-7 against them killing off all the remaining dice players one by one. So very close -3 loss.
Cape probably had dejavu in first jav game, this time saiyan going wild against them, but this time zizzo/cape/drose trio managed to stay alive and take out the menancing 10* from other team giving them +3 win. Second jav game vs pure luck was already better with entire team delivering, with yeh slowly, but surely, coming back to shape and delos making rare appearance in draft league as low vp.
In base, dice then dismantled weakened power team and in one of the closest games, as tehy managed to beat the overpowered spider line of legendary with inspired terrier game from cape (58-6 2 teks), solid sharking from river/omega and zizzo carrying the spider line.
Tasks to work on: looks like drose trade has worked well for dice, they now look to have nicely balanced jav line lineup without having to rely on low stars, they of course were a bit lucky with scheduling as well, facing 2 teams in base, out of which first missed several key players and second is just unbalanced, but points dont lie. They are currently on course to make it to playoffs.
2nd week rating: it is all about close games (4 wins from 6)
How is it going overall: Strong first week perfomance puts them among top teams, but they somewhat slowed down.
So terrorist had a good weekend coming out with 4 wins and no defeats in jav.
Their first wb game was very close one against cloud with 3v3 faceoff in the end against mythril and co. But dw/ra/iron survivor were not clutch enough in the end and were picked out one by one in the end resulting in -3 loss. From negative, low vps tj/christian had very poor game. They learned from this in second game, which was once again a very close encounter against Prime, but this team most of team managed to stay alive with 9 and pick out Prime players one by one with important win.
In jav same story continued with nailbiting games going until last seconds. This time it was dreamwin vs ease with dw coming on top in the end with 50-49 win. In second game vs ambush, iron survivor put them in a bad situation going out first, but rest of the team managed to keep their cool, all stayed alive and delivered + 7 win in the end.
DW decided to bench himself again for base game against pure luck, but midway subbed in with christian to replace tj/ra duo. Neither lineups worked as desired as inspired performance by pure luck spiders was enough to balance the advantage terrorist had in terrier, Was still relatively close game.
It took last base game for terrorist to actually get a relaxing game, when they dispatched comfortably weakened power.
Tasks to work on: title contender in jav for sure, wb line still questionable, this weekend they faced 2 of the weakest teams and neither game was very promising. For base, it looks like they need to find a good combination for spiders. Experienced terr+ shark mean that they need to do some compromising there.
2nd week rating: little improvement, but still not enough (2 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: for now, one of the teams destined to drop from playoffs
Cloud was one of those teams, who had already done some trading, with jz coming to team and apt/machineofgod departing. There were some positives for sure for Myth, but they should be very soon going positive during weekends to have any hope of catching up.
In wb match cloud faced terrorist and clutch performance from myth with solid backup from renzi/rasaq got them hard, but deserved win.
They were also clearly better team against demoralized Prime in jav. In second game, it all came down to 2v2 with mythril and hellzno! facing draft/shaun. Although on paper (and counting VPs) myth/hellz should have won it, in reality draft/shaun duo dominated and won.
Both base games showed that trades have not really made this team better. It is pretty puzzling how Myth traded away apt, so he now is using likes of singer and dutch baser as terriers. Hellkite is good shark, but not worth 10*, MoG at 7.5 may not be a worldbeater, but at least he is somewhat experienced, as proved in horror experiement with bugy as shark.
Cloud really struggles with base line. If they use hk in shark, they weaken their spider lines enough so that it gets outkilled. They now also only have aprix as terrier listed and still dont have proper shark duo.
Tasks to work on: So they have picked a few points, but their base line really looks not ready and looking at their roster, i dont see it being fixed without some trades. They need a proper shark and unless aprix will become reliable in showrates, probably also another terr. They are okeish in wb/jav, scoring a win here and there, but clearly not worldbeaters, so they can just ignore base.
2nd week rating: the worst (0 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: only hope they have is that there are several teams also doing exceptionally bad, so playoff spots are still available.
Being most active team in player trading, Prime managed to get apt/rough/machineofgod with trades, departing with drose/jz/cz530. As all 3 players were actively used in lineup, i would say those were pretty good trades, as situation would be even worse without them.
Prime wb line would do fine, if it werent for some people clearly playing under their vp rating. Racka looks like max 8vp player out there, clearly undelivering also in both games, like last weekend, going 6-10 and 7-10. Rough made decent enough debut and sarger really played great in second game going 18-10, but support from rest of team was not good enough. Bike had mediocre week and low stars played bad.
In single jav game, low stars (lee/bike/bick) all sucked, rough also didnt deliver 10* performance and another loss was imminent, this time to Cloud.
2 base games were actually definitely improvement from last week, with new hires apt taking role as terr and MoG slipping into shark role with rough slotting into spider lineup. In first game Prime couldnt handle mikkiz going wild and top spiders being constantly pushed by excellent performance from jamal. Second game it came down to some miscommunication between sharks, some bad luck and chokes from terr as well. In any case, despite improvements, this lineup is not even close to being a contender in anything, so more trades are needed and remaining players need to prac hard.
Tasks to work on: our valiant captain, among other players, needs to get himself back to shape, some more brave trading is needed as at this stage there is really nothing to lose anymore.
2nd week rating: decent followup (3 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: definitely one of those top of table teams with balanced lineup across leagues
Thunder was trying to replicate Terrorist performance this weekend with getting 1 win and loss in each loss, except for they had only 1 base game this time around.
Despite best effort from ease, poor performances from low stars ekko/menelvagor and below his level rainbow seeker gave them first loss of weekend against legendary. Correction of mistakes was done against dice with ease showing how its done, with incredible 22-7 (10 r1s) and this time, despite once again poor show from low stars, they got close win.
First base game was against terrorist, another close encounter with ease having to lose the final one on one against dreamwin and second jav game was once again close time, with draft shining in the end with shaun.
Their only base game saw them winning comfortably against Prime with mikkiz, jamal and rainbow seeker showing some real skills.
Tasks to work on: very solid team in all leagues, perhaps maybe too overreliant on few individuals to pull it out, but hey, thats draft league for you.
After week 2 we are already noticing 2 divisions forming with pure luck/dice/terrorist/thunder/ambush being the top teams and rest are the ones fighting for that last playoff spot. I still see power actually belonging to that top group if they have better showups. I expect the lower teams to be active in trading, mainly between themselves.
Players of the week:
WB: saiyan, banzi, dak, strong
Jav: dreamwin, cape, rampage, zidane,
Base: saiyan, turban, banks, frozen throne, cape, mikkiz, jamal
Best low stars:
WB: rojo, groan
Jav: rabbit!, burnt, shaun
Base: tiny, rampage

Now to games:
2nd week rating: good (4 wins from 6)
How is it going overall: strong mid-table
I am glad that Ambush took my first week suggestions and results are there for all to see. Multitalent saiyan had some amazing games, picking up from poor first week, especially in wb and they indeed sorted out their base line getting 4 wins out of total 6 games:
Already first wb game showed ambush had picked up the pace. Saiyan going incredible 14-1, supported by good performances from rest of team, made them demolish power in the most one-sided wb game of the week. Ambush didnt stop there, second game was against one of the best wb teams Legendary, but also Bombeds crew gave saiyan nothing to worry, with another MVP performance from saiyan backed with great support from hulk and strong, giving legendary their first wb loss of season.
Surprisingly though, jav seems to be the league ambush still struggles. In their first game vs dice, saiyan went again crazy with 22-10, but very poor performance from hulk (5-10, out in 9 mins), below his standards turban with 8-10 and ibex for some reason javving with 2954x1662 reso ( i think its a thing for svs players as bigger reso is clear advantage there) going 3-10 didnt really give them much chance. They switched things around a bit for second game against terrorist with rylo/cig smoke coming in and hulk went mvp with 17-10 and they indeed had around 3 mins of 5v4 as well, but failed to capitalize on that and with rest of the team sucking, including saiyan going 6-10 this time.
In base, ambush really had also very easy schedule, facing 2 worst teams in cloud/prime and neither game really caused them much worries as they went won comfortably. Most of future opponents are far more dangerous. Weaker opponents also gave them chance to do some rotations with cigsmoke/joe handling shark duties in first game with hulk played as spider and hulk switching to shark for second game with rucci getting spider time.
Tasks to work on: they need to do some team pracs in jav to find that working combination, looks to be weakest out of all leagues for them. But overall they are moving towards securing playoff spot.
Pure Luck
2nd week rating: holy shit, they seem to be really good? (4 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: Top of table baby
Pure luck really didnt stop from where they started, besides 1 loss in jav, they are running the show for now.
Their only wb game though was of course vs struggling power, who are only team not to win a single wb game so far. It was perhaps a bit too close game (+5) considering they managed to take out spectacular pretty early, but faced some tough resitance from okyo/beam duo. In the end though, everyone did good, groan played well as low vp going 8-8 and tiny/dak pulled some key KOs in deciding moments of game.
Tiny/rampage were best performers in their win vs legendary with captor managing to stay alive. Taking out struggling bombed early proved to be key to this game. They went to second game vs dice with same lineup, but captor/scuzzy struggled. Tiny is always known to sub pretty actively, but this time banks/dak duo didnt really bring needed change as they went down into inspired cape and his team.
First base vs terrorist was really interesting one as tiny as terr hadnt been really tested vs proper terrier so far in this league. It wasnt definitely a one-sided game, but strong sharking from mark/willby and excellent spidering from ft/banks/groan/vys and PA handling under like a champ gave them advantage in holding base in final minutes with solid +3 win. Giving terrorist their only loss this base season shows pure luck has their base line sorted and ready to go. Tiny showed a bit his sloppier side against cloud, who had dutch baser as terrier and in all honesty, they probably should have won it quicker, but in the end they still did with 5 minutes difference.
Tasks to work on: tiny needs to prac terrier and they need to sort out their jav line was my suggestion last time, i think it still applies here. Jav is only league they have had losses so far this season.
2nd week rating: Shitty (1 win from 5)
How is it going overall: not good
Power is now barely above playoff line with unexpectedly poor weekend. Only win came from jav, where they still look very strong, but key people missing for base and still finding their way in wb hurts them bad.
First wb game was already mentioned demolishment by ambush. Pretty much everyone but okyo sucked balls and were taken out one by one around 12-13 minute mark. Second game vs pure luck was better, but total 15 kills among spectacular/zidane/genx really gave them no chances, despite valiant effort from okyo/beam.
In jav, they only had 1 game, which was solid as expected from power. Zid himself went mvp with 15-7, rabbit did again good as low star and everyone else also managed to stay alive and contribute with +10 win vs legendary. Spectacular with 3 KOs playing key role as well.
Power is now first team that has suffered from poor showup. With bacon/violence/beam missing they really struggled to build up the team with spectacular having to take shark duties and they ended up playing with 66.5vps. With bacon missing, their spiders were weak, so they tried switching genx to spider with rabbit terring, had genx ragequitting resulting in rabbit taking over as terrier, but poor dude went 1-7, so that didnt help the case with them losing out clearly to dice. Terrorist was another team in luck having to face weakened power. Playing with 66.5 vps, they just didnt have enough firepower to be much of a threat.
Tasks to work on: time will tell this poor show this week was on-off or this will become and issue for power. WB line is still struggling, so maybe its time to tip into trading market and reshuffle?
2nd week rating: Still only competitive in wb (1 win from 5)
How is to going overall: Among the bad teams this league
Bombed decided to bench himself in wb, putting up very solid lineup without any low vp. This proved to be good decision against Thunder as that experience paid off in key moments with every single teammember going at least even in score and staying alive just better compared to some Thunder players. They tried similar thing vs ambush, but that game was again example of how those top players can decide games, as they just couldnt handle saiyan, who was clutch in this game, which cannot be said to any Legendary player. So first loss of season in wb for bombeds team.
It went worse in jav. In first game they were just outplayed by pure luck with neither temujin or bombed living up to their high vps. They dropped temu for second game in favor of skatarius and bombed did better, but once again, it seems that this team is just not clicking in ways it should in jav at the moment and zid mopped floor with them.
Their base game against dice proved that nomatter how crazy spiderline (bombed/autopilot/lockdown/jabra/skatarius total 46.5 vps) they have, if you have 1 7.5 as terr and 2 7.5 shark, that is too lopsided freq setup and will not give you wins in league. Legendary actually comfortably outkilled dice, but mistakes from terr and lack of proper support from sharks just makes you unable to fully take advantage in that spider firepower.
Tasks to work on: Legendary has alot of talent, but i feel like they may need to do some trading to balance their lineups and looking at trading topic, there may be already something cooking for bombeds team.
2nd week rating: best team of weekend (5 wins from 6)
How is it going overall: Proving to be very solid performer in all leagues
Cape had very emotional 2 weeks between the first round and second round ending with first blockbuster trade of season with Rough going to Prime and drose coming to Dice. By the look of it, this sort of forced trade, has not really affected dice performances at all or even improved on them.
Already first game of week for Dice had some essence of drama as rough and drose faced each other, but it was banzi with incredible 17-7 who proved to be star for this game, with cape also proving solid sub for sword and changing somewhat the flow of game as early game belonged to Prime.
Drose was obviously shooked still from playing in new team and went 0-5 before subbed by cape in second game vs Thunder, but in reality that game came down to Dice just not able to handle ease, who went crazy 22-7 against them killing off all the remaining dice players one by one. So very close -3 loss.
Cape probably had dejavu in first jav game, this time saiyan going wild against them, but this time zizzo/cape/drose trio managed to stay alive and take out the menancing 10* from other team giving them +3 win. Second jav game vs pure luck was already better with entire team delivering, with yeh slowly, but surely, coming back to shape and delos making rare appearance in draft league as low vp.
In base, dice then dismantled weakened power team and in one of the closest games, as tehy managed to beat the overpowered spider line of legendary with inspired terrier game from cape (58-6 2 teks), solid sharking from river/omega and zizzo carrying the spider line.
Tasks to work on: looks like drose trade has worked well for dice, they now look to have nicely balanced jav line lineup without having to rely on low stars, they of course were a bit lucky with scheduling as well, facing 2 teams in base, out of which first missed several key players and second is just unbalanced, but points dont lie. They are currently on course to make it to playoffs.
2nd week rating: it is all about close games (4 wins from 6)
How is it going overall: Strong first week perfomance puts them among top teams, but they somewhat slowed down.
So terrorist had a good weekend coming out with 4 wins and no defeats in jav.
Their first wb game was very close one against cloud with 3v3 faceoff in the end against mythril and co. But dw/ra/iron survivor were not clutch enough in the end and were picked out one by one in the end resulting in -3 loss. From negative, low vps tj/christian had very poor game. They learned from this in second game, which was once again a very close encounter against Prime, but this team most of team managed to stay alive with 9 and pick out Prime players one by one with important win.
In jav same story continued with nailbiting games going until last seconds. This time it was dreamwin vs ease with dw coming on top in the end with 50-49 win. In second game vs ambush, iron survivor put them in a bad situation going out first, but rest of the team managed to keep their cool, all stayed alive and delivered + 7 win in the end.
DW decided to bench himself again for base game against pure luck, but midway subbed in with christian to replace tj/ra duo. Neither lineups worked as desired as inspired performance by pure luck spiders was enough to balance the advantage terrorist had in terrier, Was still relatively close game.
It took last base game for terrorist to actually get a relaxing game, when they dispatched comfortably weakened power.
Tasks to work on: title contender in jav for sure, wb line still questionable, this weekend they faced 2 of the weakest teams and neither game was very promising. For base, it looks like they need to find a good combination for spiders. Experienced terr+ shark mean that they need to do some compromising there.
2nd week rating: little improvement, but still not enough (2 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: for now, one of the teams destined to drop from playoffs
Cloud was one of those teams, who had already done some trading, with jz coming to team and apt/machineofgod departing. There were some positives for sure for Myth, but they should be very soon going positive during weekends to have any hope of catching up.
In wb match cloud faced terrorist and clutch performance from myth with solid backup from renzi/rasaq got them hard, but deserved win.
They were also clearly better team against demoralized Prime in jav. In second game, it all came down to 2v2 with mythril and hellzno! facing draft/shaun. Although on paper (and counting VPs) myth/hellz should have won it, in reality draft/shaun duo dominated and won.
Both base games showed that trades have not really made this team better. It is pretty puzzling how Myth traded away apt, so he now is using likes of singer and dutch baser as terriers. Hellkite is good shark, but not worth 10*, MoG at 7.5 may not be a worldbeater, but at least he is somewhat experienced, as proved in horror experiement with bugy as shark.
Cloud really struggles with base line. If they use hk in shark, they weaken their spider lines enough so that it gets outkilled. They now also only have aprix as terrier listed and still dont have proper shark duo.
Tasks to work on: So they have picked a few points, but their base line really looks not ready and looking at their roster, i dont see it being fixed without some trades. They need a proper shark and unless aprix will become reliable in showrates, probably also another terr. They are okeish in wb/jav, scoring a win here and there, but clearly not worldbeaters, so they can just ignore base.
2nd week rating: the worst (0 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: only hope they have is that there are several teams also doing exceptionally bad, so playoff spots are still available.
Being most active team in player trading, Prime managed to get apt/rough/machineofgod with trades, departing with drose/jz/cz530. As all 3 players were actively used in lineup, i would say those were pretty good trades, as situation would be even worse without them.
Prime wb line would do fine, if it werent for some people clearly playing under their vp rating. Racka looks like max 8vp player out there, clearly undelivering also in both games, like last weekend, going 6-10 and 7-10. Rough made decent enough debut and sarger really played great in second game going 18-10, but support from rest of team was not good enough. Bike had mediocre week and low stars played bad.
In single jav game, low stars (lee/bike/bick) all sucked, rough also didnt deliver 10* performance and another loss was imminent, this time to Cloud.
2 base games were actually definitely improvement from last week, with new hires apt taking role as terr and MoG slipping into shark role with rough slotting into spider lineup. In first game Prime couldnt handle mikkiz going wild and top spiders being constantly pushed by excellent performance from jamal. Second game it came down to some miscommunication between sharks, some bad luck and chokes from terr as well. In any case, despite improvements, this lineup is not even close to being a contender in anything, so more trades are needed and remaining players need to prac hard.
Tasks to work on: our valiant captain, among other players, needs to get himself back to shape, some more brave trading is needed as at this stage there is really nothing to lose anymore.
2nd week rating: decent followup (3 wins from 5)
How is it going overall: definitely one of those top of table teams with balanced lineup across leagues
Thunder was trying to replicate Terrorist performance this weekend with getting 1 win and loss in each loss, except for they had only 1 base game this time around.
Despite best effort from ease, poor performances from low stars ekko/menelvagor and below his level rainbow seeker gave them first loss of weekend against legendary. Correction of mistakes was done against dice with ease showing how its done, with incredible 22-7 (10 r1s) and this time, despite once again poor show from low stars, they got close win.
First base game was against terrorist, another close encounter with ease having to lose the final one on one against dreamwin and second jav game was once again close time, with draft shining in the end with shaun.
Their only base game saw them winning comfortably against Prime with mikkiz, jamal and rainbow seeker showing some real skills.
Tasks to work on: very solid team in all leagues, perhaps maybe too overreliant on few individuals to pull it out, but hey, thats draft league for you.
After week 2 we are already noticing 2 divisions forming with pure luck/dice/terrorist/thunder/ambush being the top teams and rest are the ones fighting for that last playoff spot. I still see power actually belonging to that top group if they have better showups. I expect the lower teams to be active in trading, mainly between themselves.
Players of the week:
WB: saiyan, banzi, dak, strong
Jav: dreamwin, cape, rampage, zidane,
Base: saiyan, turban, banks, frozen throne, cape, mikkiz, jamal
Best low stars:
WB: rojo, groan
Jav: rabbit!, burnt, shaun
Base: tiny, rampage