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TWLM anybody?

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  • TWLM anybody?

    Random notes to mention:

    Still waiting on Flapperz official roster but you can get round it if you want to buy Flapperz players by searching on name... unless its a new TWD alias that's never taken part in TWL before. In which I would have to add it in the admin side.

    Also betting won't work until I update the admin side with the rounds schedule. I will do this as soon as I am given these details.

    Also didn't manage to get Basing up to where I wanted so that's still a work in progress. No promises but it MIGHT be functional before this season is up.

    I have revisited the TWLM algorithm and reprocessed all past seasons and it seems loads more balanced for LD and LJ. Basically, a 300 player vsing a team of average 300 going 10-10 will gain 0 cash... (as its assumed thats a player playing how much they are worth against a team the same hardness as they are and doing what is expected of them ie 1:1, so they should be 300).

    The website is very much a work in progress. If you find any bugs, please post a thread in TWLM in this forum so that others can be aware of the bug and know not to post about it. Saves me being spammed too (which I have just realised no longer exists... I guess just message me on forum with your discovered bugs). Hopefully there isn't that many though...
    Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

    ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

    TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
    TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

    TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present

  • #2
    LOL y i cost more than racka

    this is cool tho been waitin a long time to have this again thanks for puttin it together
    Jessup> saiyan and i had steamy cyber sex once

    Streak Breaker Grizzly Beam

    Don't Poke the Bear.


    • #3
      I will be making a player profile so users will be able to see this info but currently past matches aren't yet visible from the front end.

      For this one Il entertain this request...

      So comparing yours and Rackas last matches:

      Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2620.jpg
Views:	372
Size:	873.0 KB
ID:	1361274
      Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"

      ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.

      TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
      TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider

      TW Greatest no-shipper 2002 - Present


      • #4
        This is sick Ardour, thanks for putting in the time and effort into this
        1:Riverside> you guys eat schmores in america?


        • #5
          Last edited by Grasps; 09-13-2022, 01:53 PM.


          • #6
            YAY TWLM!

            absurd shows up on evil's wb roster twice
            rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
            rEnZi> its crazy
            rEnZi> thats real power

            Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


            • #7
              Originally posted by Ardour View Post

              Random notes to mention:

              Still waiting on Flapperz official roster but you can get round it if you want to buy Flapperz players by searching on name... unless its a new TWD alias that's never taken part in TWL before. In which I would have to add it in the admin side.

              Also betting won't work until I update the admin side with the rounds schedule. I will do this as soon as I am given these details.

              Also didn't manage to get Basing up to where I wanted so that's still a work in progress. No promises but it MIGHT be functional before this season is up.

              I have revisited the TWLM algorithm and reprocessed all past seasons and it seems loads more balanced for LD and LJ. Basically, a 300 player vsing a team of average 300 going 10-10 will gain 0 cash... (as its assumed thats a player playing how much they are worth against a team the same hardness as they are and doing what is expected of them ie 1:1, so they should be 300).

              The website is very much a work in progress. If you find any bugs, please post a thread in TWLM in this forum so that others can be aware of the bug and know not to post about it. Saves me being spammed too (which I have just realised no longer exists... I guess just message me on forum with your discovered bugs). Hopefully there isn't that many though...
              Ard you are a fucking legend for this shit man. This is absolutely nasty… nostalgic! Thanks for the efforts on this dope af
              Geio> Down to chill and play that
              Best> rather log off and attempt to suck my own d


              • #8
                Originally posted by Ardour View Post
                I will be making a player profile so users will be able to see this info but currently past matches aren't yet visible from the front end.

                For this one Il entertain this request...

                So comparing yours and Rackas last matches:

                Click image for larger version

Name:	image_2620.jpg
Views:	372
Size:	873.0 KB
ID:	1361274
                player profiles sound cool af. Looking forward to seeing this... I see some past legends on the list too
                1:Foreign> i screenshot every time i get mvp in javs
                1:pascone> folder is empty :/
                1:Tiny> LOL
                1:Mega Newbie> uhauhauhauhauhauha

                1:Ricko> i havent played so well and gone 4-7 before


                • #9
                  B I G H Y P E

                  This is sick. THANK YOU Ardour for getting this up and running in time for this season!
                  zidane> big play
                  Omega Red> dwop sick
                  mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
                  WillBy> ^^

                  1:Chief Utsav> LOL
                  1:Rule> we dont do that here.

                  cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass

