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I heard it through the grapevine

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Cig Smoke
    Agreed, i didnt mean to dog melee like that but its partial true. The chances of an inactive Ephemeral showing up each week is probably slim to no chance. Even if he does, he's inactive and rusty. Meaning a poid or mais will have to fill in. Like awe pointed out, even with that spider ilne u said, they arent near as good as any contending squads in the spider department.
    I am breaking my self-imposed ban on this forum b/c of your post. I play daily, I have missed perhaps 7-10 days in the last year. I have racked up at least 1000 hours per year since 1998. (Math works out to 2.7 hours per day average). During league play I make myself available for ANY match that I am aware of and I hope that my squad thinks of me as dependable and loyal. I am not quite sure why you would think of me as "inactive Ephemeral showing up each week is probably slim to no chance" but you are simply wrong.

    I am on Monday-Friday between the EST hours of 6Pm - 9PM and many tiomes throughout the day and night on the weekends. Now, I do work a job and I am not usually on during other hours.


    • #62
      hehe ephy calm down thats prolly why i rarely see u then. Im not online almost EVER from 6-9 est during the week Sry ephy boi, but fact is even with u melee will have trouble =]


      • #63
        Originally posted by Cig Smoke
        hehe ephy calm down thats prolly why i rarely see u then. Im not online almost EVER from 6-9 est during the week Sry ephy boi, but fact is even with u melee will have trouble =]
        Understood, but I made no comment/retort about your Melee point, please don't try to 'switch gears'. My reply was strictly confined to your incorrect statement about my activity level. Simply put, and drawing from your own remark above, you inferred how active I am based upon the fact that you don't play the hours I do. This is obviously a bad inference and in fact casts me, as a player, in a bad light. I would appreciate it if you could please check your facts and think things through before jumping to such conclusions in the future.

        (Wadi, no need to point out that I am an attention-whore who said several months ago that I would stop posting on these forums, I simply felt the need to set the record straight on the above issue. I will now go away again.)


        • #64
          Calm down ephman I can only goo off of what i see. If i dont see you online then naturaly i'll think ur inactive. How else will i see how active you are? These forums are all about what you think and opinions. Rarely is something based on facts bc you saying ur on 1-2 hrs a day some ppl mite consider inactive where someone like myself is online 5+ hrs a day. I was goin off of what i saw and wha ti thought If i offended u then im sry. Now that i see you are online more i take my statement back and i think you will help melee now that i see your active.


          • #65
            I think we are out of topic now....close please
            TWLD Season 8 Champion: -FINAL-
            TWLB Season 9 Champion: -FINAL-

            Sika> go in, burst and portal out © everett 2006 all rights reserved
            Cross> feel like masturbating after seeing everett in javbirt
            1:LF> my gf gives bad head, how do i fix this 1:pinkSTAR> give head to another guy 1:LF> k ur ignored
            4:moot> cintra thinks he's as good as ev now so he's decided not to talk in public like him
            1:broly> winning this title is like having sex


            • #66
              i heard it through the grapevine

              i heard that the pusher is stepping down as twl op and dean of staff as he will no longer have the internet when he moves away in a week.

              he has decided to pursue his life long dream of being a sherpa in nepal, and will be taking up yodelling lessons in his spare time.

              what've you heard?
              Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
              Philos> there is something about you
              Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

              PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


              • #67
                Cig: .?find ephemeral
                Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                • #68
                  I know you'd think that'd be the simple way, but fact is that dont show u how active someone is over a period of a week or more. I mean If lets use me for example. If im not online for 5 days ina row, then log on just for 5 minutes. Then that Day soemone types ?find Cig Smoke It will say Last seen "2" hrs ago. WHen in reality just bc i was last seen 2 hrs ago dont mean im active. Trust me i aint stupid


                  • #69
                    ephe plays a lot lately.
                    There once was a man from Nantucket.


                    • #70
                      Do it 3 days in a row. You are stupid for thinking him as inactive because you never see him.
                      Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                      • #71
                        LOL How is that stupid? you can only go off of what you see with your own eyes or hear from someone else. I thought he was inactive bc i never seen him, so he is active big woopie doo, i appologized and i said that even with him it wont matter neway. He'll help melee alot but not enuff. Its really no big deal and ur making it one. I personaly have better things to do then type ?find ephemeral every dday for 3 days ina row, then come post on here.


                        • #72
                          Typing .?find ephemeral 3 days in a row will take alot less time then all the posting and essay writing you do on these forums.
                          Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.


                          • #73
                            heard grapevine in lj playoffs.
                            Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                            Philos> there is something about you
                            Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                            PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                            • #74
                              So I start re-reading this thread... got something cool! Cig Smoke you have bad perdictions this year :P

                              Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                              I think SK8 is just as good as melee/basingcrew if not better. I mean Melee surely has the terrier posstion covered with bosshawk, but what happens if he cant show? Not to mention he cant carry a team on his back. He can only carry so far. SK8 with Mufe or Cuji are probably close to as good terr wise as melee, and definatly better then basingCrew and Everest.

                              terr- melee->sk8->bc (in that order) so i think
                              It was the opposite! BC > Sk8 > Melee !!

                              Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                              Shark wise u havta say Sk8 with RR has the best single skilled shark outa the 3 squads. I mean BasingCrew i see constantly playing different ppl in shark, never finding a certain person to do the job. Melee has some decent ones like Recon, mais, ephemeral, but i'd give top spot to SK8 sharkwise if they get anzu/rr to show.

                              Shark- Sk8->melee->bc
                              Once again the opposite! BC > Sk8 > Melee. Like I said, Musashi + namnlos (or now, wbm replaced namnlos's spot) is perfect!

                              Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                              Special shp wise (jav/wb/lanc/cloak) sk8 probably wont play 1. THey'll play the eziest possible lineup to play with, the 5 spider line. BasingCrew has Dragonscale, a good up and coming Javalin. I think if they get into a jav vs jav match vs an equal squad he could prov a difference. Seems Melee has jebu now , who will probably play in jav or wb for them IF they play one.

                              special- BC->melee->sk8
                              You got that right!!! But now it's JeBu =\

                              Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                              Spiderwise u can say Sk8 has the dueling spiders, atleast some. I mean Ease is a great spider, as well as Mikena. As 2 standout spiders. Then u got other guys who just have to fill in the other 3 spots. They'll play 5 spiders probaby every game also. basingcrew, i think will try to play a jav with dragonscale. It mite work bc he's good. I think they have some nic spiders like SUmp, sued, Gedion and stuff, but they only got 18 on the roster. They mite have some attendence problems where certain ppl havta do other things and there best spidres mite not play spider. Melee mite have thhe weakest spiders in TWLB this season. I mean they got some dceent ones like Lemonfrog_returns and Bartman but overall i think the weakest team spiderwise this season.

                              Almost correct!! BC > Sk8 > Melee

                              Anyways, I am just revaluate cig's predictions. =P
                              TWLD Season 8 Champion: -FINAL-
                              TWLB Season 9 Champion: -FINAL-

                              Sika> go in, burst and portal out © everett 2006 all rights reserved
                              Cross> feel like masturbating after seeing everett in javbirt
                              1:LF> my gf gives bad head, how do i fix this 1:pinkSTAR> give head to another guy 1:LF> k ur ignored
                              4:moot> cintra thinks he's as good as ev now so he's decided not to talk in public like him
                              1:broly> winning this title is like having sex


                              • #75
                                i heard gv kicked ass this week.
                                Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                                Philos> there is something about you
                                Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                                PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"

