No, he got MVP because he was on the winning team.
1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
1: cundor> dude
1: cundor> i already told my parents
1: Desperate> LOL
1: Cremation> HAHA
1: bram> :)
1: Da1andonly> LOL
What are you talking about... you can still get MVP in spider easy if you deserve it. I am not even a good spider and I have gotten MVP a few times in the past few weeks. In 4 out of 7 TWLB games this week, a spider got MVP. I just don't think you are trying hard enough if you really have to complain about this.
MVP is no clear goal, its just a surprise at the end of the game to me. It should be something you can fight for while playing like it used to be imo.
lol but in the case of rapid, nemo. had 15-9 with 1 tk, slime had 14-10 with 1 tk, and violence had 9-9 and was mvp. that weighted kills trash u justt mentioned wasnt used here.
There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....
I was told it's fixed now (as of Sunday night)... on that note I don't think it's fixed yet on the website for the games already played.. I guess that needs to be done too
its pretty hard to calculate an mvp for basing isnt it? the only idea i can think of would be to figure out what the average performance for each ship type is, and then award the mvp to the ship that deviates from the average to the good by the greatest amount. within each ship class a different weighted rating would have to be produced and compared to an average performance rating for that ship, because for example, for a spider high kills matter more than low deaths, but for a terr low deaths matter more than high kills. any formula that would be anywhere close to accurate would have to be pretty complicated.
but what would work fairly well imo:
take anzu's twlm basing rating formulas for the different ships (they award rating points based on a formula weighted differently for each ship).
find the mean and std deviation of the rating point awards of each ship.
after the match, assign each ship a certain rating based on twlm-b formula
give mvp to the player who was the greatest # of std deviations above the mean rating performance for his ship type.
yes i know im a fuckin nerd. stfu. fu all. in advance.
esacalte, that sounds pretty good.. however i think we need to get a working base mvp formula for next weeks games..
is that really enough time to get an average for each ship type?
apart from possible time constraints, its a very good idea..
Displaced> I get pussy every day
Displaced> I'm rich
Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
Thors> prolly
Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!
past data can be used to calculate averages, as long as stats are available from past twlb games, something which im not sure of.
even the 7 games played in week 1 would most likely produce numbers that are atleast close to the true averages. and they could always be adjusted again later on if they were found out to be a bad sample. the prob is with ships like warbird and jav. past data would for sure have to be used because i dont even think anyone used a wb in week 1. and maybe 1 or 2 javs only, definitely not enough to calc an average performance.
edit: i know for a fact plenty of past data is available to calc the averages because twlm has last seasons basing stats for tons of players in many diff ships.