I've been looking at these mvp fomrulas and it's quite apparent that they still suck. the meaning of this award has been reduced to nothing. what really bothers me is that people arent aware of this.
first of all, the terr gets mvp every other game. that's cheap shit so even it out.
second, the shark never gets mvp unless his team completely owns the other team and the shark mines and bombs like a madman instead of repelling like it should. i looked at my rating for a twbd game and it was -53,000. i had a pretty good game too, made no mistakes and got shit done. can you assign a value to how well a shark works with his fellow shark? no, and that's pretty damn important, so ditch this system please.
and then the values in the equations are all fucked up too.
for instance, the spider gets .09shark and .06 warbird. so killing a stray shark with no repels is more valued than killing a warbird that is stalking your terrier these days? ok apparently i need to learn a bit more about basing.
even more outrageous, it is more valuable for a spider to kill a shark than a terrier. that's plain ridiculous, seriously whoever thought of that is a newbie.
values should not be assigned to ships unless it is unanimously thought of as more or less valuable to kill a certain ship, or else we are basing according to some random guy who thinks its more important to kill a shark with no reps than a terrier.
when i whine like this the people behind it always bitch at me to be more constructive so here is what i say.
1. go back to the points system.
2. ditch the crappy subjective formulas and just list some cool facts at the end of the match. the many requests for this system have been ignored.
3. if you must keep the formulas, terrier kills should be the only kills with weighted value, because it is obvious to any baser who doesnt have shit for brains that its by far the most important ship to kill. and make it so every ship has an equal chance for mvp. make it work or leave it.
first of all, the terr gets mvp every other game. that's cheap shit so even it out.
second, the shark never gets mvp unless his team completely owns the other team and the shark mines and bombs like a madman instead of repelling like it should. i looked at my rating for a twbd game and it was -53,000. i had a pretty good game too, made no mistakes and got shit done. can you assign a value to how well a shark works with his fellow shark? no, and that's pretty damn important, so ditch this system please.
and then the values in the equations are all fucked up too.
for instance, the spider gets .09shark and .06 warbird. so killing a stray shark with no repels is more valued than killing a warbird that is stalking your terrier these days? ok apparently i need to learn a bit more about basing.
even more outrageous, it is more valuable for a spider to kill a shark than a terrier. that's plain ridiculous, seriously whoever thought of that is a newbie.
values should not be assigned to ships unless it is unanimously thought of as more or less valuable to kill a certain ship, or else we are basing according to some random guy who thinks its more important to kill a shark with no reps than a terrier.
when i whine like this the people behind it always bitch at me to be more constructive so here is what i say.
1. go back to the points system.
2. ditch the crappy subjective formulas and just list some cool facts at the end of the match. the many requests for this system have been ignored.
3. if you must keep the formulas, terrier kills should be the only kills with weighted value, because it is obvious to any baser who doesnt have shit for brains that its by far the most important ship to kill. and make it so every ship has an equal chance for mvp. make it work or leave it.