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Request for possible rule exemption

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  • #31
    one of the stupid requests i've ever seen :P

    So if ppl want to change squads after rosterlock.. just get axed and ask for permission to join other. Hey rules are rules. You knew it's rosterlock now.. should have acted like it
    Mirror <ZH> omg it shark
    Mirror <ZH> this sucks
    Server> dont worry mirror
    Server> shark fits your tits
    Peace <ZH>> shut up
    Peace <ZH>> i do not apperciate you talking to my girlfriend in that manner

    i.d.> Teach me how to not choke
    Witness> well first you put it in your mouth ... but not to long

    1:Hercules> ghoul
    1:Hercules> im level 90
    1:Hercules> in 9d
    1:Hercules> bought a char off ebay
    1:Hercules> cost me $50 but was worth it


    • #32
      Every squad, and those people who control them, have to make decisions based upon the squad's objective. It is unfortunate that many squads don't spend more time/effort in stating what this objective is, simply relying on the unspoken vision of a leader.

      But every squad should communicate what this vision is, so players can make intelligent decision about joining them. For example, I wouldn't join a squad who objective was to 'win at any cost'. This implies that they will recruit players based upon skill only, not considering whether or not the same player is a total moron (running their mouths in chat, squad-hopping, cheating, etc.). We can all name at least 5 great players in TW that fit this description.

      The really hard decisions are about those players who work hard for the team, but fail to understand the 'bigger picture'. I've seen this in many squads, guys who contribute in some ways, but really end up damaging the squad. An obvious example of this would be the current situation with Shriek. I'm sure Merce contributed a large amount of time/effort to his squad, yet ends doing something that hurts the team in a massive way. Other examples aren't quite so obvious, but the fact remains that every squads struggles with this issue. Is this person hurting the team with their behavior? If the behavior is intended, in a short-sighted way, to 'help', then I think the player should be pulled aside and given the understanding and perspective they should have. If this fails, then I say axe them. Another difficult situation for a squad is if a player truly cares and contributes to a squad but damages the squad by not representing the squad well in public. An example of this might be someone who trash talks constantly in Elim or these forums or is clearly racist.

      It all depends on the squad's objective. I think it's fine for a squad to have any objective they want. If their objective is to win short-term, at any cost, a player should be able to make a judgment on whether or not to join them.

      Personally, I tend to look for a squad that has a objective that is longer-term, a squad who expects a players to behave in what is the best interest of the squad. A squad that clearly desires to win and become better, but one that understands that a squad should be fun too. A squad that is fair, competitive, and has a leaders that have a good understanding of the game AND of people.
      And that's why I am on Disoblige.
      Last edited by Ephemeral; 06-30-2004, 08:06 AM.


      • #33
        Just join whipe and try to be better teamates from now on shitheads. if you were cut from diso it's because you were poison to their morale and probably deserved it.
        Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

        Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

        okie dokey baby?


        • #34
          Mh, a few things:

          Underground, before I did this you fucking licked my ass every day, now when dl is gone you act like this? K, what have you accomplished as a leader?
          I (the leaderboard) did what we would think would be the best for DISOBLIGE. I prefer having fun in this game then coming online and hearing shit talk all the time, and everything something happens it's my fault (trust me, I get this all the time). I was away 2 times for 3-4 days, both times members left. I bet most of diso who wasn't even involved in anything do not know how much I strived to keep this together. I even voted "no" for downloads axing in that thread. But shit hit the fan.

          Decypha, my thoughts of you were like 50/50. You said I shit you over 2 times, and the first time was in a TWLJ match. I didn't sub you in because I thought YOU WEREN'T THERE. Mind you, I was PLAYING in that match and getting chased by 2 enemies I don't really find it helpful if I have to check f2 and start reading shit. I knew bram was there, and not afk. And bram can jav, aswell as you. The only difference is that he can jav well against good squads, in MY opinion. However, I think I understand why you are mad because of getting axed, your case was really thin. I think the final decision was made by me when people were saying both yes and no for axing you.
          This 'other' time when I "fucked you up" (yesterdays TWDD), I was looking through TWD and checked our played matches, and if I remember correctly you played a hell lot of matches some days ago. I hadn't played for what - I don't even know - and I thought I could play. How many times have you sat for someone else? Not too many. How many have I? A lot. Point proven. However, in this twdd I already asked Disp if he could spec for you (since he has been playing in like every twdd match we have had), but when I had pressed enter after typing my sentence, you had left. (the game, not the squad which you did once already)

          Nethervoid, you have done a lot. I don't see why you think you're some fucking innocent angel. Hell, I've done some stuff too, but I fucking know what I've done - You just act like you've done nothing, and it pisses me off. Let me ask you a question - did you have fun coming online the last 2 weeks, everytime you logged on, the shit talking started. I don't know if you find it funny, but I sure as hell do not. I don't find any fun at all coming online and wanting to have a little chat or something, and when I come online I see something like this:

          1:Nethervoid> OMFG Team!!!!!!!!!!!
          1:download> sigh newbies
          1:Nethervoid> yea

          Something along those lines, and seriously, fuck you, if you think you haven't done anything.

          download, you know very well why you got axed - people got fed up with your constant whining and shit talking - I bet it gives you some sort of entertainment or something, but it sure as hell is not what the rest of diso comes online for. I don't know about you, but I come online to try and have some fun. But I do not find any fun hearing constant shit talking and never EVER trying to bring up the squads morale.

          There, some insights by me. What's done is done, and it can't be taken back. Two more minutes, and I'm heading home. Work sucks.
          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
          There wont be another election for president.
          Obama is the Omega President.


          • #35
            if it wasn't for download a few Disobligers would still be there...Nailed, myself, M_M god...


            • #36
              u are being sad da1, i know why i got axed, but u dont seem to know it. u damn well know that i always fundamented my criticism towards anyone with well thought arguements at the very least, even if u dont agree with them, i did give them. i never gratuitly shit talked, there was always a reason, in my mind at least.

              in what regards to the "constant shit talking and never EVER trying to bring up the squads morale" i will just go back to last season, and make u think on why u won twlj. i was here to all games last season, summer weekends too, i did my best to make u ppl active and i managed it, i got uor morales up by bringing something good to uor dueling lineups, i worked my ass off for this squad last season, and i can safely say u wouldnt have gone anywhere without me and this season would come one season earlier if it wasnt for me. i didnt have the energy to do it again this season.

              wat happened this season was always pointing out wat i thought wrong, some people take it better than others, some didnt take it at all. if u wish to wash dirty laundry then i can do that too, i criticized warportals positioning in fr, he doesnt give us momentum, i criticized brams constant running and hiding in LD leaving the team 4v5 most times, i criticized the lack of rotation with our sharks and even practiced shark to make it better, i criticized uor attitudes towards decypha as being wrong and in disregard for the efforts he pulled for this squad. i criticized lack of ambition, activity and practice. i criticized the fact that u dont like to be pointed out wat is wrong after games. granted, i did never regard anyones feelings when i criticized, and in the end, that was my mistake, ppl got hurt too many times, and in my eyes it is why i was axed. at least this was the reason the other diso leaderboard members gave me.

              im an ambitious player, i like to win, i have fun when i win, i play this for fun, uor fun does not come from the same place where mine does, i have fun in winning, not in playing without pressure or ambition, i guess its just a clash of interests between me and diso, nothing personal, i still respect all of u except for da1 for his most recent behaviours.

              i guess im just a little sad cause after all i did for diso for the whole of last season, i deserved to at least be axed before the roster lock, if they were thinking of it for so long.

              I LOVE U CRVENBAN

              In what regards to nailed cumu, it was a football arguement through the forums, we never even talked in game, and when i get into SS crvenban tells me he left over an arguement after england lost to portugal, he said my team didnt win fair, i talked trash about his country.

              in what regards to uorself, i dunno, i never argued with u. have no clue wat it was about.
              Last edited by Luckily Yours; 06-30-2004, 09:33 AM.
              There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


              • #37
                Good move diso, cept for maybe decy He's a cool guy =p I even like neth a lil. DL is a great player so he helped u there, but his additude is and always has been bad. U guys sh ould of did this earlier so ur other players would of stayed

                On topic tho, they shouldnt be allowed to play in other squads. Thats stupid to even think that. I mean if u do this then anyone who wants to hop just says they get axed. U cant bend the rules for 3 ppl who get axed. Just like u cant bend the rules for the ppl on shriek who got ripped off.

                You choose the way u act on a squad, u choose the squad u want to be on and u had to choose to stay on diso when roster lock came when u heard about the speculations of being axed. Maybe instead of coming here asking to get the rules bent, u should work on not being dickheads for next TWL when ur on a new squad. Its only a fwe more weeks till TWL ends anyway. I highly doubt diso waited for 3 weeks just so u couldnt play TWL at all.

                This post is only about dl/nether bc decy is da bomb.


                • #38
                  i think the lot of you are all whining bitches

                  <3 decy!!!


                  • #39
                    Da1andonly I dont know where that "lick ur ass" thing came. I never liked you and I always told download u were the crap of squadcaptains. Personally u just made a big error. From what Decypha told me he was trying to practice in warbirds in a twdd vs Sk8 and suddenly u arrive and spec him. Nice move little nerd. You start things and dont want whining over it? download and nethervoid are two really competetitive guys that wanted the best for Disoblige meaning WINS. Its you da1andonly that is inactive, dont practice and do bullshit. Do u remember the TWLJ vs Shriek where u also decided to make Decypha sit? Also Pjotter thing that I wont talk about.
                    All I have to say is: Mantra-Slider wouldnt let this happen..
                    And what concerns the thread u started in TW Forums about Disoblige dissolving after TWL: EVEN THE OTHER LEADERBOARD MEMBERS SAID DISO MIGHT NOT DISSOLVE. U think u decide alone or something? U get there make a thread with that big impact and im pretty sure it wont even happen. Sorry but I dunno what ppl will think about you if Disoblige doesnt dissolve after TWL (which wont happen).
                    PS: Now u lick my ass dalandondly
                    1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                    1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                    1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                    1:Vitja> afk
                    1:Underground> haha vit
                    1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                    -Sk8 site and forums:


                    • #40
                      Winning isnt everything undies. If dl's winning ways and additude made others mad/not have fun and so on then its the rite thing to do, even if it will hurt them in leagues. I mean i think dl was doing what he could to help the squad aka critisising and stuff, it just came out wrong. I think he meant good by it and didnt want anyone to take harm to it. but if ppl were leaving bc of him, u have to think of the squad more then winning leagues.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Tyson
                        There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                        Originally posted by HeavenSent
                        Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                        Originally posted by Izor
                        Women should never be working in the first place.


                        • #42
                          manty is gonna open a can!


                          • #43

                            Those 3 really got screwed the fuck over. From what it seems Neth, and DL are ambitious players who place alot of constructive criticism on others. I guess some ppl might have seen it as constant nagging. Those people however are just close minded fools who cant take a little criticism . Moving on to Decypha's case, WTF? Why would you even axe him? He seems like a very nice dude. Thats just bad cap'ing in my opinion. At any rate, there goes Diso's chance at winning anything this year. Hope they are happy.

                            I digress. Concerning Neth's plea for a 1 week grace period, I think this is reasonable if it is applied for ALL of TWL not just these 3 specific players. It would be unfair to the others such as some NON-NERDY players from shriek or players from any other squad. Bending the rules just for 3 people would make a lot of ppl mad including me . So either apply it to all of TWL or none at all is what im saying.

                            And Finally,

                            Originally posted by Underground
                            PS: Now u lick my ass dalandondly
                            OWNED???? Go get your acne cleared clay aiken.
                            1:AnZu> jk jk underground i love you


                            • #44
                              This is rather humerous coming from Da1 seeing how he's the guy that posted "You will never get axed for your opion" DL and I got mad over and over again because people would either not show, would show and not try, or would not practice for weeks and still start in TWL games over people that are better and had been practicing (hello Crv:/). I guess this is my fault for not bailing on you guys when I should have but stuck ith you because I don't like to squad hop, DL and I came real close a week before the roster lock, I'm starting to see why everyone in TW squad hops constantly.


                              • #45
                                Honestly I think the whole roster lock is a bunch of horseshits and it annoys me they should get rid of it and just have the 1 week waiting period or increase it to a 2 week waiting period.
                                carpe diem

