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Request for possible rule exemption

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Da1andonly
    Mh, a few things:

    Decypha, my thoughts of you were like 50/50.

    I didn't sub you in because I thought YOU WEREN'T THERE.

    However, I think I understand why you are mad because of getting axed, your case was really thin. I think the final decision was made by me when people were saying both yes and no for axing you.

    This 'other' time when I "fucked you up" (yesterdays TWDD), I was looking through TWD and checked our played matches, and if I remember correctly you played a hell lot of matches some days ago. I hadn't played for what - I don't even know - and I thought I could play. How many times have you sat for someone else? Not too many. How many have I? A lot. Point proven. However, in this twdd I already asked Disp if he could spec for you (since he has been playing in like every twdd match we have had), but when I had pressed enter after typing my sentence, you had left. (the game, not the squad which you did once already)
    first of all, i would LOVE to know where that 50/50 crap came from cuz i have
    never given you any reason to even think about axing me. so there is one b.s. comment from you.

    second of all, stop sticking to the 'thought you werent there' excuse. people were saying that i should have started, and i was encouraging before the match....yet you suddenly think i walked away from the computer? sigh...b.s. #2

    you do realize that you are the only one that wanted to axe me right? lol...warportal said so and then took it back because he realized that it was baby bullshit and not even close to a reason for axing.

    and yes, i have played in a bunch of matches. why? BECAUSE I'VE BEEN TRYING TO GET BETTER AT WARBIRD BECAUSE WE DONT HAVE A LINE BECAUSE OF INACTIVE SHITSTAINS LIKE YOU. what the fuck kind of logic do you use by saying that because you havent been around that you should play? go to elim. why would you halter the progress of people trying to get better just because you felt like showing up and playing for your one game a week. and dont even start with the telling disp to spec shit. i spec'd for a good 2 mins, and left when the game started, so stfu.

    if you look back at what you've done in the last day, mabye it would have been better if you had axed yourself. cuz not only have you pissed the whole squad off in axing me, but you are making squad matters that should be held in private discussion and on our own forums public for everyone. hell you are the only one who is in favor of dissolving. how the hell can you want whats best for diso if you want it to end? high ambitions, huh fucker?
    1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
    1:Jack Kiefer> 22
    1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


    • #47
      Decyphass, the TWLJ thing was when I was going to SUB. And if you really want to know, me nether and download decided who to play that game. They both agreed to not play you since you pulled a 0-5 against someone (or was it twice in a row?). And you can't really say that you're better then me in wb, I felt that we would've had a bigger chance winning if I'd play. And you know that. "Inactive shitstains like you"...oo, harsh words for the guy who got in Diso ONLY because of me. People didn't want you, I used my veto. And hell yes I am inactive, real life is much more important. But what's the difference if I'm inactive or not? The core guys that we had in both LD and LJ knew how I played anyway, and since I'm better then you in both wbs and javs...what's the difference?

      Underground, I still don't know why you have anything to say, you're just a fuckface with no skill in the game (not like it matters, just fun to say) and a squadleader who recruits any guy he can get...or that's the impression I've got. Look at your roster.

      And to whoever said that it might've been better if I axed myself (called squadleaving btw), I was thinking about that already before the whole rosterlock shit, but I know some people would've left if I would've left at that point.
      Originally Posted by HeavenSent
      You won't have to wait another 4 years.
      There wont be another election for president.
      Obama is the Omega President.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Da1andonly
        Decyphass, the TWLJ thing was when I was going to SUB. And if you really want to know, me nether and download decided who to play that game.
        we both know if i had any say in lineups they woulda been alot different, and if i recalled u asked me wat i thought and i said "u are the cap, its uor decision".
        There is no point in singing while shitting cause shit wont come out dancing.....


        • #49
          thread closed
          Originally posted by Tyson
          There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
          Originally posted by HeavenSent
          Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
          Originally posted by Izor
          Women should never be working in the first place.


          • #50
            DL, that actually sounds familiar now when you say it. One of you (either nether or you) did say tho that he sucked against some squad and maybe it would be wise to not let him play.
            Originally Posted by HeavenSent
            You won't have to wait another 4 years.
            There wont be another election for president.
            Obama is the Omega President.


            • #51
              holland really have to get their act together.

              ns by figo btw


              • #52
                Originally posted by Da1andonly
                oo, harsh words for the guy who got in Diso ONLY because of me. People didn't want you, I used my veto.
                kinda ironic that they back me more than you now eh? a normal member is liked more than a big bad and if real life is so much more important, why bicker about who is better in a spaceship? i never said i was better, i said i've been practicing.

                sigh....there is nothing to even argue with you about, here in america there is laws against picking on retards so i guess i'll jus stop now and let the rest of diso and most of the other people let you look like the ass you are =)
                1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Da1andonly
                  DL, that actually sounds familiar now when you say it. One of you (either nether or you) did say tho that he sucked against some squad and maybe it would be wise to not let him play.
                  **notes to self how da1 always has someone to blame when doing something retarded...**

                  **2nd note to self...this shows bad leadership**
                  1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                  1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                  1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                  • #54
                    I could understand that you wanted to squadhop if there was no hard lock rule in TWL. But there is.

                    Why can't people new to the whole game join TWL if the purpose of the rosterlocks is to prevent squadhopping? Well because the rule has more meaning than just stopping that.

                    Sucks to be you but you I'm thinking you deserve it.

                    edit: ps, this is an reply to the first post in this thread, there is no way I can be arsed to read trough all the crap people wrote in between.
                    5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
                    5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
                    5: Da1andonly> =((
                    5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
                    5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
                    5: Epinephrine> oh shit


                    • #55
                      I hereby nominate Da1 for the "worst captain of the year award". Congrat's! You've managed to do in 2 weeks what I haven't been able to do in 8 years of captaining teams and that's run a long standing solid team into the ground! You don't have the slightest clue about how to manage players and you have people on your own squad saying you're the problem, good job man!

                      Btw, I never EVER said play bram in javs over Decy, not once.


                      • #56
                        Guys (Disoblige dudes), for the sake of your squad's reputation, please take this fighting to your own forum. You're really not accomplishing anything here but dragging Diso's good name through the mud. I know people are pissed and what not, but it's sounds more like it's personal, so I think you should handle it on a personal level.
                        jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                        • #57
                          well considering the soft lock was a joke, and was told to people after the hardlock was done that the soft lock couldnt be enforced......... thus allowing anyone that did change rosters after the softlock but before the hardlock to still be eligible this season.........

                          maybe a 1 week TWL wide eligibility recruit still be offered?

                          there seems to be a couple major issues happen this week, and the ability by a governing body to be flexible shows its sign of its ability to lead.......

                          you will never please everyone, lots will be opposed, lots will be for it.... perhaps a quick 24 hour vote thru a poll.... or thru email to see what the consensus would be

                          or a captains vote... each TWL squad could send1 or 2 representitives to an arena with the twl ops and have a private vote
                          Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are sexy.


                          • #58
                            bosshawk's idea is actually very good. .i hope people hear him out.
                            1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                            1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                            1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                            • #59
                              Dalandondly, u fucking shit face dont talk shit about squads that beat u in TWL in 2 years in a row. Thanks. Another thing: Everyone in Disoblige knows the STUPID THREAD u created about Disoblige dissolving. I talked with a lot of them.
                              Now go to ur real life but dont forget u have "a tear in the eye" .
                              1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                              1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                              1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                              1:Vitja> afk
                              1:Underground> haha vit
                              1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                              -Sk8 site and forums:


                              • #60
                                There shouldnt even be a roster lock till 1 week b4 playoffs. Just have it a 2+ week waiting period b4 they are allowed to play. That way u miss a fair amount of games. Or u could make it 3-4 week wait taht way ppl cant hop to playoff squads rite b4 playofs, bc they'd not be eligable. There are better ways to do things then to have a roster lock.

