Hah! On time this week!
OKAY 2 weeks ago results:
This past week:
D:5/7 - Rapid/Alf wrong Anc/Melee wrong
J:5/7 Mambo/Diso Sexed/Tanked
B:4/7 Wr/Inc Sk8/Def Synd/Diso
Wow, two bad weeks Ouch.
Season Totals:
Lets see if i can get them above 80 byt he end of the season.
Pallies vs. Rapid - Pallies all the way, they're simply overpowering.
Sk8 vs. Verone - Sk8 all the way, although Verone is a quality team.
Melee vs. Syndicate - Synd, and the one sided matches continue.
British Squad vs. Grapevine - GrapeVine, althoguh this is a big time important match for BS.
Ancients vs. Disoblige - Disoblige
Pirates vs. AseVoimat - Pirates
-FINAL- vs. Slash - -Final- (sorry inf)
Avalonian vs. DragonGuard - DG
Disoblige vs. Sk8 - I hate disoblige sometimes
This'll be up to who shows, hopfully for diso it won't be the same guys that lost to mambo. SK8 wins
Pallies vs. Pirates - o.O heres a nice match. the BB and V connection is to strong though, Pallies take it.
Ancients vs. whiterabbits - Whiterabbits 4 TWLJ! We're going to take names and kick ass, i'll totally be there. Step off, turbonium is a bad mother
DragonGuard vs. Rapid - Rapid with the shorter name.
-FINAL- vs. Melee - -Final- with the longer name.
Grapevine vs. Tanked - Grapevine with the uglier name.
Hinder vs. Mambo - Hinder with the i dunno...H?
Sexed vs. Syndicate - Synd
Anti-Scrub vs. ReJeCtEd BaSeRs - An absolute MUST WIN for RB. A loss will all but assure them of not going to the playoffs. THis is not a must win for A-S as they have a game in hand (against Sk8) A-S for the win, RB for no playoffs.
Disoblige vs. whiterabbits - Must win for both teams, whoever wins is going to the playoffs. We have a habit of not going to the playoffs recently. Disoblige for the win (see, and now if we beat them, i was wrong but happy, it's a win win bitches!)
Melee vs. Defiancy - Winnign streak of 2 for Defiancy!
Mambo vs. Sk8 - mambo
-FINAL- vs. Spastic - Now this will be a good match. I'm going for Spastic to make that division just that much closer.
Incuria vs. Syndicate - Syndicate
BasingCrew vs. Pallies - Pallies
There you have it.
No time for an editorial this week but perhaps a paragraph.
To all you losers who can't step up, to the squads that trashtalk and fall out of TWL midway through. To the squads that step in and dissolve within weeks, to the squads that show 4, or forfeit matches. You do not belong here. You are not good enough. You will never be good enough. You can't play witht he big boys, you simply don't deserve it.
OKAY 2 weeks ago results:
This past week:
D:5/7 - Rapid/Alf wrong Anc/Melee wrong
J:5/7 Mambo/Diso Sexed/Tanked
B:4/7 Wr/Inc Sk8/Def Synd/Diso
Wow, two bad weeks Ouch.
Season Totals:
Lets see if i can get them above 80 byt he end of the season.
Pallies vs. Rapid - Pallies all the way, they're simply overpowering.
Sk8 vs. Verone - Sk8 all the way, although Verone is a quality team.
Melee vs. Syndicate - Synd, and the one sided matches continue.
British Squad vs. Grapevine - GrapeVine, althoguh this is a big time important match for BS.
Ancients vs. Disoblige - Disoblige
Pirates vs. AseVoimat - Pirates
-FINAL- vs. Slash - -Final- (sorry inf)
Avalonian vs. DragonGuard - DG
Disoblige vs. Sk8 - I hate disoblige sometimes
Pallies vs. Pirates - o.O heres a nice match. the BB and V connection is to strong though, Pallies take it.
Ancients vs. whiterabbits - Whiterabbits 4 TWLJ! We're going to take names and kick ass, i'll totally be there. Step off, turbonium is a bad mother
DragonGuard vs. Rapid - Rapid with the shorter name.
-FINAL- vs. Melee - -Final- with the longer name.
Grapevine vs. Tanked - Grapevine with the uglier name.
Hinder vs. Mambo - Hinder with the i dunno...H?
Sexed vs. Syndicate - Synd
Anti-Scrub vs. ReJeCtEd BaSeRs - An absolute MUST WIN for RB. A loss will all but assure them of not going to the playoffs. THis is not a must win for A-S as they have a game in hand (against Sk8) A-S for the win, RB for no playoffs.
Disoblige vs. whiterabbits - Must win for both teams, whoever wins is going to the playoffs. We have a habit of not going to the playoffs recently. Disoblige for the win (see, and now if we beat them, i was wrong but happy, it's a win win bitches!)
Melee vs. Defiancy - Winnign streak of 2 for Defiancy!
Mambo vs. Sk8 - mambo
-FINAL- vs. Spastic - Now this will be a good match. I'm going for Spastic to make that division just that much closer.
Incuria vs. Syndicate - Syndicate
BasingCrew vs. Pallies - Pallies
There you have it.
No time for an editorial this week but perhaps a paragraph.
To all you losers who can't step up, to the squads that trashtalk and fall out of TWL midway through. To the squads that step in and dissolve within weeks, to the squads that show 4, or forfeit matches. You do not belong here. You are not good enough. You will never be good enough. You can't play witht he big boys, you simply don't deserve it.