You can find the current TWL rosters by checking out this spreadsheet. First sheet is an overview of players where you see currently registered players and on which rosters they are on, and additionally you can go to main squad roster sheets to see how many roster slots are remaining, which kind of changes were done, and some other information.
As of today we still need player lists from Dudgeon, Marksmin, Paladen, Spider, and Wolf. Spastic is also missing their dueling league roster. Squads have until Friday 11:59 PM EDT to submit their rosters and any possible changes after which the roster will lock for the weekend and reopen on Monday. Any changes to squad rosters is by contacting a TWL operator in-game, with messages, or on the forums.
TWL Rosters Season 22 (2019)
As of today we still need player lists from Dudgeon, Marksmin, Paladen, Spider, and Wolf. Spastic is also missing their dueling league roster. Squads have until Friday 11:59 PM EDT to submit their rosters and any possible changes after which the roster will lock for the weekend and reopen on Monday. Any changes to squad rosters is by contacting a TWL operator in-game, with messages, or on the forums.
TWL Rosters Season 22 (2019)