He is Sirius. who was the squad captain of the replacement TWLD Season 6 squad -Solstice-, which managed to upset Light in one of the regular season games.I don't think we'll see -Final- still around, code. I think some of their members are retiring, and some will be moving on when the squad falls. Most likely to the next big 1 season wonder.
I see sk8, -f-, ancs, and GV staying around in the LD area, but a lot of squads are suffering at the moment. It could just be because week 10 is over, but most likely, at most 60% of the TWL squads, mainly TWLD, will dissolve in the months to come. I see BasingCrew,Sk8, Diso, Mambo, and possibly Incuria and Pallies sticking together in the TWLB area. I don't know jack shit about LJ so I'll just leave it up to those yellow ship kids.
Oh shit, how could I forget, A-S will stick around.
probably because this is more of a thread about the LD/LJ squads that will still be around. Everyone knows the usual squads in LB will still be there. a-s, wr, diso, pallies, incuria, spastic, mambo, rb, basingcrew, ...etc etc.
Yeah he's a famous cheat, no wonder he changed his name and folded the squad.. - TajaUk
I see enmity dies hard; don't worry buddy, one day you'll get over it.
The fact that I knew how to use the lag I had in the past doesn't make me a cheat, though I'm flattered by your comment. I used to have around 250 ms until I switched to an older modem from one of my older comps around august of last year, which lowered my ms down to 160, and ceased the legendary fables concerning my lag.
As far as my name..I've been using that name for around 4 years..it wasn't my first name and obviously not my last; even I get tired of using the same name after a while, just not as quickly as the masses.
Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
7:LofTy> Rofl Drow
Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl
death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.
I heard esc and stripes are starting there own wb squad (so i dont think he'll be on palliess, would be good fit tho $) I also heard that spawnisen is suppose to start a squad and a bunch of other guys.
U are all forgetting the Shriek javs and players who now are on squads like paladen and other squads just to JD, i expect after the tWL season 1 person from shriek (if not more) will start a squad and be shriek2 in a sence just under diff name/leadership.
I think we'll have quite the amount of squads out there fighting for twl spots after the twd reset. need to limit the twd rosters tho like TWL, cant have squads like sk8 and stuff having 50 ppl on there roster. thast a joke.
Is rb gonna be alive next season? I seen Lunch3 stumbled over to a-s, and minkmink went to spastic. IS that a sign they are over after this 1 eyar? or is it just ppl hopping bc no playoffs for this season.
Pan: i think 3 league squads are the best to have, i mean they are usualy the most stable squads in TWL. Problem is they usualy master 1 league and suck in the other 2. Or are just mediocre in all 3. U very rarely get squads like -f-/pallies/diso who can do good in all 3 leagues. If we could get roster limits so ppl would be spread around then i think the compatition would be better and squads like rb/a-s/inc could do good in oher leagues.
i expect after the tWL season 1 person from shriek (if not more) will start a squad and be shriek2 in a sence just under diff name/leadership.
this will be happening and i know who their leader will be, but they will likely be missing some key javs from shriek and whether or not they let merce join is still a mystery to me
Ya i know who its suppose to be too but i dont konw if he wanted me to say
I believe they had taht convo about merce and i think they decided to let him join but just not let him ahve the (C) feature lol Im not acap or even in the squad (since its not created) so that info mite be wrong, but its what i heard.
About them missing ppl, i dont think they'll be missing very many. I mean they'll still have the top 4 javs they had this season and from what i hear 2 top javs from others squasd are supose to join as well. Again i could be wrong I dont know if they goin for WB/base, but i imagine baseing they will. Probably wont get any of there wbs to go for wbz, i mean vigi w/ u guys, stripes with someone, and so on but i think they'll have the basic core guys (atleast for javs) and a few good add ons. Should be strong to say the least.
The fact that I knew how to use the lag I had in the past doesn't make me a cheat, though I'm flattered by your comment.
Lag has nothing to do with your famous cheats. The use of spare nicks for non-squaddies to help you out was. Alternativly you used the nicks yourself to re-enter a game once you had been knocked out.
This was a common practice in your squad and you activly encouraged cheating, so ex-members have told me. Please dont even bother defending yourself, your pathetic.
Rofl, you're referring to off-season times before scores were supposed to reset...actions of the sort have no significance at the time, though again, I'm flattered with how obsessed you are to keep track of what I supposedly do or when.
Really wonder why -F- let you in. - TajaUk
I was invited, but that's beside the point. There are two types of people in this game, more or less. Me and my squad, belong to one type. You belong to the other. One of the primary discriminations between the two types is the sheer ignorance, nonacceptance, and lack of confidence existing on one side, barring that side from any exposure or interaction to/with the other side, further fueling the ignorance aspect as well.
Having said that, understand this - knowledge and understanding is a privilege, not a right; and it's a privilege that fools such as yourself are exempt from in this game, therefore you will keep wondering as long as your little upsets with me exist.
Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
7:LofTy> Rofl Drow
Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl
death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.