I'm not out to get you, Poseidon. If you played great, I would have given you the HOT. This isn't personal, just thought you had a bad game. Happy to review the video after work to see the examples you provided and reassess to see if I was wrong (I don't think I am, but I could be).
That's 3.5 minutes you're spending dead in a max. 30 minute game. Huge waste of a player. When you die that much and kill that infrequently, your team is essentially playing man down for at least 10% of the game.
what it comes down to is you (and it would appear most every1 else) dont really understand how to guage effectivness in spid. They dont understand the difference between a smart death and a bad one. They dont understand the game as an atritino of space. All they know how to do is judge by record... which is exactly what u ppl are doing
what it comes down to is you (and it would appear most every1 else) dont really understand how to guage effectivness in spid. They dont understand the difference between a smart death and a bad one. They dont understand the game as an atritino of space. All they know how to do is judge by record... which is exactly what u ppl are doing
While I understand your point about flag control vs rec (especially on under) you have to acknowledge that there is a correlation between record and winning percentage. By my count, all but 2 games so far this season the winning team has had a next positive K. It's the burden of the spiders to make up the deficit from the sharks. A good push (and resulting death) can lead to a tek, but any dropped coverage as a result can hurt your team. At the end of the day, decisions like "to push or not" are made in the moment, and hindsight is 20/20.
it's hard to get respect from the more veteran players here, and actions dont always speak as loud as words. Luckily, this forum is for you to use just as much as it is for Pressure. I thought your sequential breakdown of pushes was interesting. Basing needs more coverage, period (much thanks to Pressure, obviously). If you were to post breakdowns of a few other key moments in any game, I'd be interested in reading them.
How did you get this far thinking the game is about space? There's a reason the team with the most kills almost always wins. It boils down to who has the most energy used effectively. Your team misses out on a ton of energy when a spider dies, you'd better be getting something like saving your terr in return or it's not worth it.
J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass
8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6
2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw
Yes, if you get a shitty ass spider rec, but get teks, it's fine. But here are some more stats for you. Currently you have the 2nd to worst K/D in twl this season. Also 3rd worst kills per minute. Yes you got one lonely tek, gj on that. But stat-wise you were insignificant aside from the tek. If you die every time you get a kill, your team is now 7 vs 7 and you have no real advantage gained. Yes sometimes going 1-1 is worth it, you can gain space on it, there are tons of variables stats don't show. But over the course of an entire game it's not.
Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd
rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
(10 seconds later)
rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.
If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.
Devils advocate here - hellkite and turban play the same style as pos (maybe better) and often with negative or near 1:1 recs, yet they’re hailed as spider gods. Idk....I just likey the pew pew
Its not much about his 1:1 I think. Its more about getting out killed by everyone with +14. You name Turban here, yea... He goes 1:1 but often with a kill amount which is on the top of the list. Spikey always had a close 1:1 rec, but never on the bottom part of the kills amount.
Not saying fire lost cuz of poseidon, he isnt alone resposible for a 70 k:d difference. But his attitude that he did great and rest of his team is stupid... While the of this team win multiple LB's in the past.
Ofc they see it wrong for benching him the second game. Learn from the games you played and improve as ogron always tries to do with his teammates. (kado for example and many low stars in twdtb)
Its not much about his 1:1 I think. Its more about getting out killed by everyone with +14. You name Turban here, yea... He goes 1:1 but often with a kill amount which is on the top of the list. Spikey always had a close 1:1 rec, but never on the bottom part of the kills amount.
Not saying fire lost cuz of poseidon, he isnt alone resposible for a 70 k:d difference. But his attitude that he did great and rest of his team is stupid... While the of this team win multiple LB's in the past.
Ofc they see it wrong for benching him the second game. Learn from the games you played and improve as ogron always tries to do with his teammates. (kado for example and many low stars in twdtb)
devils advocate again - low kill count could be attributed to playing under. For instance, I believe it was basing cup finals where Turban went and played under to end with a rec of 50-45 or so. Harder to get kill count down there
J-B-Inc> i ddi that duel while doing coke of pawner moms ass
8:Riverside> UPDATE FOR WEEK 1:
8:Riverside> I go 4-60 and we lose 0-6
2:saiyan> [Dec 22 21:22] Rough: yo just came on to tell you, can you go on a real date with a girl (need to be specific here lol) instead of talking to claus on forums about calcs and formulas for a league? Happy holidays btw
devils advocate again - low kill count could be attributed to playing under. For instance, I believe it was basing cup finals where Turban went and played under to end with a rec of 50-45 or so. Harder to get kill count down there
Yes, quite often playing under nets you less kills. But (usually) there are 2 unders for each team, which means 4 players getting less kills. He still ended up with the least kills in the match by quite a bit. As an over spider myself I understand swapping to under when not used to it is hard. All the excuses in the world don't change the fact he had a bad game. Even the best players have bad games, you move on and play better next time.
Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd
rylo> 1.5 mil for whoever kills renzi
(10 seconds later)
rEnZi is out. 17 kills 10 deaths. 2 players remain.
P TW-Pub> rylo sent you $1,500,000, you now have $4,047,199.
If you're going to do a thing you should to it to the best of your ability or don't do it at all.
LOL NOOPIS STILL TALKING ABUOT RECORD. wow. i guess there's no talking sense to 2 u ppl.
u ppl must really be out to burn me at the stake coming at me for a 64-56 or whatev the fuck record WHILE UNDERING A LOSING GAME, and totally outplaying my partner (who could have prevented half the teks against us if not for misplays), as is obvious through observation of the recording.
i will explain further. from the perspective of this noopi who managed to captain himself to a championship in a competitive environment consisting of teams that wud probs steamroll most every twl team from past however many years.
on a team its good to have diff spids playing diff way. im not going to get too into it, but i will give an example. the ideal over composition is one pusher like myself/shadowmere/turban who has no problem really getting into the trenches and sacrificing record for greater good. then ur 2nd spid... someone smart and agile and glides around easily and puts pressure where needed, stay alive... a skatarius or nowon. Then a 3rd pro lobster spid who is staying prob a lil further back gen, def prioritizing staying alive, and is picking off the kills... like a Trasher. Of course, the best spids will be able to adapt to different roles when needed during game. etc. lalala.
T Poseidon> will be like back in my rampage days when i was leading league dropping 170-180 in spid week in week out
T Best> poseidon why did u leave a squad ur not gonna start on to join a squad ur not gonna start on? are u retarded?
T Poseidon> best the better question is: why didnt i join plade where i was offered guaranteed starting spot
T Best> ?
T llll_yAyAy> NO U DIDNT
T Poseidon> ?
T Poseidon> ok
T llll_yAyAy> U got rejected
T Poseidon> lol
T llll_yAyAy> busted
T Poseidon> uh huh
T Best> who offered u a starting spot in what ships lol
T Poseidon> ?
T Best> what ship do u pla
T Poseidon> dreamwin in spid buddy
T Best> play
T llll_yAyAy> u asked to join, everyone said no
T Poseidon> thx best
T Poseidon> u fkn noopi
T Poseidon> lol
T Poseidon> i turned him down
T Best> unlikely lol..
T Poseidon> thinking zid was smart enuff 2 start me
T llll_yAyAy> literally no one wanted u
T llll_yAyAy> rofllorlf
T Poseidon> zid proved unreliable
T Poseidon> i didnt want to spid w commodo as shark l0l
u gonna take that com?
3:BOMBED> got donuts
3:BOMBED> how jealous
3:Heaven> how american
3:BOMBED> ??????????
3:BOMBED> wtf u suppose to get
3:BOMBED> they didnt have any fried goat
just sharing for the 50 people that have u on ignore.txt
3:BOMBED> got donuts
3:BOMBED> how jealous
3:Heaven> how american
3:BOMBED> ??????????
3:BOMBED> wtf u suppose to get
3:BOMBED> they didnt have any fried goat
also, heaven, u interestingly cut out the qualifier to my first statement, which was me explaining that historically (and at the time when the most people were playing this game), I was one of if not the top spider in terms of kills when I first starting basing back in the day. This was before me or much anyone else had any idea how to base. Going for kills like that is often very detrimental to team, especially when every spid on the team is trying to do it as well - I am smarter now.
kado im surprised ur showing ur face in this topic tbh I might have to oblige Willby and break down the play-by-play even further - it will only get worse for u.