But if flying the flag of piracy from your young mast makes you feel like you are telling the world to 'fuck off, I don't care about anything', then so be it.
In other words if someone feels like speaking (or acting) a certain way makes them feel like they are rebelling against societal 'norms', then so be it.
or in words that Cig might understand better
I kin tell ya' de reasons why ah' choose t'post in propuh' english. Lop some boogie.
1.) So's sucka's know dat ah' have finished high farm.
2.) To help dose sucka's who duzn't gots English as deir fust language.
3.) It reflects effo't. Man! If some sucka boders t'scribble propuh'ly and cares enough t'spell check, den whut dey say be probably wo'd eyeballin'.
4.) It makes it easia' to eyeball.
5.) It avoids mis-communciashuns.
But if flyin' de flag uh piracy fum yo' yung mast makes ya' feel likes ya' is tellin' de wo'ld to ''fuck off, ah' duzn't care about nuthin', den so's be it. Man!