Well heres an example of his work
Time Race: Freq 1 vs. Freq 2
Send> cap
Humidity> cap
Send assigned as captain for Freq 1
Howard Cos> Truly a sight to behold, this bold mouse shaped base, being vied for.
Humidity assigned as captain for Freq 2
Race set to 10 mins
Freq 1, pick a player
JAMAL in for Freq 1 with ship 8
MatchBotR4> Player JAMAL added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Necromotic in for Freq 2 with ship 5
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> JAMAL in for Freq 1, a solid shark.
Stabwound in for Freq 1 with ship 8
MatchBotR4> Player Stabwound added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Machine of God in for Frq 2 with ship 8
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> Necromotic, Spastic's terrier, comes in for Freq 2...
Howard Cos> Oh man, what a shark line for Freq 1, JAMAL and Stabwound...
minkmink in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player minkmink added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Froedrick in for Freq 2 with ship 3
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> Machine of God in for shark for Freq 2, he'll have a lot to contend with against Freq 1's shark line.
Howard Cos> Froedrick?
Howard Cos> Humidity with an interesting pick
Coojma in for Freq 1 with ship 5
MatchBotR4> Player Coojma added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Vatican Assassin in for Freq 2 with ship 8
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> In this man's opinion, it should be interesting to see how it plays out.
Howard Cos> Pirates!, not normally a basing squad, perhaps they are moving on from Dueling.
Howard Cos> Coojma, RB 2nd line terrier, to Ajaxee... has put on a solid showing in ?go base for some time...
Howard Cos> His more cautious approach to Necromotic might prove to be the difference in this match.
Stayon in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player Stayon added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Howard Cos> Vatican Assassin also in, touted earlier as one of the most underrated sharks in TWL.
PUNK rock in for Freq 2 with ship 3
Freq 2, pick a player
Steph <ZH> in for Freq 2 with ship 1
Freq 1, pick a player
Hockeydude in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player Hockeydude added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Howard Cos> PUNK Rock, 4th ranked spider in TWL... in for Freq 2...
Howard Cos> Steph, starting spider for wr also in.
Howard Cos> In a surprise warbirding.
Howard Cos> I have never seen Steph warbird in a base match yet, this indeed is going to be an interesting match.
Howard Cos> There is a fairly solid line on Freq 1, with AI finishing them out in spider.
Howard Cos> Another odd pick to Freq 2
Howard Cos> ... Pizzaboy, a Myth spider, almost finishing out their spider line.
Dens in for Freq 2 with ship 3
Freq 1, pick a player
Machine of> stop trying to steal Howard's bit PJ
Send in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player Send added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Humidity in for Freq 2 with ship 2
Freq 2 is ready to begin
Howard Cos> Send puts himself in as spider, and humidity as jav.
Freq 1 is ready to begin
Both teams are ready, game starts in 30 seconds
Howard Cos> This could be dangerous as we move in for the FR battle.
Howard Cos> Heavy Spastic and RB line-up...
Howard Cos> For those who don't know
Go go go!
Howard Cos> Spastic and RB were set in TWL 4/5 in their conference
Howard Cos> Rocket attack by Humidity meets with death
Howard Cos> Freq 2 taking some heavy losses
Howard Cos> Jamal with a rush... trying to put the pressure on ...
Howard Cos> Oh! Coojma down!
Howard Cos> Freq 2 manages to take the base!
Howard Cos> Coojma under some pressure in mid, playing it safe.
Howard Cos> Freq 1 aggressively hanging out of the lip
Howard Cos> Stabwound goes up to push... the spider line for Freq 1 taking massively damage...
Howard Cos> I have yet to see Steph <ZH>, I think she may be unconscious.
Howard Cos> ... and yet Freq 2 is clinging strong in that cram!
Howard Cos> There she is!
Howard Cos> Te spider line takes a hit, Freq 1 almost sneaks in
Howard Cos> Stabwound in a constant push position but he just can't break through those spiders.
Howard Cos> Freq 1 hanging back, both sharks for Freq 2 down
Howard Cos> but they can't poull off a conversion
Howard Cos> Humidity perching...
Howard Cos> Repped!
Howard Cos> Freq 1 is staying back, the cautious approach seems to pay off... but a burst!
Howard Cos> Oh! Dropped Coojma with a burst.
Howard Cos> Excellent play by Necromotic...
Howard Cos> Oh, sorry, Steph <ZH>
Howard Cos> Thanks
Howard Cos> Excellent SHOT by Steph
Howard Cos> The spiders crack the mixed cram/line
Howard Cos> ... and Steph again makes a suicide attack and drops Coojma
Howard Cos> Truly dangerous
Howard Cos> Freq 2 really hurting
Howard Cos> As we move into the 4th minute...
Howard Cos> Hockeydude with the rush around
Howard Cos> Covers for Coojma, as the rest move in
Howard Cos> Its chaos here!
Howard Cos> Coojma manages to survive as Vatican rushes just before the group reattach
Howard Cos> Its a pitched battle, Coojma's side coming back from their difficult time earlier
Howard Cos> Actually seeing some flag time
Howard Cos> Necromotic playing it safe trying to regain their footing
Howard Cos> Machine of God sneaks in to flag
Howard Cos> ... but it can't hold... but Frq 2 is slowly pushing them back
Howard Cos> Freq 1 is just holding back in the lower left, Vatican and MoG keeping them in the corner...
Howard Cos> ... but Coojma ports to right
Howard Cos> OH!
Howard Cos> What a sad turn of events!
Howard Cos> A repped bomb takes out Necromotic as Freq 1 gains control of FR and moves into mid
Howard Cos> Freq 1 delivers heavy fire as Necro and friends move up
Howard Cos> Hockeydude remaining with AI and Stayon to deliver some harassment in midbase.
Howard Cos> Truly dangerous to Freq 2 who is unable to stabalize their line
Howard Cos> Necro with a risky entry
Howard Cos> Takes a few hits but makes it in
Howard Cos> ... but it leaves the frequency in hard times
Howard Cos> They are backed up to the ear
Howard Cos> Dangerous mines
Howard Cos> Oh a rep wipes out the team
Howard Cos> ... both sides down ...
Howard Cos> MoG really putting some heat on Stabwound for that flag.
Howard Cos> Alas Coojma takes a hit once again
Howard Cos> ... and Freq 2 once again regains control.
Howard Cos> We've got 2.5 minutes to 5.75 minutes...
Howard Cos> AI and Jama busting on through but do little but agitate
Howard Cos> Antoher spider rush is destroyed by a line defense
Howard Cos> RZA and Pizzaboy straffing the cram
Howard Cos> Coojma slinking back int a more cautious place.
Howard Cos> Necro goes down!
Howard Cos> MoG and Vat layu some high mines
Howard Cos> ... but cannot hold back even with Humidity's hep
Howard Cos> Necro under some fire
Howard Cos> Stabwould, the human shield keeping them delayed
Howard Cos> Necromotic having trouble getting near to the cram
Howard Cos> the Freq 1 shark combo is truly helping this cram
Howard Cos> Coojma feeling the sting of a jav bomb
Howard Cos> retreats to upper FR
Howard Cos> .. and the cram is broken by distance, Freq 2 pulls in
Howard Cos> Its truly dangerous in here, Necro riding on the front line while Coojma rests under
Howard Cos> Cooj with a skillful under move now that Necro is down
Howard Cos> Freq 2's stragglers really taking their toll on Coojma and his team
Howard Cos> They prevented the retaking of mid before Freq 2 could arrive.
Howard Cos> ... Necro really having problems however.
Howard Cos> Takes a hit! Oh no! He's down again!
Howard Cos> Freq 1 storms down, takes the holes!
Howard Cos> The spiders are holding midbase quite well
Howard Cos> Laying the heat on Necro, but Necro aggressively goes for the entrance
Howard Cos> ... his aggression forces the cram to come back and cleans midbase by itself
Send> wtf how does he type so fast
Howard Cos> ... and we are at 6 minutes to 7.25 minutes!
Howard Cos> Truly a tense game!
Howard Cos> Pizzaboy sneaks by the cram
Howard Cos> Steph drops Send with a quick shot... harassing that line from behind
Howard Cos> ... but there cram devours them all
Howard Cos> A I boldly stepping out
Howard Cos> Hockeydude with a rush
Howard Cos> JAMAL provoding back up!
Howard Cos> Stayon and AI proceed
Howard Cos> Freq 1 getting much more confident
Howard Cos> Humidity slips through distracting the cram remnants
Howard Cos> ... but is taken out
Freq 1 needs 3 mins of flag time to win
Howard Cos> These harrying spiders really making it difficult for Freq 2
Howard Cos> ... midbase is retaken
Howard Cos> ... and Necro once again goes for the push
Howard Cos> aggressive... their sharks go down, port back away
Howard Cos> A I charging Necromotic, putting on some hard pressure
Reward: 200 points
Howard Cos> Hockeydude following suit
Howard Cos> Necromotic just can't get near the door!
Howard Cos> Freq 1 is just rushing over and over!
Howard Cos> Fall back to a line as Necro rushes...
Howard Cos> ... but it isn't enough!
Howard Cos> As the score is now 8 to 7.25 for Freq 1
Howard Cos> Necromotic feeling the pressure, being a little more cautious
Howard Cos> Coojhma falls back and Freq 2 moves in!
Howard Cos> A line defenmse could not stop Necromotic and his team!
Freq 1 needs 1 minute of flag time to win
Howard Cos> Stabwound slowly pushing Necro into a corner!
Howard Cos> GREAT mining job, Necro is dropped!
Howard Cos> Oh there are some thick mines!
Reward: 200 points
Howard Cos> Necromotic rushes up
Howard Cos> JAMAL with a snap mine decisions!
Send> gg
Send> !score
MatchBotR4> Freq 1 vs. Freq 2: 9:59 - 7:12
Result of Freq 1 vs. Freq 2: 10:00 - 7:12
Freq 1 wins this game!
MVP: Necromotic!
Howard Cos> OH And Freq 1 carries it home!
Time Race: Freq 1 vs. Freq 2
Send> cap
Humidity> cap
Send assigned as captain for Freq 1
Howard Cos> Truly a sight to behold, this bold mouse shaped base, being vied for.
Humidity assigned as captain for Freq 2
Race set to 10 mins
Freq 1, pick a player
JAMAL in for Freq 1 with ship 8
MatchBotR4> Player JAMAL added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Necromotic in for Freq 2 with ship 5
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> JAMAL in for Freq 1, a solid shark.
Stabwound in for Freq 1 with ship 8
MatchBotR4> Player Stabwound added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Machine of God in for Frq 2 with ship 8
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> Necromotic, Spastic's terrier, comes in for Freq 2...
Howard Cos> Oh man, what a shark line for Freq 1, JAMAL and Stabwound...
minkmink in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player minkmink added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Froedrick in for Freq 2 with ship 3
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> Machine of God in for shark for Freq 2, he'll have a lot to contend with against Freq 1's shark line.
Howard Cos> Froedrick?
Howard Cos> Humidity with an interesting pick
Coojma in for Freq 1 with ship 5
MatchBotR4> Player Coojma added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Vatican Assassin in for Freq 2 with ship 8
Freq 1, pick a player
Howard Cos> In this man's opinion, it should be interesting to see how it plays out.
Howard Cos> Pirates!, not normally a basing squad, perhaps they are moving on from Dueling.
Howard Cos> Coojma, RB 2nd line terrier, to Ajaxee... has put on a solid showing in ?go base for some time...
Howard Cos> His more cautious approach to Necromotic might prove to be the difference in this match.
Stayon in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player Stayon added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Howard Cos> Vatican Assassin also in, touted earlier as one of the most underrated sharks in TWL.
PUNK rock in for Freq 2 with ship 3
Freq 2, pick a player
Steph <ZH> in for Freq 2 with ship 1
Freq 1, pick a player
Hockeydude in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player Hockeydude added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Howard Cos> PUNK Rock, 4th ranked spider in TWL... in for Freq 2...
Howard Cos> Steph, starting spider for wr also in.
Howard Cos> In a surprise warbirding.
Howard Cos> I have never seen Steph warbird in a base match yet, this indeed is going to be an interesting match.
Howard Cos> There is a fairly solid line on Freq 1, with AI finishing them out in spider.
Howard Cos> Another odd pick to Freq 2
Howard Cos> ... Pizzaboy, a Myth spider, almost finishing out their spider line.
Dens in for Freq 2 with ship 3
Freq 1, pick a player
Machine of> stop trying to steal Howard's bit PJ
Send in for Freq 1 with ship 3
MatchBotR4> Player Send added to Freq 1
Freq 2, pick a player
Humidity in for Freq 2 with ship 2
Freq 2 is ready to begin
Howard Cos> Send puts himself in as spider, and humidity as jav.
Freq 1 is ready to begin
Both teams are ready, game starts in 30 seconds
Howard Cos> This could be dangerous as we move in for the FR battle.
Howard Cos> Heavy Spastic and RB line-up...
Howard Cos> For those who don't know
Go go go!
Howard Cos> Spastic and RB were set in TWL 4/5 in their conference
Howard Cos> Rocket attack by Humidity meets with death
Howard Cos> Freq 2 taking some heavy losses
Howard Cos> Jamal with a rush... trying to put the pressure on ...
Howard Cos> Oh! Coojma down!
Howard Cos> Freq 2 manages to take the base!
Howard Cos> Coojma under some pressure in mid, playing it safe.
Howard Cos> Freq 1 aggressively hanging out of the lip
Howard Cos> Stabwound goes up to push... the spider line for Freq 1 taking massively damage...
Howard Cos> I have yet to see Steph <ZH>, I think she may be unconscious.
Howard Cos> ... and yet Freq 2 is clinging strong in that cram!
Howard Cos> There she is!
Howard Cos> Te spider line takes a hit, Freq 1 almost sneaks in
Howard Cos> Stabwound in a constant push position but he just can't break through those spiders.
Howard Cos> Freq 1 hanging back, both sharks for Freq 2 down
Howard Cos> but they can't poull off a conversion
Howard Cos> Humidity perching...
Howard Cos> Repped!
Howard Cos> Freq 1 is staying back, the cautious approach seems to pay off... but a burst!
Howard Cos> Oh! Dropped Coojma with a burst.
Howard Cos> Excellent play by Necromotic...
Howard Cos> Oh, sorry, Steph <ZH>
Howard Cos> Thanks

Howard Cos> Excellent SHOT by Steph

Howard Cos> The spiders crack the mixed cram/line
Howard Cos> ... and Steph again makes a suicide attack and drops Coojma
Howard Cos> Truly dangerous
Howard Cos> Freq 2 really hurting
Howard Cos> As we move into the 4th minute...
Howard Cos> Hockeydude with the rush around
Howard Cos> Covers for Coojma, as the rest move in
Howard Cos> Its chaos here!
Howard Cos> Coojma manages to survive as Vatican rushes just before the group reattach
Howard Cos> Its a pitched battle, Coojma's side coming back from their difficult time earlier
Howard Cos> Actually seeing some flag time
Howard Cos> Necromotic playing it safe trying to regain their footing
Howard Cos> Machine of God sneaks in to flag
Howard Cos> ... but it can't hold... but Frq 2 is slowly pushing them back
Howard Cos> Freq 1 is just holding back in the lower left, Vatican and MoG keeping them in the corner...
Howard Cos> ... but Coojma ports to right
Howard Cos> OH!
Howard Cos> What a sad turn of events!
Howard Cos> A repped bomb takes out Necromotic as Freq 1 gains control of FR and moves into mid
Howard Cos> Freq 1 delivers heavy fire as Necro and friends move up
Howard Cos> Hockeydude remaining with AI and Stayon to deliver some harassment in midbase.
Howard Cos> Truly dangerous to Freq 2 who is unable to stabalize their line
Howard Cos> Necro with a risky entry
Howard Cos> Takes a few hits but makes it in
Howard Cos> ... but it leaves the frequency in hard times
Howard Cos> They are backed up to the ear
Howard Cos> Dangerous mines
Howard Cos> Oh a rep wipes out the team
Howard Cos> ... both sides down ...
Howard Cos> MoG really putting some heat on Stabwound for that flag.
Howard Cos> Alas Coojma takes a hit once again
Howard Cos> ... and Freq 2 once again regains control.
Howard Cos> We've got 2.5 minutes to 5.75 minutes...
Howard Cos> AI and Jama busting on through but do little but agitate
Howard Cos> Antoher spider rush is destroyed by a line defense
Howard Cos> RZA and Pizzaboy straffing the cram
Howard Cos> Coojma slinking back int a more cautious place.
Howard Cos> Necro goes down!
Howard Cos> MoG and Vat layu some high mines
Howard Cos> ... but cannot hold back even with Humidity's hep
Howard Cos> Necro under some fire
Howard Cos> Stabwould, the human shield keeping them delayed
Howard Cos> Necromotic having trouble getting near to the cram
Howard Cos> the Freq 1 shark combo is truly helping this cram
Howard Cos> Coojma feeling the sting of a jav bomb
Howard Cos> retreats to upper FR
Howard Cos> .. and the cram is broken by distance, Freq 2 pulls in
Howard Cos> Its truly dangerous in here, Necro riding on the front line while Coojma rests under
Howard Cos> Cooj with a skillful under move now that Necro is down
Howard Cos> Freq 2's stragglers really taking their toll on Coojma and his team
Howard Cos> They prevented the retaking of mid before Freq 2 could arrive.
Howard Cos> ... Necro really having problems however.
Howard Cos> Takes a hit! Oh no! He's down again!
Howard Cos> Freq 1 storms down, takes the holes!
Howard Cos> The spiders are holding midbase quite well
Howard Cos> Laying the heat on Necro, but Necro aggressively goes for the entrance
Howard Cos> ... his aggression forces the cram to come back and cleans midbase by itself
Send> wtf how does he type so fast
Howard Cos> ... and we are at 6 minutes to 7.25 minutes!
Howard Cos> Truly a tense game!
Howard Cos> Pizzaboy sneaks by the cram
Howard Cos> Steph drops Send with a quick shot... harassing that line from behind
Howard Cos> ... but there cram devours them all
Howard Cos> A I boldly stepping out
Howard Cos> Hockeydude with a rush
Howard Cos> JAMAL provoding back up!
Howard Cos> Stayon and AI proceed
Howard Cos> Freq 1 getting much more confident
Howard Cos> Humidity slips through distracting the cram remnants
Howard Cos> ... but is taken out
Freq 1 needs 3 mins of flag time to win
Howard Cos> These harrying spiders really making it difficult for Freq 2
Howard Cos> ... midbase is retaken
Howard Cos> ... and Necro once again goes for the push
Howard Cos> aggressive... their sharks go down, port back away
Howard Cos> A I charging Necromotic, putting on some hard pressure
Reward: 200 points
Howard Cos> Hockeydude following suit
Howard Cos> Necromotic just can't get near the door!
Howard Cos> Freq 1 is just rushing over and over!
Howard Cos> Fall back to a line as Necro rushes...
Howard Cos> ... but it isn't enough!
Howard Cos> As the score is now 8 to 7.25 for Freq 1
Howard Cos> Necromotic feeling the pressure, being a little more cautious
Howard Cos> Coojhma falls back and Freq 2 moves in!
Howard Cos> A line defenmse could not stop Necromotic and his team!
Freq 1 needs 1 minute of flag time to win
Howard Cos> Stabwound slowly pushing Necro into a corner!
Howard Cos> GREAT mining job, Necro is dropped!
Howard Cos> Oh there are some thick mines!
Reward: 200 points
Howard Cos> Necromotic rushes up
Howard Cos> JAMAL with a snap mine decisions!
Send> gg
Send> !score
MatchBotR4> Freq 1 vs. Freq 2: 9:59 - 7:12
Result of Freq 1 vs. Freq 2: 10:00 - 7:12
Freq 1 wins this game!
MVP: Necromotic!
Howard Cos> OH And Freq 1 carries it home!