I hope so hellz.
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Why Trench Wars Leagues Season 8 Will Suck
1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
1:Vitja> afk
1:Underground> haha vit
-Sk8 site and forums: www.sk8squad.org
Well the season is young, and the top squads from last season dont realy care about twl untill later on, but this will give a chance to new a squad like mine to improve.
na$1:timQ> omg, Shenmue is so cool that if he and 348 hot (I mean damn hot!!!) girls went to some room all the girls would be ice-cold in a minute
the college dorm thing might be the big factor here.. i live in one and currently would not be able to play in leagues. i might be able to solve the problem in the next few months but i dont know.
it probably is better to have league in the winter though. the summer was a bad situation for me because i went out of town a few weekends and a lot of others do to. you dont do that during the school year. then there was the horrible ending time of twl, right when the college and highschool school year started. i am damn lucky i was able to play in the finals, the chances were verrry slim... its a very hectic time, especially for college kids.Ripper>cant pee with a hard on
apt>yes u can wtf
apt>you need to clear the pipes after a nice masturbation
apt>i just put myself in a wierd position
apt>so i dont miss the toilet
Ripper>but after u masterbaition it usually goes down
apt>ill show you pictures
apt>next time I masturbate
Sorry nas, but honestly it does look like the same thing as all the other squads you've made in the past 2 seasons.
Egyptian (a few times)
Scrotal's Horde (remake that lasted only a few days)
...now Mystery.
honestly you and destroy and ravage make a lot of squads, none of which last that long most of the time.
i hope you do get Mystery to play out till the end of the season, i just wouldn't put money on it if i cared to bet on a dumb game....
well I know what you mean and I guess thats my own fault, its just that we have different members, its more like a mix of egyptian and Night with some new peopleEither way I hope my squad can compete a bit in here and that we have some fun.
Originally posted by RandedlAs of right now, and no offence to anybody at all, there is probably a maximum of three competative squads in each of the three leagues with no real reason to think things will change.
There ar atleast 6 competitive squads in twlb.Maybe God was the first suicide bomber and the Big Bang was his moment of Glory.
Originally posted by PrimordialI'm glad someone brought this up instead of me. For a month I thought about this, since I came back from my vacations TW has lost "skill". I dont understand why but its the truth. There arent as many good squads as there used to be.. I mean even Venom cant be compared to Elusive / Siege.
What about TWL season 6 when you had Light / Rampage / Elusive / Shriek(plus Disoblige who took the TWLJ title).
I'll just compare:
TWL Season 6:
- TWLD "hot" squads: Light / Rampage / Elusive / Melee
-TWLJ "hot" squads: Rampage / Elusive / Shriek / Disoblige
TWL season 7:
- TWLD "hot" squads: Pallies / Grapevine / Syndicate / -FINAL-
- TWLJ "hot" squads: Pallies / Syndicate / Shriek / -FINAL-
TWL season 8 (from what so far)
- TWLD "hot" squads: Grapevine / Venom / Sk8 / Pirates
- TWLJ "hot" squads: Venom / Dice / Sk8 / Disoblige
Plus this season you got these squads like Rusher and Exaile / Showdown that I wont talk about because u never know where they are going to die.
After making this I honestly think there is a lack of skill atm. We dont have the good and invencible squads anymore. Maybe its better (more competition), maybe its not (less interest in the game). I hope this really changes until the season starts but if not we'll have a "poor" season, believe me folks.
Another point, last season the number of forfeits and squads dissolving mid - TWL was really HIGH..
I do think in TWL 8 this number will increase even more.
SOLUTION: I'm not a problem solver but I do think that if anything changes we should reduce the number of teams in TWLD / J and make it that everyone plays everyone.
PS: Its Underground, didnt notice it was logged in to my brothers username, Sorry
Back then this was a game with few players, and all the good players bunched up in a few squads, making them invincible.
Now there are just too many good players to name, and the best of the best are pretty much scattered up in all the top squads.
I don't think it is a problem, do you really want to go back to the times when only 2 teams had even a slight chance to win?5: Da1andonly> !ban epinephrine
5: RoboHelp> Are you nuts? You can't ban a staff member!
5: Da1andonly> =((
5: Epinephrine> !ban da1andonly
5: RoboHelp> Staffer "da1andonly" has been banned for abuse.
5: Epinephrine> oh shit
This will be my first TWL so all this talk about how it used to be kinda flies right over head. I was around last Season for GV, still getting my feet wet. Even if it is a game, it's a game we all play, and if you goto TWL you should go to win. Play to win the recognition for your team. Make people go "damn, never woulda thought!"
The main problem I see in TW today is something I will call 'the plague.' People somewhere along the line get the idea that they are better than everyone else and think it's a good idea to let the whole world know. These people aren't allowed to be shot, for when they do their whole ego comes crashing down and they are sent looking for an excuse.
The moral is that the general attitude is declinging, it feels more like a pub than anything in ?go elim for instance. I've always said that to be good in this game, it's one half skill and the other half attitude. Who's going to win - the guy calmly observing what happens or the guy flipping out typing on team chat that he keeps getting typekilled?
Maybe it's time for everyone to alter their attitude a bit. It's too early to tell how TWL 8 will turn out, and I think rookies like myself have the expected responsibility of not acting like morons and ruining the 'creme de la creme' feeling when you play in a TWL match.
Btw, good post Rand.Save a tree; eat a beaver
1:Mefesto> king let me say you something
1:Mefesto> you are a soon of a biatch with retarded face like nostra damus and you got a hump on your dick
Originally posted by Sleepy WeaselNo one studies that hard
i didn't play a single game all season - but that was also partly by choice, TW has slowly lost its lure over the past year or two... and in my view, it's not a temporary trend.i'm bored
Its bc u have squads with 40+ players on there roster. No need for squads to have that many ppl. Let the players be spread around a little instead of 1 squad hogging 1/5 of the TWL players.
Plus there are moer squads out there who can win on a given day. I mean Dice/Venom/diso/sk8/pallies (if active) are probably the clear cut favorites, but then u got squads like Ancients/rune/arcados/pirates (if active) who can upset those top squads on a good day. I mean it mite not have the power squads like last season with -f-/synd/shriek/diso/pirates/etc but u still have a fair amount who can win alot of games and upset the power squads.
Also in TWLB it is competative too. I mean u got the power squads again like spastic/mambo/pallies/diso. Then u got squads like Dice/rb/bc/GV/Sage/incuria/venom/a-s who can upset those top squads on any given day.
When i originaly looked at it i also thought man this year will only be a battle of 2-3 squads in each league, which it mite be, but you will also have good compatition all the way through the leagues. I mean when u got 8-10 squads who can win any given day then the compatition isnt bad.
Edit: about the studying to hard. There are kids on agme who are in high school and tell me they cant play bc of to much work. I know when iwas in high school i never had that much work. Sure studying/hmwrk took some time, but not all the time. I dont know if alot of these guys are huge n erds or what (the high school ones) but i dont see how it takes that much time to study. The college ppl i can see having more time to study bc ug ot harder stuff and more of it, thats a different thing, but i still think a person can come online for an hr a nite regardless.Last edited by Cig Smoke; 10-06-2004, 01:26 PM._o_2NASRALLAH
Originally posted by Galleleolets see: Bd: Diso, A-S, Inc, Grapevine, rb maybe, dice maybe, Pallies will surely make a strong showing again, mambo, spastic..
There ar atleast 6 competitive squads in twlb.
TWLB: how many squads are on the same level as spastic?
TWLD: how many squads are on the same level as venom?
TWLJ: how many squads are on the same level as dice?
More than 2 others in any of those leagues? Making the playoffs doesn't mean you will be competative.
A couple months after TWL 6 ended, all the top squads for TWL 7 were already made (I think) plus a couple others (cynical, fire, whatever else). The squads that hellz mentioned as being where all the "elites" go were already made.
TWLD is my favorite league so i'll just use that as an example. . .
The top 5 squads from last twld: Syndicate, Grapevine, Pallies, -FINAL-, Shriek would all have had a chance at winning TWLD. Throw Pirates in there even, they took Syndicate to 3 rounds. So say, 6 squads with a shot at winning.
The equivilant of Syndicate and Grapevine still exist. After that, Pallies is inactive and have lost a lot of their top talent without making up for it at all. -FINAL- is M.I.A. You can predict them comming back or not, but right now, I don't see them. Shriek doesn't look to be comming back again (at least not in a warbird aspect, and Pirates is not what they once were.
Even though TWL is still a couple months away, the fact that we are talking about a depleted Pirates lineup and Sk8 (which has gotten better i admit) as the top class in TWLD means we are in trouble.
I'm not trying to be elitist, just realistic. Talking about laser as a top TWLD squad? Go back to a couple months after TWL 6, check the forums. I bet that the top squads being talked about were alot better than ALF, Laser, Rusher and Showdown.
I also bet that people were talking about the squads that existed then, and not "oh, maybe this squad will come back, or maybe this one will. . .". Putting our hopes on Value and Shriek to make TWLD 8 competative? Career underachievers and career don't-make-it-to-the-end-of-the-seasoners.
To whoever is saying that they have lost interest. Good for you. That happens to people every week (not to me yet). You aren't especially special.Last edited by Randedl; 10-06-2004, 01:31 PM.Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
Philos> there is something about you
Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work
PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"
Originally posted by Kim & other whinersWinter leagues suck case closed.The song doesn't make your hands clap,
The hand claps make the song