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TWLD Predictions

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  • TWLD Predictions

    Maybe a bit early. But oh well. I dont feel like investigate if some results are technically possible, since the finals might be different than from what I think they will be so, I will just rank the squads in order of strength.

    ----------------------------- 1 and 2--------------------------------

    1. -FINAL- : Final has an overall good roster and has the possibility to take control over TWLD, only threat to Final might be Venom and rusty teamwork. If all pilots are undusted and care for winning it will be hard to stop them. I think -f- has quite some depth and it all depends on who shows up, who is in good shape etc. Last pickups: Jargha, Colonel.
    Startingline: Sika, Death Row, Destroy, Dumbrit!, Poozzman ( Domi / Reaver / Junka / Na$ / Aprix / Blood / Foxy / Guru^ / VenomArse / Colonel)
    Player of the season : Sika

    2. Venom : Venom has a pretty good roster also, but it feels like some of their starting players are bit inactive or not playing much. But even without those pilots they got some more good pilots and are capable of winning the twld title. Their only threat is final and it will be interesting to see what the outcome will be when those squads playeachother. Hmm Mattey wont play this TWL.
    Startingline : Fieryfire, Stripes, Jeraden, Randedl, Weaver ( Escalate / Deck / Plob#F / 2Dragons / Deez Nuts / Code / Rockman)
    Player of the season : Randedl

    ----------------------------- 3 t'm 8--------------------------------

    3. Sk8 : Maybe a bit surprising to see Sk8 ending so high, but SK8 has a roster with some depth. If they start to care in TWL they can get really far. A lot of other squads might have a few pilots that are better than the average player of Sk8, but besides those 'big shots' they seem to lack depth so one or two people not showing up might result in a bad performance. Sk8 has the possibility to replace a lot of pilots with 'bench people' who are capable of doing at least decent. But start caring ffs.
    Startingline : Ease <ER>, Killlermech, Download, Mysterious, Downdraft ( Predator Rulez / Distract / Horny Elf / Skeleton / High Templar / Desire / Jones / Collusion)
    Player of the season : Ease <ER>

    4. Dragon : A new squad which has some good pilots and they got potential to get far, but not till the end. They are number 1 in dd atm, but I think they are of a lower category than -f-, venom. Nonetheless its a good and stable squad and if they can stay alive after TWL they might aim higher next season. But laglimits might be a problem for them since a few of them really lag bad haha.
    Startingline : Roi, Connection, Jester, Janitor , Luke* ( Dr. Octagon / Shiran / Malador / Cross / Confluence / Fantus / Ghoul / Ripper )
    Player of the season : Jester

    5. Pirates : Pirates has some good wbplayers, but I think they lack the depth to get into the semi finals at least. What else can I say about this squad ? Well compared to last season I think they lost a few pilots that gave them some depth and now they will depend on a few I think. So if they are all active they might get far, but I dont see them reaching finals. Some inactive members have returned which adds some more depth to their line.
    Startingline : Hercules, Vigilanty, Nikolai, Nimrook, Swimkid ( Tuxxer / Lockdown / Blang / Evoce / Eric is God / Punnani / Postzegel
    Kid Kaos / Zapata )
    Player of the season : Nikolai

    6. Disoblige : Disoblige... I think last year was a year with mixed emotions for Disoblige. After a failed merge in which, as it seemed to me, they had put their hope in for a better future, they were thrown back to Disoblige. But I think they lost something of the old Disoblige in the favour of a new fresh start. They may seem a bit rusty at moment, losing silly matches, but I think they will be surprisingly better this season. I have faith in that. EDIT: they picked up Deprecate, not a bad pick.
    Startingline: Bram, Cumulonimbus, Philos, Desperate, Deprecate ( Da1andonly / Displaced / Aim2kill / Gurumeditation / Decypha / Power of Love)
    Player of the season : Cumulonimbus

    7. Ancients : I never understood whats up with the trashtalk during matches of Ancients, but despite of that they got a pretty decent squad with much loyalty. They seem to get a bit better every season and I think they will reach playoffs again. I dont have the feeling their roster is much different compared to last season startlinewise, so they can do pretty well.
    Startingline: Sweeper, Pakastin, Dea, Dreamfly, Riksa ( Lanc -> / Dzar / Nokkonen / Necce / Kokkeliskikkelis / Seal / Soppakauha / Tail Dancer )
    Player of the season : Pakastin

    8. Simulate : A newer squad which is based on activity and lots of practising. They got the possibility to reach playoffs I think, but it will depend also on if the two israelian friends will show up for each match. Without those two it will be much different and much more difficult.
    Startlingline : G2 / Tntkilla / Brokenfist / RZA / Elbryan ( Anduril. / Sexy Wooden Spoon / Tigers / Doag / Amphere / Ground Zero / Speak / Unexpected)
    Player of the season : Tntkilla (or g2 :grin: )

    --------------------------other squads--------------------------

    Pallies : This will be a disappointing season for Pallies I think. The good wb pilots they have left are quite inactive it seems, and if they are not getting back I dont see them doing anything special this season. They might reach playoffs instead of Simulate, but somehow I have the feeling Pallies doesnt focus on LD this season, but more on LJ. When I type the lineup of Pallies I think Vihta and Banzi might not even be there ... but oh well.. Hmm Pallies is now picking up some players and maybe that will help their chances of reaching playoffs: Dragonscale, DeusXmachina, Bill C, Touflo <ZH>. Well the last one is more downloading than actually playing, but who knows.
    Startingline : Pearl Jam , Bill C, Vihta , Banzi , Froedrick ( Bloodzombie, Hellzno!, Plead , DeusXmachina, Vykromond , Touflo, Dragonscale)
    Player of the season : Vihta (if hes alive)

    As for Shriek, Precious, Magnet, Rapid, Dice ... or whoever will stay alive, will qualify etc.. as for Shriek they got a very short roster and I cant base any predictions on as it is right now, maybe it if it will change I can predict something about that. Rapid and Dice are far from qualifying and Precious... well I think one of their captains is a banned player from TW so I dont know if they even will get through. Besides that they wont reach playoffs with their current roster I think Well it seems Dice stopped trying to get into TWLD, Shriek is kinda dissolved, Magent is gone. Rapid and Precious are left, Rapid might have the best papers of those two this TWL.

    When I look back it seems I forgot about Rusher, but seriously, I have no idea what is up with Rusher. They seem to have a good period, a bad period and its going in circles. Also because of some other events I cant predict them yet as I dont know what their roster will look like in 2 weeks.

    : An interesting squad which seems to have good and bad periods in short periods. However, some of their pilots seem to stick with the squad in good and bad times and it seems Rusher is picking up a good period just before TWL starts. If those players all stay and maybe with a few pickups this squad could get far too. It makes a big difference if Lofty has a good or bad season, Lofty is entitled to play himself in games, but he has a tendency to go out real fast. If he can get that out of his play and make sure he rushes when it really can Rusher can be a very dangerous squad, esspecially when Raspi, Foreign, Delectable are in good shape too. Question remains is Marin Mega Newbie ? I still think he is, but not sure. But since Mega Newbie choked in an important match last season I think I am starting Aerin over him at this point.
    Starting line: Fission, Raspi, Delectable, Foreign, Aerin ( Marin , Victorian, FSTemplar, Necce, Lofty , Faces, Queen)
    Player of the season: Fission
    Last edited by Na$; 01-13-2005, 10:12 AM.
    Winner of TWDL Scrotals
    Winner of TWT Melee
    Winner of TWLD -FINAL-

  • #2
    Originally posted by Na$

    As for Shriek, Pressure, Magnet, Rapid, Dice ... or whoever will stay alive, will qualify etc.. as for Shriek they got a very short roster and I cant base any predictions on as it is right now, maybe it if it will change I can predict something about that. Rapid and Dice are far from qualifying and Pressure... well I think one of their captains is a banned player from TW so I dont know if they even will get through. Besides that they wont reach playoffs with their current roster I think

    If our wbs would play more maybe then, now i think we won't qualify for twld since we suck in wbs, sorry violence , but wbs sucks anyways
    revolt> my girl
    Golden_Aim> nice lips, i bet she gives u awesome blowjobs
    Metal Headz> she looks good for bjs
    Golden_Aim> LOL MHZ
    Metal Headz> ROFL

    1:kesser> MENTION ME
    1:kesser> MOST KILLS

    kess is homo


    • #3
      hm.. nice ones na$
      1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
      1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
      1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
      1:Vitja> afk
      1:Underground> haha vit
      1:Kian> LOL VITJA

      -Sk8 site and forums:


      • #4
        Omgz where's incuria?!?!?!?!?
        megaman89> tsunami taught me that 1 shouldnt have used it
        L K> taught u what?
        megaman89> how to suck

        9:WiL> im gonna with my league \o/
        9:Graner <ZH>> you mean win?
        9:WiL> being on plade i forgot how to spell it


        • #5
          I dont think Incuria will reach the top 8, and I dont even want to talk about Heavy / Marshmellow Marines or whatever. <_<
          Winner of TWDL Scrotals
          Winner of TWT Melee
          Winner of TWLD -FINAL-


          • #6
            Startingline [ . . . ]Vykromond
            that's when you know we fucked!
            Originally posted by Ward
            OK.. ur retarded case closed


            • #7
              You forgot RB :P
              carpe diem


              • #8
                Im not gonna "rank" most teams perse, because i think competition is a lot tighter than most people are "predicting", i think theres a good number of teams who could take it "any given sunday".

                p.s. "starting" lines are just my opinion, no flames required....

                -FINAL- : What can you say about final other than "ouch", these guys will rape with any combination of "lines", definately a tough one to beat (not impossible mind.)
                Starters: Sika, Death Row, Destroy, Blood, Domi
                MVP : Sika

                Ancients : Oh how the Ancs have fallen from grace, id compare em to MM if they didnt have some past history... not expecting much from Ancs, but they are better than "any" of the newer squads out there.. guess it'l be interesting to see.
                Starters: Sweeper, Pakastin, Dea, Necce, Riksa
                MVP : Pakastin

                Disoblige : Doing your "own" squad is always tough, and to be quite honest i dont know where we will end up, and i dont even want to start predicting it.
                Weve definately got some good birds, and i think on a good day could go far..
                Starters: Bram, Cumulonimbus, Da1andonly, Power of Love/Philos/Displaced (did it like that cause i wont be here for all games, and i know Philos and PoL are more than capable of starting)
                MVP : Dont wanna call it, but i think Da1 will be clutch as always.

                Dragon : Grapvevine - Randedl anyone? (damnit rand, shoulda come to diso ), again got some good pilots, but i think they are missing the overall "clutch player" or something that would take them over the edge..
                Starters: Roi, Connection, Ripper, Janitor, Shiran
                MVP : Connection or Roi, im not so sure, might give it to Conne, i think hes hungrier...

                Pirates : Pirates, Pirates, Pirates... one to "look out for", but yet they are "under the radar".. tough call.. possibly in the semis, some losses did hurt them, but then again theyve had some pickups too. Will be interesting to follow.
                Starters: Hercules, Vigilanty, Nikolai, Nimrook, Swimkid
                MVP : Nikolai

                Shriek : Tiny squad, might have some problems, but then again they do have some decent players (some more so than others), might make it, might not, attendance is key.
                Starters: (all of them? ) Deprecate, Shin-Ra, Annul, Aerin, tanzu
                MVP : Deprecate

                Simulate : Lagpower? might hinder their chances in TWL, or they could be under limits, i dont really know.. could cause some upsets if they get a good line to show and stay in game..
                one to possibly be "weary" of.
                Starters: G2, Tntkilla, Brokenfist, Primordial, Elbryan
                MVP : Brokenfist

                Sk8 : Sk8 always seems to do worse than "predicted", but they will make playoffs this season, got some talent, and Ease will carry a long way. I think Sk8 could use anohter "$$" wb, to fill the "gap" between them and some of the "better" squads.. hope they find it...
                Starters: Ease, Download, Killermech, Downdraft, Mysterious
                MVP : Ease, without a doubt.

                Venom : Syndicate (well sorta), is still going strong, ok thats being "mean" its not the same squad, its pretty damned similar tho.. and as such we all know what to expect from em, TWLD title takers? quite possibly.
                Starters: Fieryfire, Stripes, Mattey, Randedl, Escalate
                MVP : I think its Stripes season to "shine".


                Ok had to split it up, these squads wont "upset" anyone, just figured id give them a mention.

                Precious : Dunno if theyll even make TWL and are definately not of the "same" calibre as above mentioned squads.
                Starters: Tyflias, rotte/bille, epoch, spriggan, stasua
                MVP: Tyflias

                Warpath : Warpath has been around for ever, and give them props for that, wont dissolve if they do make TWL and get raped. Might upset some squads too..
                Starters: Ison, Toxie, Sunny D, Brettles, nemiseph
                MVP: Ison
                Displaced> I get pussy every day
                Displaced> I'm rich
                Displaced> I drive a ferrari lol
                Displaced> ur a faggot with no money
                Thors> prolly
                Thors> but the pussy is HAIRY!

                best comeback ever


                • #9
                  Nice picks, nas.
                  5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
                  5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
                  5:royst> i wish it was calculus

                  1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

                  1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


                  • #10
                    GOOOOOO POWER OF LOVE!!! You are the starting line of Disoblige! Let's get this game going...

                    Yea... it's kind of sad to watch Pallies blow off this season... I mean... they got to a point where they recruited Plead... maybe I'll go back -_-

                    Dragon has a tight line... although they do choke time to time... Ripper won't be on the starting line I don't think unless he starts playing again... Lukestar for MVP of the season :grin:

                    I don't think Stripes will shine at all actually (to displaced)... he's been a bit inactive... and... definitely, I wouldn't put him before Escalate and Deez Nuts...

                    I don't think -Final- will do well in the TWLD playoffs unless they step up DURING the season... just because they have been soo inactive... Disqualifier needs to get active too or assign someone Co-Cap... I remember how Poozman had to way almost a week to get back on roster... because DQer wasn't anywhere in sight...

                    TWLD Finals
                    Pirates vs Venom


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by swim
                      maybe I'll go back -_-
                      no, you won't

                      Dragon has a tight line... although they do choke time to time... Ripper won't be on the starting line I don't think unless he starts playing again... Lukestar for MVP of the season :grin:
                      ...what? are we talking about the same luke*? maybe the smiley meant you were kidding, but i couldn't tell because the rest of your post was so utterly idiotic.

                      I don't think -Final- will do well in the TWLD playoffs unless they step up DURING the season... just because they have been soo inactive...
                      how is it possible that you are able to type without your brain somehow choking you to death? since when has -final-'s inactivity kept them from getting semis or better every twl playoff? how the fuck would they lose to pirates?
                      Originally posted by Ward
                      OK.. ur retarded case closed


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by swim
                        I don't think Stripes will shine at all actually (to displaced)... he's been a bit inactive... and... definitely, I wouldn't put him before Escalate and Deez Nuts...
                        You are right, I wouldn't put myself before Esca and Deez either. Although, I have been playing more as of late. I've gotten somewhat use to my new connection(some of you may have noticed my new found lag). I think last year would have been my break out season if it hadnt been cut short, but thats history. So, hopefully I can prove you wrong and shine like the sun in Death Valley in the summer.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by 3Stripes
                          You are right, I wouldn't put myself before Esca and Deez either. Although, I have been playing more as of late. I've gotten somewhat use to my new connection(some of you may have noticed my new found lag). I think last year would have been my break out season if it hadnt been cut short, but thats history. So, hopefully I can prove you wrong and shine like the sun in Death Valley in the summer.

                          you were prolly one of the biggest breakout players even with your shortened season ;-)
                          1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                          1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                          1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                          • #14
                            lol why the predictions for LD?....everybody should know by now that Venom pretty much has ld...-final- will choke like usual and Precious will soon die once Marin aka Mega Newbie gets banned.

                            MVP: Mattey or Threaten

                            "I'm a fucking walking paradox, no I'm not
                            Threesomes with a fucking triceratops, Reptar
                            " - Tyler the Creator
                            Yonkers video -


                            • #15
                              Nice predictions Na$ (although I dont think Diso and Sim will finish as high). I know it's subjective (especially in terms of starters), but I just wanted to add my 2 cents on the lineups:

                              1. -FINAL- :
                              Startingline: Sika, Death Row, Destroy, Dumbrit!, Poozzman ( Domi / Reaver / Junka / Na$ / Aprix / Blood / Foxy / Guru^ / VenomArse )
                              Player of the season : Sika

                              Is Dumbrit! going to be active? And if most of those people you put in parenthesis are active, a few of them could probably take Destroy's place.

                              2. Venom :
                              Startingline : Fieryfire, Stripes, Mattey, Randedl, Weaver ( Escalate / Deck / Plob#F / 2Dragons / Deez Nuts / Code / Rockman)
                              Player of the season : Randedl

                              Is Mattey going to stay on Venom? I heard he might go back to Pallies. Deez Nuts/Deck/Escalate before Stripes.

                              4. Dragon : But laglimits might be a problem for them since a few of them really lag bad haha.
                              Startingline : Roi, Connection, Jester, Janitor , Luke* ( Dr. Octagon / Shiran / Malador / Cross / Confluence / Fantus / Ghoul / Ripper )
                              Player of the season : Jester
                              Malador over Roi, and Ripper over Janitor

                              5. Pirates :
                              Startingline : Hercules, Vigilanty, Nikolai, Nimrook, Swimkid ( Tuxxer / Lockdown / Blang / Evoce / Eric is God / Punnani / Postzegel )
                              Player of the season : Nikolai
                              Lockdown over Swimkid

                              8. Simulate :
                              Startlingline : G2 / Tntkilla / Brokenfist / RZA / Elbryan ( Anduril. / Sexy Wooden Spoon / Tigers / Doag / Amphere / Ground Zero / Speak / Unexpected)
                              Player of the season : Tntkilla (or g2 )
                              BrokenFist for player of the season. I can't see this lineup doing better than Pallies, even if banzi and whoever aren't active (Ive seen banzi around a bit)
                              top 100 basers list

