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TWLD Predictions

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Decypha
    hi, pjotter is on diso...did i miss something?
    ah fuck, that was a typo on my half. my brain doesn't really work sometimes.


    • #32
      My Turn

      I've never done this before, but I'm kinda bored right now. . . Won't bother talkin about my squad.

      I have very little faith that this season will be competative, and the final we will see will most likely be the most boring of the three .

      The lines are who I would start if I were captain, and hey, keep in mind i don't keep up with aliases and activity. . .

      -Final- - Sure, these guys are probably a top 2 squad just because there isn't much competition. If this was last season, I don't think they would stand a chance. The fact that all these guys speak finnish and used to kick ass doesn't mean they do anymore.
      Starting Line: Death Row, Sika, Blood, Reaver, Destroy
      MVP: Death Row; we were on Venom together for a few days, I would like to think that I had an effect

      Sk8 - I never cease to overrate these guys. . . Maybe this is the year I look like a genius?? If they can sort out a consistant 5 starters out of that mass of names, maybe they will stand a chance day in and day out. Alot is going to depend on those Portuguese dynamos. . . Will they be around every given Sunday?
      Starting Line: Ease, Download, Downdraft, Predator Rulez (you can be really really good when you want to), Killermech
      MVP: Ease

      Disoblige - Just dd'd these guys. If they can play with that lag without being kicked out by the TWL bots, they will have a chance. I think they are a step ahead of where they were last season after picking up a bunch of random guys who seem to be able to point and click. Bram needs to settle the hell down and learn to play with his team and he will also be somebody to mess with.
      Starting Line: Bram, Displaced, Cumulonimbus, Philos, Ara (is he active??) If not you need one more warbird, cuz da1 isn't it, sorry buddy. Or is Deprecate good enough? I don't think so.
      MVP: Cumulonimbus

      Rusher - As long as all the people on their roster are allowed to play, and play well, these guys could be a top contender. I don't know why Foreign is on Spastic, but I hear that Raspi, Nether and he are a band of brothers, if they all settle on Rusher, all the better for Lofty. Get Fission active again, he is good enough to start for most teams in TWLD, and he will do well. I have a feeling Marin will kick ass, and Spriggan may end up back there as well, another guy i have faith in. All in all, Rusher's roster will change a few times in the next week, and they still have to be active enough to qualify (ranked 15th in TWDD??). Barring big screw-ups here though, and taking into consideration the fact that they *should* be able to learn to team together in the next few months, they will be in it, and be a top 5 squad.
      Starting Line: Aerin, Fission, Raspi, Marin, Lofty* - The asterisk means that Rusher will do alot better if Lofty doesn't play (be a good captain). They will need either Spriggan or Foreign to return to fill the gap; especially if somebody like Squadless comes back and complains non-stop til he's allowed to start.
      MVP: Aerin or Fission. . . Just cuz I am hesitant to say Raspi.

      Pirates - These guys have a bunch of players who would be really good if they played with really good teammates. Instead, they will have to rely on each other to get 10 kills a game, every game, in order to win. The plus for them is that they have a bunch of active and loyal players who aren't going anywhere, so they will know who they have to learn to play with as the season goes on. Lockdown is back and seriously playing, he's gonna rock. Nikolai will do alright, not nearly as well as last season though. Vigilanty should gtfo of HZ (is their website still hacked?) Their top 3 are solid. The next two spots are up in the air for a bunch of guys who inspire me to think of the word choke. Sucks for them they lost Colonel.
      Starting Line: Lockdown, Vigilanty, Nikolai, Swimkid, Zapata.
      MVP: Lockdown.

      Dragon - Not a fan of this squad. They have alot of guys that I played with on Grapevine, and, for the most part, not the ones that stood out. If the right people get active and interested, and if their captains pick the right people, they will be overachievers in my eyes. However, if they do what I think they are going to do, they will be a big disappointment - the preverbial sk8. Janitor is gonna kick some ass this season and hopefully the lag limits don't let Crystal play. Izor was lookin really good before he was banned. I haven't seen him play since, but he is on their roster and seems to be back.
      Starting Line: Janitor, Connection, Izor, Crystal, Luke*(If Malador and Ripper come back they'll prolly go in there somewhere).
      MVPJanitor. . . It's your year to shine buddy.

      Pallies - Ohhhh how the mighty have fallen. For a team that crashed and burned last season with a stacked line, they are in for a long TWLD season. No Mattey? No Blood? No Luke*? No Code? Where is Vihta? This team is going to rely on those long time members who never seem to care enough to get overly good at anything. The long time dueling squad may have to requalify for next season. . .
      Starting Line: Banzi, Pearl Jam, Sleepy Weasel, Froedrick, Hellzno!
      MVP: Sleepy

      Dragonguard - You guys had better qualify, otherwise that's the end of the squad, and I like you guys. So -Kaos- and Dg merged. They have alot of guys who aren't that interested, or are but suck. It's going to be a long season for these guys, and I think they will just miss out on the playoffs. I don't know many of the guys on this roster, as they all seem like random aliases to me. . .
      Starting Line: K A N E, Splatz, Hesitate, Scorpion, Nazgul
      MVP: K A N E will be the only person who cares enough to show up and do well. If he can drag Splatz on every weekend, at least he won't be alone in terms of playing decently.

      Ancients: They said last season that they didn't need to practice TWLJ because they were already qualified and were going to do well. Then they finished 3-7. I'm thinking they are saying the same with regards to this season's TWLD. This squad is full of alot of guys who are really annoying, and it'll be great to see them crashing every week. This squad has the Finnishness of -Final- with the nuisanceness of Value or Rapid.
      Starting Line: DEA, KokkelisKikkelis, Riksa, Pakastin (if he comes back), Negrita. . . I won't go on as I can't pronounce any of these names.
      MVP DEA i guess. You'll be reading his private message of "newbie" as he kills you respawning.

      Squads that will qualify and win only against each other:
      Simulate - After Brokenfist, nobody will consistantly play well enough to not get subbed. The fact that they have no assistant captains shows that the leadership doesn't even trust the skill level there to qualify on its own.

      Rejected Basers - Burnt is on a new squad. Long gone are the days of late night elim against one of his silly aliases. This squad has a bit more depth than the rest, and could be the one to make it to the playoffs. Burnt will need a couple 20 kill games to get some needed wins. I'm sure all 36 of the other people on that squad can't suck horribly at warbirds. . . Time will tell.

      Syne - I have no clue who these guys are. The only reason they are on this list is that somehow they managed to get up to #6 in TWDD and I somehow doubt they are about to play any decent squads prior to qualification. This season's Avalonian. Once they are in TWL, look for them to be challenging squads left and right in a sad attempt to save face.

      Heavy - Much the same as Syne, except I gave this squadname to Apok when he wanted to start a squad. That was months ago and I am so surprised to still see it here. I have no clue if any of their players are any good as I don't know if I have ever played against them.

      Warpath - YES!!!! One more week and you guys are in the show! Nemiseph rocks. I don't know how this squad has lasted as long as it has, but it is nice to see they are being rewarded.

      Incuria - Hey, it's Mikena's squad. He seems to go from one Euro squad to another, and each time the squad is worse at dueling. He can prolly carry this squad to a win or two, but they won't do much more. Whichever one of those weird aliases is Phrenitis will also put up some decent games.

      Rapid - This is the most annoying squad in Trench Wars imo. I have a feeling they will do really poorly as many opposing squads will be motivated to slap them around the TWLD arena. . . If they qualify.

      And yea, one of those last few squads won't qualify.

      Edits: Changed It to Rejected Basers, for now.
      Last edited by Randedl; 01-11-2005, 10:01 PM.
      Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
      Philos> there is something about you
      Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

      PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


      • #33
        Randedl is the first person to make coherent predictions
        Awesome> i'm 20.. and definately bigger than you... where do you live, if i ever take a vacation there i'll come beat you up 7:Ripper> hahah
        7:destroy> he'll come to smash you with his keyboard
        7:death row> lol keyboard. must be thug =(((
        7:LofTy> Rofl Drow

        Sika> 5:Rich> i went bowling with lofty irl

        death row> just throw in a disclaimer: drunk lofty, cannot be responsible for drunk lofty's opinion.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Randedl
          -Final- - Sure, these guys are probably a top 2 squad just because there isn't much competition. If this was last season, I don't think they would stand a chance. The fact that all these guys speak finnish and used to kick ass doesn't mean they do anymore.
          Starting Line: Death Row, Sika, Blood, Reaver, Destroy
          MVP: Death Row; we were on Venom together for a few days, I would like to think that I had an effect
          but at least we can say we were squaddies at one point, rand. : )
          RaCka> how can i get you here
          death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
          RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
          death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


          • #35
            rand's predictions: a+
            top 100 basers list


            • #36
              Damn. I'm not a jav nor a wb! Baser then?
              Originally Posted by HeavenSent
              You won't have to wait another 4 years.
              There wont be another election for president.
              Obama is the Omega President.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Da1andonly
                Damn. I'm not a jav nor a wb! Baser then?
                Jack of all trades, master of... ummm... none :P

                And btw, at least when BrokenFist got on Incuria he said he doesn't want to play TWL. I think it has something to do with where he lives.
                Last edited by Miku19; 01-11-2005, 09:26 AM.
                6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                Originally posted by Dreamwin
                3 league vet


                • #38
                  Everyone forgets RB, ;o well 2 of our starters left and we only had 5. I hate you all. *falls over*
                  carpe diem


                  • #39
                    Start talking about basing


                    • #40
                      Nas, your predictions are shit, go fuck yourself along with your squad if you didn't hop to another one by now. Oh yeah and afcorse there is a need to say whether people like this thread or not. If you are writing predictions then obviously people are going to read them so the least you can do is make them interesting or don't post at all. Props to Rand, good stuff.
                      Blood Love Overcomes Our Depressions

                      PROPERTY OF DICE AS OF FEB, 17 2007


                      THE BOYS OF SUMMER
                      LIVE FOR GRAPEVINE
                      SHED BLOOD FOR GRAPEVINE
                      I DIE FOR GRAPEVINE



                      • #41
                        Good preds Rand
                        1: cundor> let's do a disoblige .?go base
                        1: Cremation> cundor desperately trying to tell the world hes a diso
                        1: cundor> dude
                        1: cundor> i already told my parents
                        1: Desperate> LOL
                        1: Cremation> HAHA
                        1: bram> :)
                        1: Da1andonly> LOL


                        • #42
                          Vykromond, are you just stupid or do you not see I wasn't really making a serious prediction? I'm sorry I don't have the time to make predictions for each squads, but really... why would I give a f*ck about any other squads? If you didn't notice, I was just saying "hi," u could say, to my friends.

                          Power of Love = my rl friend
                          Stripes = a nice guy from dg
                          Luke* = the only guy i really liked back in pallies last season

                          I guess since you are a baser... you really couldn't tell... so I should stop criticizing...


                          • #43

                            I am insulted and hurt by everyone leaving me out of Dragon's line (even as a sub!) except for Nas. Maybe cause I've been aliasing? Anyway, seeing as I'm in Dragon and I know what's what with the squad, I will make my prediction as to our starting TWLD line...

                            Janitor, Audit, Crystal, Roi, Fantus (Warthog / Connection / Ghoul / Killer Soldier / Cross / Confluence) ... subs are in no particular order, just typed as I thought of them.

                            MVP: Janitor - Always consistently good. I haven't seen him do bad since Grapevine. Watch out for him this year.

                            Don't underestimate us because we don't have the "big names" like -F- and Venom. We've proved time and time again that we can and will hang with the best of them, and beat them. I won't predict us to win TWLD this year, seeing as it's our first, but I will predict us to make it to the semi's with a chance of getting to the final match. Good luck to everyone in TWL.
                            Last edited by Audit; 01-11-2005, 07:30 PM.
                            oar> anyone in here good with math?
                            Ignominy> o+a+r=suck

                            kid kaos> da fuk u doin on ignites squad
                            Sention> YO KK WTF U DOING OUT OF JAIL?!


                            Displaced> audit is just the king of cool ;)


                            • #44
                              velcromond listens to ace of base (who doesn't? they rock!), but he's not an ace of baser, swimkid.

                              ld is always the most boring league, and i actually yawned twice while typing this post. go figure. here's to a bunch of useless predictions. may the shitwits with the most lag "win".

                              think i'm going bald, and i'm only 20. man this sucks.
                              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Tyson
                                Nas, your predictions are shit, go fuck yourself along with your squad if you didn't hop to another one by now. Oh yeah and afcorse there is a need to say whether people like this thread or not. If you are writing predictions then obviously people are going to read them so the least you can do is make them interesting or don't post at all. Props to Rand, good stuff.
                                Rofl your nose is so far up to Randedl's ass that he can touch your nose with his tongue. I like Randedl predictions, but its not like mine and his are totally different or something. But you know Vedran you allways had a big mouth, so I am happy for you that you can still talk shit in here because in real life your just a pussy.

                                And since you know it all so well, write some predictions or shut the fuck up.
                                Winner of TWDL Scrotals
                                Winner of TWT Melee
                                Winner of TWLD -FINAL-

