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  • #61
    Originally posted by Claushouse
    aha, you're a fucking tool. .?buy ignorance...oh wait, you've already got the max.

    stop pretending you know anything about our squad. we've had plenty of offers from scary's core to JD for us to *insert random vet* here to join us - we don't care. we go 0-10, 0-10, no biggie. we'll learn from it, and come back stronger next TWL.

    we aren't some fucking assembled vet squad created to win, and the second they flop dissolve, we're just a bunch of friends who get along together and play subspace, with or without TWL.

    we haven't lost a single core member since our inception, so blow me.
    One, tell me how I'm a tool, Im not sure you even know the proper use of the phrase. Two, you won't win anything unless you are playing Gantz MAYBE. I don't have to defend my statement I think that with time it will prove itself. Avalonian said the same thing last season, and their entire core left after one game. If you do go 0-10 and stay together more power to you, but I agree you dont deserve the JD spot. Have fun in TWL, don't cry when you lose.


    • #62
      Originally posted by AcidBomber
      WTF.... dont trash talk us just cuz you didnt get in. <_<
      RB is gonna stay alive buddy. geez.
      Really, wasnt trash talking, just relaying information I got from former members who left because it, some of them were main wb's for your team. I'm on Ekko's chat and the way he talks about RB, it doesnt look like everyone is getting along.


      • #63
        Originally posted by Horny Elf
        If you decided to make it a 16 squad league, atm that would mean accepting Sk8 and TeKs into TWLB. I do feel that we deserve a spot in LB, we worked hard recruiting basers and prac. We do not stand a chance at top 5, but im pretty sure we would deliver atleast on upset. TeKs would get slaughtered, but its still a good thing for progression in TW to let the up and comming players play.

        Look at LD, its the shittiest lineup in the history of TrenchWars, but its good for the spirit and future of TW and will probably make LD more competitive in the seasons to come.
        I hope you're not directing this at me. I made TWLB have 16 teams in season 6. I had nothing to do with TWLB going to 14 teams in season 7 and 8, and in fact I'm against this. But I'm not the guy in charge, I just help out when P_L asks.
        Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

        My anime blog:


        • #64

          I find it ironic in a way how you are the champion of the idea of being less inclusive. In season 6, people were pressing very hard for a 10 or 11-team TWLB after the massive dropouts and no playoffs of season 5 for TWLB. Using the old 'Crome system' of picking squads for TWL would have meant picking squads that 'Crome would had heard of', and at the time there were at least 10 squads that fit the bill. In fact it was the inclusive league of TWDB, and inclusive policies of allowing people to actually QUALIFY (instead of being randomly picked) and having 16 teams that gave Spastic a chance to play at all (if I remember correctly back then Spastic was derided as a newbie squad that would get crushed in TWLB and that TWBD meant nothing).

          And now we have two people (Randedl and myself) who were captains and members of the most successful dueling squads ever in Trench Wars asking for more inclusion, while you stick to being more elitist.
          Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

          My anime blog:


          • #65
            Originally posted by ShadowDragons
            Aww man now we have to stay on top of DD ladder at the start of TWL season.
            don't bother
            top 100 basers list


            • #66
              Originally posted by Torn Wing
              One, tell me how I'm a tool, Im not sure you even know the proper use of the phrase. Two, you won't win anything unless you are playing Gantz MAYBE. I don't have to defend my statement I think that with time it will prove itself. Avalonian said the same thing last season, and their entire core left after one game. If you do go 0-10 and stay together more power to you, but I agree you dont deserve the JD spot. Have fun in TWL, don't cry when you lose.
              your a tool in the sense that you, like many others, are propagating the stereotype that any new squad entering TWL that isn't composed of known vets will dissolve after a few matches. you don't know us, our capabilities, how we get along together, etc..

              obviously I can't predict the future, but I've been on squads that have dissolved due to TWL, and it was usually because the squad recruited plenty of willing 'vets' who see the squad as a method of playing TWL, and don't care about the members or the squad. Then, you lose a few matches, they leave, and you've alienated your core players by starting those 'vets', the squad is in shambles, and poof! dissolved.

              Now since you don't know us (the players, or other newbie squads like us), it's historically a fair assumption to make that some, most, or all of these squads will dissolve. But there is a difference between thinking/assuming something and posting it as fact (which is exactly what you did).

              The cores of Gantz, Syne and Heavy seem relatively stable in my opinion, and while our talent/experience/depth/ pales in comparison to other squads, I think all 3 squads know enough about the game to gain alot of experience from our matchs in TWLD (As Hellzno! said). This won't be a High School vs. NBA deal, and 0-10 with matches in the 50-40's or 50-30's is definitely enough to learn.
              top 100 basers list


              • #67
                why do those people that always play ?go base want more people to base but don't want people in twlb?

                obviously spastics are better than pirates in basing but if they dont play where are other basers going to come from? if they are willing to play why not let them...your time is too valueable? you play a space ship game, i think you have some free time
                violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

                [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
                [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


                • #68
                  Only time will tell Claus.

                  But I know Gantz and Syne will dissolve, cause They've both dissolved before.

                  Paky can't keep his shit together.


                  • #69
                    YOU KNOW WHAT!?

                    Everyone, just live through this TWL and over the summer we'll come up some nice reform threads ok?!

                    Jeesh, we hear stuff like this every year, it's getting on my nerves, RAWR!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Torn Wing
                      Really, wasnt trash talking, just relaying information I got from former members who left because it, some of them were main wb's for your team. I'm on Ekko's chat and the way he talks about RB, it doesnt look like everyone is getting along.

                      lol sry, Ekko, that's just him.... he likes to trashtalk us hehe. Clown of RB. :P
                      AcidBomber <ER> ^-^


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Torn Wing
                        Only time will tell Claus.

                        But I know Gantz and Syne will dissolve, cause They've both dissolved before.

                        Paky can't keep his shit together.
                        meh, it's possible, I don't really know their inner workings
                        top 100 basers list


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by Torn Wing
                          Only time will tell Claus.

                          But I know Gantz and Syne will dissolve, cause They've both dissolved before.

                          Paky can't keep his shit together.
                          I can see syne dissolving since paky has brought it back like 6 dozen times but I still stand by my statement that gantz will not dissolve. When you said they dissolved before if you are refering to the dissolve gantz had like the week before twl cut offs none of our caps dissolved the squad, we got hacked, and to my knowledge gantz has never dissolved before that.
                          Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
                          Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by bubbles19518
                            I can see syne dissolving since paky has brought it back like 6 dozen times but I still stand by my statement that gantz will not dissolve. When you said they dissolved before if you are refering to the dissolve gantz had like the week before twl cut offs none of our caps dissolved the squad, we got hacked, and to my knowledge gantz has never dissolved before that.
                            gantz has the most games played out of any tw squad, that must count for something
                            top 100 basers list


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by bubbles19518
                              I can see syne dissolving since paky has brought it back like 6 dozen times but I still stand by my statement that gantz will not dissolve. When you said they dissolved before if you are refering to the dissolve gantz had like the week before twl cut offs none of our caps dissolved the squad, we got hacked, and to my knowledge gantz has never dissolved before that.
                              ah well knew knowledge to me.


                              • #75
                                How did gantz get in?
                                1:AnZu> jk jk underground i love you

