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  • #76
    syne fed them. Incuria had to beat the number one squad(Rusher) to get into TWLD. We beat them. Although Gantz played Syne and won and ended up getting into TWL instead of us.
    Just like middle school, drawing pnus is frowned upon. ?go pictionary -SpookedOne

    (duckrager)> You are a worthless scammer i hope you fall on your head and have a seizure

    Tower> anyone here planning an 'Aura from trench wars bullied me' suicide?


    • #77
      Hahaha, well the only thing Gantz will be doing in TWLD is basically bettering the rest of the squads' records. GL :turned:
      1:AnZu> jk jk underground i love you


      • #78
        Originally posted by Epinephrine

        I find it ironic in a way how you are the champion of the idea of being less inclusive. In season 6, people were pressing very hard for a 10 or 11-team TWLB after the massive dropouts and no playoffs of season 5 for TWLB. Using the old 'Crome system' of picking squads for TWL would have meant picking squads that 'Crome would had heard of', and at the time there were at least 10 squads that fit the bill. In fact it was the inclusive league of TWDB, and inclusive policies of allowing people to actually QUALIFY (instead of being randomly picked) and having 16 teams that gave Spastic a chance to play at all (if I remember correctly back then Spastic was derided as a newbie squad that would get crushed in TWLB and that TWBD meant nothing).

        And now we have two people (Randedl and myself) who were captains and members of the most successful dueling squads ever in Trench Wars asking for more inclusion, while you stick to being more elitist.
        I'm not elitest at all. Ask anyone who knows my character in game. They will testify to how I judge ppl and squads in SS with the upmost respect.

        Here is my pts of argument:

        1) You say that basing squads will suck in TWLD and TWLJ. Yet, this is basically the first season that we see a fairly major influx of basers into these 2 leagues. You don't give them a chance before judging them. Look at the outcome before coming to such negative conclusions about basers. *Btw Epi, don't try to drag Spastic into the argument, bc I'm not a member anymore. I don't play TWD or TWL with them. Nor does my involvement in Spastic have any bearing on my own opinions. So whatever the outcome doesn't really even benefit me.

        2) A very big if not more than 50% of the basing community thought that last season's rules of 14 teams in TWLB was GOOD and that TWL7 was one of if not the best season ever. Under this line of thinking, why NOT stick to 14 teams?
        Last edited by Sufficient; 01-16-2005, 11:54 PM.


        • #79
          Originally posted by Cig Smoke
          Plus i think overall the dueling squads do alot better in LB then basing squads do in LJ/LD. Look @ the dueling squads in LB this season. Venom/-f-/dice/pirates/anc. 3 of them (dice/venom/-f-) should do very well and ppl are predicting them to do very well. Pirates wont do great but shouldnt do horrible. Anc wont do shit, but saying dueling squads will lose 15-0 is 100% not true. Where as the basing squads in the dueling leagues will probably lose with a big +/-.
          Again ... I refer to my previous post. This is the first time we see a fairly significant # of basing squads coming into TWLD+J. You already jump to the conclusion that they will fail without giving them a chance. I refer to the evidence in Mambo TWLJ7. They did decent as a basing squad trying to get involved in javving.

          Also could you list the teams in TWLD+J8 and point out who you consider to be basing squads? You'll prob be surprised to find quite a few NEW dueling squads rather than basers.

          Edit: PL just announced that TWLB is goin to be 16 squads. Still I want you to reply to my pts Rand and Epi about 1) you not giving the basers (who are in TWLD+J) a chance before judging them, and 2) the fact about how successful last season w/14 squads was
          Last edited by Sufficient; 01-17-2005, 12:02 AM.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Hercules
            I agree with Randedl. I dont want to face some basing squad and go 50-14 on them, thats a waste of my time and a waste of their time. So.. change the basing amount to 16 teams so everyone can have a fun TWL. The more people that play, the better for Trench Wars's future.
            herc, i like u and all, but this quote seems a lil misplaced coming from pirates...becaues you say you dont want to beat 'some basing squad' 50-14 in a dueling league, but do you honestly think that the basing squads want to 'waste their time' on 'some dueling squad' trying to base? <_<

            i dunno, jus think thats a lil ironic that a quote like that comes from you guys who havent really played good base matches.
            1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
            1:Jack Kiefer> 22
            1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


            • #81
              Originally posted by Sufficient
              Edit: PL just announced that TWLB is goin to be 16 squads. Still I want you to reply to my pts Rand and Epi about 1) you not giving the basers (who are in TWLD+J) a chance before judging them, and 2) the fact about how successful last season w/14 squads was
              When did I say that basers will flat out suck in TWLD/J? Generally I believe most squads in TWLD/J suck just because I've personally dominated those leagues, so actually all squads suck but my own considering they can never beat me, but I've never singled out basing squads. You're confusing me with other people.

              TWLB was fun last season sure, but was this because of the 14-squad league? I'm not sure, because having 1 more game in the season against another squad wouldn't have made a huge difference IMO. Blowouts still happened last season, and they will always happen unless you basically have a 4-squad league.

              BTW I wasn't aware you weren't on Spastic. I just assumed you were cause it says so on your forum name, I don't actually keep track of squad's rosters anymore now that I'm not a squad captain.
              Epinephrine's History of Trench Wars:

              My anime blog:


              • #82
                Originally posted by Burnt
                Heavy doesn't deserve their twlj spot and they shouldn't accept their invitation. Here's a list of reasons why:

                1. They did not beat one single twlj squad in a twjd.
                2. My squad (rejected basers) beat 2 twlj squads in the last 3 days.
                3. One of the twlj squads we beat was Heavy.

                They pretend to not care about TWL, but then they play 6 twjds on saturday in order to qualify..which is more than twice the amount they played on any other day. How can they care so much about getting in but then not care at all if they go 0-10? Doesn't make much sense.
                Maybe you should have concentrated on jd's instead of dd's.

                Originally posted by Torn Wing
                One, tell me how I'm a tool, Im not sure you even know the proper use of the phrase. Two, you won't win anything unless you are playing Gantz MAYBE. I don't have to defend my statement I think that with time it will prove itself. Avalonian said the same thing last season, and their entire core left after one game. If you do go 0-10 and stay together more power to you, but I agree you dont deserve the JD spot. Have fun in TWL, don't cry when you lose.
                claushouse> so i had to rub vagisil or whatever the fuck on my dick for a few days and it went away.


                • #83
                  Sry bout that Epi, I was really referring more to Cig's post I guess about predicting that basers will have a huge +/- margin in TWLD+J.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Decypha
                    i dunno, jus think thats a lil ironic that a quote like that comes from you guys who havent really played good base matches.
                    Your squad tries to base too, but I dont say anythign about it, mind your business.
                    I found a nickel and I bought a fishing pole, Then I sold some fish, got a raft, fished more, sold massive fish, sold raft, bought a ship, hired a first mate (awesome), picked up a crew, won TWL.....



                    • #85
                      TWL makes for the best quotes

                      TWLBot2 left arena
                      RICHARD CR> the next twl is coming sooner than this one came after the last one
                      bloodzombi> hte next TWL will start before we finish this game
                      NOSTALGIA IN THE WORST FASHION

                      internet de la jerome

                      because the internet | hazardous


                      • #86
                        Originally posted by Sufficient
                        I'm not elitest at all. Ask anyone who knows my character in game. They will testify to how I judge ppl and squads in SS with the upmost respect.

                        Here is my pts of argument:

                        1) You say that basing squads will suck in TWLD and TWLJ. Yet, this is basically the first season that we see a fairly major influx of basers into these 2 leagues. You don't give them a chance before judging them. Look at the outcome before coming to such negative conclusions about basers. *Btw Epi, don't try to drag Spastic into the argument, bc I'm not a member anymore. I don't play TWD or TWL with them. Nor does my involvement in Spastic have any bearing on my own opinions. So whatever the outcome doesn't really even benefit me.

                        2) A very big if not more than 50% of the basing community thought that last season's rules of 14 teams in TWLB was GOOD and that TWL7 was one of if not the best season ever. Under this line of thinking, why NOT stick to 14 teams?
                        i'm too out of it to give a coherent response today.

                        anyways, good to see that lb got opened up to 16. there ARE 16 competant basing squads in twlb and no further controversies over who should and who shouldn't have been in. i commend the twl powers for actually adressing this.

                        if certain squads have such solid claims, and such public backing that they should be in twlb, wouldn't it be silly not to allow them in? twl is there for the zone to enjoy afterall, not to deny people the right to play if they are good enough.

                        my opinion this season is that the 16 squads in lb will be better at basing than the 16 squads in ld will be at dueling. for some reason it just seems that a huge number of last season's wb players have dropped off the face of the earth and haven't been replaced.

                        hopefully i am wrong and these new, underdog squads, put up some decent games. if not, oh well. i'm sure they will have fun. and further, hey, maybe they will be the impact players of the seasons to come.

                        ps. also, take into account it's just easier to schedule when all 3 leagues have the same number of squads.
                        Philos> I both hate you and like you more than anyone in this game randedl
                        Philos> there is something about you
                        Philos> You're like the wife i'd love to fuck, but beat every night after work

                        PhaTz> we should all wear t-shirts that says "I WAS THERE WHEN RANDEDL LOST TWLD" and on the back, "TWICE"


                        • #87
                          Originally posted by Hercules
                          Your squad tries to base too, but I dont say anythign about it, mind your business.
                          try? lol...ok herc. dont take this twl too seriously, you may not survive the heart attack you'll have in dissapointment to play next season...
                          1:Nimrook> On a scale of 1 to 10.. how old do u think Michael Jackson's boyfriend is?
                          1:Jack Kiefer> 22
                          1:Jack Kiefer> he is innocent, i know from experience. All I did was sleep in his bed and he gives back scratches.


                          • #88
                            Originally posted by Aura
                            syne fed them. Incuria had to beat the number one squad(Rusher) to get into TWLD. We beat them. Although Gantz played Syne and won and ended up getting into TWL instead of us.
                            Syne didnt feed us. You can't get fed by a squad thats been ranked higher than you. But I think we would have still gotten into twl even if we had not beaten em. We had 1333 points and were ranked 14th. After beating rapid, you guys had 1250ish points. When you beat rusher you would have had to get 83 points, to tie. The max you can get from one dd is 40-50, I'm not sure. If I heard right your rusher dd didnt even count for TWL.
                            Phillie> lag isnt skill btw F-35
                            Kthx> yes it is, newbie.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by bubbles19518
                              Syne didnt feed us. You can't get fed by a squad thats been ranked higher than you. But I think we would have still gotten into twl even if we had not beaten em. We had 1333 points and were ranked 14th. After beating rapid, you guys had 1250ish points. When you beat rusher you would have had to get 83 points, to tie. The max you can get from one dd is 40-50, I'm not sure. If I heard right your rusher dd didnt even count for TWL.
                              they're just jealous, don't worry about them. they suffer from something called 'entitlement', and need to get over it.

                              this is what some squads do:

                              Jan 16 win vs. Thrill
                              Jan 15 win vs. Juice
                              Dec 23 loss vs. Rapid

                              Get alot of points, then avoid JD for 24 days

                              Jan 15 win vs. Duelerz
                              Jan 15 win vs. fall0ut
                              Jan 15 win vs. Tigers
                              Jan 15 win vs. Gantz
                              Jan 15 win vs. TeKs
                              Jan 15 win vs. Duelerz

                              Beat easy squads

                              Jan 15 win vs. Scary

                              Get your opponent to throw the match, have them dissolve then join you

                              Jan 16 win vs. TeKs
                              Jan 15 win vs. TeKs
                              Jan 15 win vs. TeKs
                              Jan 15 win vs. Dudgeon
                              Jan 10 win vs. Dudgeon
                              Jan 10 win vs. Dudgeon
                              Jan 09 win vs. Evolve
                              Jan 09 win vs. Thrill
                              Jan 08 win vs. 0uTKasT!_
                              Jan 07 win vs. Dudgeon
                              Jan 05 win vs. Wingmasters
                              Jan 03 win vs. Wingmasters
                              Jan 03 win vs. Dudgeon
                              Jan 01 win vs. Dudgeon

                              BD the same squads over and over again


                              Jan 15 win vs. Rusher
                              Jan 15 win vs. Melee
                              Jan 15 win vs. -Warcry-
                              Jan 15 win vs. Rapid
                              Jan 15 win vs. DragonGuard
                              Jan 15 win vs. Water
                              Jan 15 loss vs. Pirates

                              Wait until the last day, win dd's vs. a few average squads, then realize you still don't have enough points and at the last minute challenge Rusher, then out of desperation actually win, and cry foul that you had to beat the "#1" squad in SS to get in and still didn't. Then blame Gantz and claim Syne feeded them.
                              top 100 basers list


                              • #90
                                Suff: there were basing squads in LJ last year and the year b4. WR was in 2 LJ seasons and really wereno threat at all in either of them. Mambo was in last year and really wasnt that good at all plus they lost mulkero who was there best jav last season. There are examples, these 2 included where basing squads tried. Plus we just had a whole few months of TWD with thes squads. We experienced playing them in JD/DD and i have to say with the exception of maybe spastic (in lj) the rest of the basing squads are pretty much horrible in LJ/LD. Now that i look tho i only see spastic in LJ and RB in LD....i dont see tomany basing squads in other leagues anyway. So i guess this is stupid to argue over.

                                Herc: i didnt say u guys would do horrible. I said you'll finish somewhere midpack which is what i believe. I dont know if i ever seen u guys bd in a 7v7 or 8v8 atmosphere. Those typse of things plus avoiding good squads will hurt u come TWL time. I hope u guys do well tho in LB i like pirates.

                                About dice not being a "dueling" squad. Thats fine, but we were a javing squad b4 we were a basing squad. We mite have basers on our roster just like pirates, -f-, venom and so on. Even the dueling squadss have basers on there roster.

