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Looking back on Week 1

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  • Looking back on Week 1

    Dear Players of TWL,

    Looking back at week 1, most things went smooth. We had zero bot crashes, and the lag system worked out great aswell. Sure, always people are going to lag out, but atleast they are over the limit what is set.

    Game Stats on website
    As told previously, we continue to have problems in the development sector. This will be going to happen all season long, unless we have the old miracles to step up again. One main problem is the statistics of TWL. This influences TWLM aswell, since its based off the same statistics.
    We are trying to solve this and also update the standings of the leagues, however this can take time. We ask you for patience in this matter.

    TWL Operators have received three appeals on week 1 matches, the following cases were reported:

    Illegal Player: Denied
    The appeal was made that rule 5.05 during the game TWLB BasingCrew vs. Ancients was violated.
    TWL ops agreed that this week is the starting week, not the week before. Joining a squad at this moment will have the consequence that your not allowed to play in the Week 2 matches. Please Note: The bot does NOT check as of yet this feature (unlike season 7). This will however be implented during the season. We ask the captains to know the TWL rules and think before adding.

    Outside base: Denied
    In the game TWLJ Ancients vs. Heavy report was made that rule 9.16 was violated.
    TWL Staff acknowledges that this isnt implented correct in the bot, however didnt affect the game enough to let it be replayed.
    Rule 9.16 will be changed to reflect the current status of the bot. A order has been made to change that.

    Time Limit: Granted
    The TWLJ game Rapid vs. Thrill had appealed that rule 9.11 was violated. TWL Staff acknowledges this error and will apply a change to reflect to 30 minute games.
    TWLJ game Rapid vs. Thrill will be granted a replay during Week 11 (replay week)

    Hot or Not
    On a brighter note: with work from aswell the coordinator of Hot or Not, Fit <ER> and the "coder" Wax the section has been updated. Visit for the reviews.
    Last edited by Rodge_Rabbit; 02-21-2005, 06:18 PM.

  • #2
    Corrected the replay date: It will be week11, the replay week, like last season.


    • #3
      Thanks for the updates, Rodge. I know we all appreicate them. :up:


      • #4
        werd, keep it up rodge and I'll give you the cure for the poison I slipt into your dinner.


        • #5
          that was rodge's dinner!?!?!?!??!?!?

          Big Chill


          • #6
            The standings are now avaible for viewing on the website.


            • #7
              Ya ya ya ya!!!


              Rodge is working too hard for us... ^-^

              <3 :wub:
              AcidBomber <ER> ^-^


              • #8
                Just curious but wh en will next week's schedule be put up so we can get to scheduling.


                • #9
                  Scheduling WAS up already, but pure reverted it back for the stat update, however didnt set it back for some reason. It is now back to scheduling


                  • #10
                    kk thx I see its up now =p


                    • #11
                      thanks rodge, i think its good what ur doing for tw and twl
                      Rigor> mastersword im thinking u, me and a bottle of crisco baby
                      Mastersword> ROFL
                      Mastersword> really?

                      (TWDBot)>Your squad rating has just changed from 813 to 813, after losing the Javelin match vs dicE. You are #34 in TWJD - For detailed info go to

                      #21 - Don't forget

