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Change the rule

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  • #46
    um, awesome if it was head to head last season we wuda made it in over u seing as we beat u, and i was playing $$$.

    Also nethila, i brought this up last year, and its clear head to head and everyone knows it including awesome which is why he didnt respond to my last post. retard.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Violence
      k. Kim, Pjotter, and awesome, listen to me you dorks.
      Why is it you always have to insult people you are arguing with.... it's not like you go up to your teacher cause you think you deserver a higher mark like: "OMG YOU FUCKIN ASSHOLE THIS EASILY DESERVES A B+ INSTEAD OF A C CUS: blahblahblah. NOW FUCKIN CHANGE IT STUPID NERD WHO COULD ONLY BE A TEACHER CUS HE SUCKS AT LIFE!!!"
      I guess that will get you the higher grade cause people will listen to you if you go around like that....
      Originally posted by Violence
      I am saying this for 2 reasons:

      1) rapid might get screwed by the rule again.
      Aren't you always making posts with the main reason that rapid is "disadvantaged" by a rule...... if it would be you losing the head 2 head but having the better +/- you wouldn't be whining at all stupid fool...
      And if i remember correctly you made a post about this last season cause you didn't make it last season cause of +/- and you made the post at the same time... WHEN YOUR SQUAD GETS A DISADVANTAGE CUS OF IT.... if your squad got an advantage cus of it you wouldn't be whining and making bs useless threads....
      Originally posted by Violence
      2) head to head is a better system for the current set up of twl.
      That's just subjective, subjective like all your posts...
      Originally posted by Violence
      I always thought depth is important in a squad, and if you rely on 5 player to perform in a certain league and 3 out of the 5 dont show, its your own fucking problem. Dont recruit people if they suck, or get your players to show up for games. if you have 10 good players that can all do well, showing ur best 5 wont matter that much.
      Again "YOU ALWAYS THOUGHT......" subjective, subjective, subjective.... Imo the first string is which makes the squad good and how good.... So all you need some really good 1st stringers and some back-uppers for if some first stringers don't show.... and those back-uppers might lose to some semi-good squad....
      Originally posted by Violence
      You can say that using head to head means that one squad might get one lucky win and make it in over the "better" squad. If the so called better squad is so much better, why does the "lucky" squad that beat them have the same record?
      Cause of attendance problems.... all subjective again.....
      Originally posted by Violence
      Head to head is being used as a tiebreaker and therfore the excuse of a squad getting lucky isnt a valid reason because obviously they are just as good if they finish off with the same record.
      Indeed head 2 head being used as a tiebreaker would obviously bring a squad in with luck cause obviously the other squad has the same record and a better +/-
      Originally posted by Violence
      Rapid beat simulate with 3 javelins that rarely ever play wb, but rapid might have ther best lineup and lose to -final-'s second string. IF you have depth then showing your best players wont be a big issue, and all good squads should have enough good players to show a decent line every week.
      cause you have depth showing your best players won't be a big issue?....
      If dice has to play pirates.... pirates shows their best 5 and dice doesn't show cape, merce, aimbot, a2m, annul, mess or sumthing..... pirates wins the game quite easy.... does that make pirates the better squad.... you say yes... i disagree, if we beat dice with all those players there we can say for that moment we are better, but still not overall in season... cus it is one game... one game that can turn-out weird
      Originally posted by Violence
      You know im right, so you bagel eaters on pirates, bow to me.
      <bows to your complete ignorance and stupidity>

      Reading that actually was fun for me cause you really have no idea how to argue.... all you can say is like you own and stuff and how you are right and everyone else is wrong except for the ones that agree with you.....

      All i want to say is: if you disagree with a rule make a thread about it in the start of season.... it might or might not get changed by the twl-ops cause rules always will be about what one thinks is better for the league and thus is subjective......

      And for violence... if you say this out loude, you might understand that what "you think" is: Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective, Subjective.
      And not objective.
      Last edited by PjOtTeR; 04-21-2005, 04:25 AM.
      TWLM-J Champion Season 8 :wub:
      TWLM-D Champion Season 9 <_<
      TWLM-B Champion Season 10 :pirate2:
      First person to win all different TWLM'ers :greedy:


      • #48
        nets got in the playoffs from head to head wins B)
        violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

        [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
        [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


        • #49
          Rapid Sucks. Gg Nt Vio. See U In Playoffs. Laffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fffffff
          2 time TWLD runner up.

          If not a medal, cant I get a Ribbon??

