1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
1:Cower> Sword
1:Kthx> ok
1:Cower> Axe
1:Cower> ?
1: -f-: Doubt Raspi is gonna stay on Syndicate. If he does, then GV should be here and synd should be #2. They won that terrible summer league that I think everyones pretty much forgotten about, but this season has a lot more talent coming to the table. I still think theyre the frontrunners however.
This is why Trench Wars still sucks. I love when players like the guy listed above can say the summer league sucked. There is no new talent this year, all the sucky squads still suck, all the good squads still flop around players and all the inactive squads make comebacks. It's the same routine year after year after year. Nobody has forgotten about the summer league but yourself and that is because your squad blew. Hell, If I would have been on your squad, I would have forgot about any league too.
However, the predictions look okay. I dont mind being underdogs three years in a row. Thats the reason we get 1st in league with 9-1 and 2nd in TWL.
My prediction is that this TWL will be just as boring as other seasons. I predict people will rank players from best to worst. I predict they will rank squads from 1-10. I predict TWL manager league will be up. I predict a couple bot crashes. I predict lag to be a strong determinent of league winners again.
I found a nickel and I bought a fishing pole, Then I sold some fish, got a raft, fished more, sold massive fish, sold raft, bought a ship, hired a first mate (awesome), picked up a crew, won TWL.....
Last Season was one of the best I've been apart of. Reason are obvious ofcoarse, only one thing todo to make this season better then last season... win that last game, which I think my squad is capable of doing.
-Final- won the "winter league" Izor, not the "summer league"; every season besides last season was a "summer league", that's what the whole controversy was over. But I'm pretty sure you've only been around since TWL 8.
Well, I kinda messed up on counting down the squads that will make playoffs but the 8 I think will make it is (not in order).
The last spot will be close though because theres still heavy/united force but thats what I think the top 8 will be to make playoffs.
Syndicate - 2 time TWL-D/TWL-J Champions
Thunder - Season 11 TWL-J Champions
Amputate - TWEL-J Champion
This is why Trench Wars still sucks. I love when players like the guy listed above can say the summer league sucked. There is no new talent this year, all the sucky squads still suck, all the good squads still flop around players and all the inactive squads make comebacks. It's the same routine year after year after year. Nobody has forgotten about the summer league but yourself and that is because your squad blew. Hell, If I would have been on your squad, I would have forgot about any league too.
However, the predictions look okay. I dont mind being underdogs three years in a row. Thats the reason we get 1st in league with 9-1 and 2nd in TWL.
My prediction is that this TWL will be just as boring as other seasons. I predict people will rank players from best to worst. I predict they will rank squads from 1-10. I predict TWL manager league will be up. I predict a couple bot crashes. I predict lag to be a strong determinent of league winners again.
Nice job on getting almost everything wrong. There will be more talent this season than any of the past seasons. Squads like Heavy have greatly improved and I only see 4 squads that will definitely make playoffs (-f-, gv, syndicate, and sk8). The other 4 spots are pretty much open to every other squad that will be in twl. I wouldn't be surprised to see squad!! get 3 or 4 wins.
And I'm sorry to break it to you but even if your whole roster magically becomes active again, you won't make playoffs. You lost nikolai (the guy who carried you the whole season) and phrenitis + kid kaos, who were both starters in the twld finals. You should have done a better job of keeping your squad interested and maybe you would be a top 10 squad this season.
PattheBat> steadman your name is literally "a mean std"
Mystic Ard predicts! -not including -FINAL-, in no particular order-
Syndicate - First thing i think is that they will rape many squads this season. With fireballz leading, they are a very tough challenge. 2nd thing I think is the amiga game Syndicate... what a game.
Starters - Colonel, Fireballz, Nikolai, Stripes, Demonfaze
Backups - FireyFire, Escalate
Key player - Fireballz
Grapevine - Suprised these guys have never won anything, they have got many awesome warbirds. Joint faveourite with Syndicate to make the final.
Starters - Audit, Mythril, Janitor, Kid Kaos, Randedl
Backups - Accord, Confluence, Cranium, KillerGt, Mega Newbie, Metalkid, Scoop, swimkid (Calling them backups doesent do these guys justice. They will all get an equal ammount of playing time.)
Key player - Mega Newbie will probably stand out being so consistently hard to kill. Dont think I need to say why. Other key players: Kid Kaos and Mythril
Sk8 - This squads line is alot of guess work as they mix up there line alot but as I am aware, Vitja wont be able to play because of the army?
Starters - Anzu, Broly, Ease, Evoce, zeimonster
Backups - Everyone else! :P
Key player - Anzu
dicE - Interesting squad, Im pretty sure they wont do poorly.
Starters - Annul, paska, Azreal, Deez Nuts, Delectable
Backups - a2m, Fission(where did he go?!), pascone
Key player - Deez's Nuts
United Force - These guys will probably win with powerhouses such as Refer. Definately not bike, because hes not the real bike.
Starters - BHARAT, DUCLOVER, ZINGY, PRLJAVAC, REFER, Aering. (somehow, they will play with 6.)
Backups - Did the A-team have backup?
Key player - Bike, as he isint the real bike they will make him coord. He is a good coorder.
Disoblige - Ison will be mvp of twl.
Starters - Displaced, Deprecate, Ison, Da1andonly, Noodler
Backups - bram, Mantra-Slider
Key player - Deprecate
Shinobi - These will have a good all round season with a 5-5.
Starters - Dynasty, Poseidon, Foreign, Attacks, Catatstrophe
Backups - Top, Rival, Flare, Primal, District, Unrealistic, Nasir, FREEZER + LK
Key player - Foreign
Heavy - lol, suicide? Ward will definately sit in spec.
Starters - Apok, Annoyance, Slangin Rock, Jones, Caos
Backups - The rest of the crew
Key players - If they get away with tanking everything, apok and annoyance, otherwise Jones
Ancients - No idea apart from Pakastin rocks.
Starters - Papakstin
Backups - The rest of Finland that arent on -FINAL-
Key player - Pakastin
Pirates - Their birds have had enough practise as -FINAL-'s have so inactivty means nothing, They are still a force to be reconed with. I hope they rape.
Starters - Vigilanty, Hercules, Froedrick, Ghoul, postzegel
Backups - saiyansoldier(can be good if he doesent play too much hockey zone), shina-ra, spawnisen, zapata
Key player - Froedrick
Warpath -
Starters - Cylinder, Deductable, Lego, Nopcode, nemiseph
Backups - orange juice, Barra, Brettles, Darkmoor, Maddawgtress, Maken, Maleficarum, Morgane, Ryf, Suck, third-eye
Key player - without a doubt, Nopcode. He is a leet thats been training in private arenas since 98 and this next season he will explode.
The other squads:
Pallies - Go VYKROMOND!
-2 more random squads
Last edited by Ardour; 03-28-2006, 09:45 PM.
Reason: forgot about ward sitting in spec :P
Ogron - "Lifetime Achievement Award recipient for 10* attitude [Ardour]"
ranked #2 in ogrons signature of: TWL's most irrelevant nobodies pubtrash bozos with 0 titles.
TWLD Season 19 #70th Best Warbird
TWLB Season 19 #56th Best Spider
I only see 4 squads that will definitely make playoffs (-f-, gv, syndicate, and sk8).
If you're going there, I'd definitely put dice in over sk8
1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
1:Cower> Sword
1:Kthx> ok
1:Cower> Axe
1:Cower> ?
Heavy - lol, suicide? Ward will definately sit in spec.
O RLY, would you be surprised if I play a game or 2?
1:Kthx> Hey Cower ill let you play the next game if you can name me five medieval weapons.
1:Cower> Sword
1:Kthx> ok
1:Cower> Axe
1:Cower> ?
im glad someone other than me thinks mega newbie and metalkid should be backups, since they suck and all,. O_o
4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
4:Geio> DEEZ?
4:Geio> LOLOL
4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
4:spirit> LOL
Mythril, all you need is active warbirds. You dont need all these special players, sometimes itsb etter because their teamwork blew. Ya know. Sure they were good but theres a lot more then just being good.
I found a nickel and I bought a fishing pole, Then I sold some fish, got a raft, fished more, sold massive fish, sold raft, bought a ship, hired a first mate (awesome), picked up a crew, won TWL.....