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Anyone else feel this way?

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  • #46
    how does getting your shit pushed in like locket every single week raise your interest in this game. or 0:00-15:00 which is even worse in LB
    I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
    I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


    • #47
      Roster limit only makes ppl like me quit completely. Sure I log in maybe once a week now, but I might show for a league game if I don't have better shit to do on sunday. But once you put in roster limit and I'm dropped off, continuum gets deleted for good.
      TWL-J champ season 5 (Elusive)
      TWL-D champ season 6 (Elusive)
      TWL-D champ season 8 (-FINAL-)
      TWL-D champ season 10 (Syndicate)


      • #48
        With limited roster space, players will be forced to better themselves in ships they weren't so very good at as every squad would need more depth. Having smaller roster will mean you play more often with the same people, enhancing teaming. At the same time the overall skill level could drop making the teaming aspect even more important. To me it would be much more interesting to see the same 8 players try to win in all 3 of their league games than a 18 different people. Every person has days they play well and days they don't play so well, every squad could beat any squad regardless of the difference in skill as long as the teaming is right and they have the slightest idea of which button to press.
        Change is not a bad thing, limit the rosters.
        "People fear what they can't understand, hate what they can't conquer."

        "Cherry blossoms in the Spring, and starry skies in the Summer. The Autumn brings the full moon. The Winter brings the snow. These things make Sake taste good. If you don't like Sake, then there is something wrong with you." Seijuro Hiko


        • #49
          The amount of squads that do not have cheaters and/or assholes is small.

          Maybe this is one of the reasons squads like Diso have so many people either in the squad or wanting to be in the squad. No cheaters, good people.


          • #50
            Except for bram.

            EDIT: Bram I know you're watching!
            6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

            Originally posted by Dreamwin
            3 league vet


            • #51
              Everyone who is suggesting roster limits forgets that 99% of the players who've been around for 4+ years do not play actively anymore and forcing them off a squad they've been on for years won't make things improve. It's not like they'd join a new squad and become active, they'd just dissapear entirely.

              It's funny how quickly predictions about a squad can change. When the entire Syndicate-core left Sk8, Sk8 was predicted doomed in TWL. Now they should be forced to cut off more players again? Disoblige was rated to struggle to make playoffs, now that we're still with the top, we need to cut off players to make things more interesting? Why don't you other squads learn to play 3 leagues and/or learn to stay alive so we have more squads with a bit of history, which makes leagues 10 times more interesting.
              Plus the only league Disoblige always had a sick depth in is LB, because it seems all baser's dream to join Disoblige for some reason. You can count our wbs/javs on two hands.

              If we really want to increase depth in this game we should prepare newcomers to the zone to leagueplay instead of to fucking-around-in-pub. Everyone probably remembers the moment he left pub for elim, or some place that puts a meaning behind the game, and was like 'wtf, why didn't anyone tell me before?'



              • #52
                So you can count ur wb/javs on ur hands, why do u need 30 basers on ur roster? U can onlyi play 8 per week. I think that is our point exactly. Just bc they dont play every day durin the week, and mite not start for disoblige, doesnt mean they wouldnt start / improve a weaker squad like Passion, shinobi, pirates, teks. The point is there is only a certain # of players who play TWL, when u got 42 players on 1 roster (diso), 56 players on roster (a-s 1 LEAGUE SQUAD HOLY SHIT), 47 on roster (sk8), even 30 on spastic roster for 1 league is high, then u got another 37 on -f- roster. Between them 5 squads alone u have 212 players alone. Thats like 1/4 of the TWL population alone. Even if there are some inactive guys on them rosters, im sure that there isnt 15-20 players inactive on each of them.

                Just makes me wonder how Dice/syndicate can have 25ish ppl on there roster, and they are both 3 league squads. WHy do u guys need 30+ for 1 league squads, or 40+ for 3 league squads, just confuses the shit outa me. Cut the rosters to 20-25 ppl and you could have like 8 new squads for next season who would be pretty competative, or the current squads we have would pick them up and be more competative. I think the #'s speak loud enough


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Vihta
                  Roster limit only makes ppl like me quit completely. Sure I log in maybe once a week now, but I might show for a league game if I don't have better shit to do on sunday. But once you put in roster limit and I'm dropped off, continuum gets deleted for good.
                  If you dont care that much why login at all...Losing a player who "sometimes" logins once a week is not a massive loss to the leaque....

                  Originally posted by Melon
                  Setting a roster limit of around 20 would be a great idea. It would make everyone more active, and people would try a lot harder, forcing more competition. I would surely play this game more if something like this took place.
                  I like that idea. Maybe more like 26 would be better though

                  twdd 5 start + 2 sub
                  twjd 5 start + 2 sub
                  twbd 8 start +4 sub

                  Total = 26

                  Originally posted by pascone
                  it's really not that hard to get good/noticed in this game. after twl, 2000 squads are created by people that will recruit people just to play games. people can join that squad and play with someone that's been around and play games against other squads and get noticed that way and recruited to a squad for twl if they are good.
                  I seem to go positive or even every game i play at the moment.

                  so offers of recuitment.

                  The way to get noticed is to pretend to be female.

                  Hmm..... i wonder if Miss Flabby would work
                  Last edited by Doc Flabby; 05-30-2006, 11:49 AM.
                  Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                  Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                  Kitty> true

                  I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

         - The Offical Flabby Website


                  • #54
                    Roster limits are absurd; you miss the obvious. If someone on a squad with 40+ people thinks they can start in twl and don't, they will leave to another squad where they can. It's pretty simple. Look at A-S' huge roster (since they have so many top players like El Bandido, Inflate, Nightwolf <FU>, and Virri). Count how many on there play every few days. Now count how many could actually play in a twl game. If any of those 40 or so people (yes, it is that many) left off that last count think they should be starting in twl, they would have run off to another team.

                    Doesn't anyone learn economics anymore? It's the same idea.

                    What you are really looking for is some kind of salary cap or "talent cap", where one or two teams can't have all the talent in a league. Good luck with that.

                    Last edited by brookus; 05-30-2006, 12:07 PM.


                    • #55
                      meh some those garbage players on a-s are probably better than shinobis top basing line. I dont see how you can possibly try to tell me that if you took the benchers on most of these squads and replaced the garbage in each league with them they'd be more competitive. Sure some squads wouldnt like to have to cut their roster by half, but recruiting over 40 people to be on your roster is just ridiculous and excessive, regardless of how bad those people are and how little they play. If they dont play btw, whats the purpose of having them on the roster in the first place?
                      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                        WHy do u guys need 30+ for 1 league squads, or 40+ for 3 league squads, just confuses the shit outa me.
                        Because this game is not all about leagues. We like having those people in squad even though they won't be playing TWL.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by AnZu
                          Because this game is not all about leagues. We like having those people in squad even though they won't be playing TWL.
                          We're talking about TWL roster limits hopefully. Since this is the TWL forum. I dont see any reason these players cant be on your squads so long as they know they wont even be eligible to play
                          I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
                          I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


                          • #58
                            well TWL roster limit is already 35. squads with 35+ already have players that know they're not playing TWL.
                            1:PaulOakenfold> thunder doesn't have a map;... gonna join nc17
                            1:PaulOakenfold> it's been real
                            1:Vitja> thunders map is ?go twlj
                            1:Vitja> afk
                            1:Underground> haha vit
                            1:Kian> LOL VITJA

                            -Sk8 site and forums:


                            • #59
                              The game feels it has lost its 'mojo' because some of the staff running it just arent fun, e.g. this turning into a dictatorship?? he is clearly ruining this game on his own. This game can still be fun...people are just going to have to come up with better ideas of how to make it fun, plus the newbs from 3 years ago are actually getting quite the standard of play is alot higher and many people dont like this because they miss the days of domination, I dont want to see trenchwars fall and in accordance with what underground said...there are less higher competing squads because they have all packed on to a few squads with 30+ members and so most of them are benched, if these players spread out and made more higher competing squads then twl would get its mojo back!
                              TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                              TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                              TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                              TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                              TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                              TWDT-J 2017 Champion


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Underground
                                well TWL roster limit is already 35. squads with 35+ already have players that know they're not playing TWL.
                                Make the TWL roster down to 26 like that other guy said so u got enough for 5 for LD/LJ 8 for LB and 2 subs for each. Thats plenty enough.

                                Brookus: How comes every game a-s is in there is about 20 ppl on ur freq? Just because they dont play every single day doesnt mean they wont help those less talented basing squads.

                                Anzu: i understand that, but ppl were asking how to improve league play, i think the most obvious way is to limit the rosters more and stop the power / top squasd from mas-recruiting everyone who shows a little bit of talent.

