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TWLB week 6

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  • #61
    psst Mouse>Megaman89....except mouse gets attitude!

    (just watch the flame war i counter-started)

    <3 teh a whole new respect for you
    zidane> big play
    Omega Red> dwop sick
    mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
    WillBy> ^^

    1:Chief Utsav> LOL
    1:Rule> we dont do that here.

    cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


    • #62
      ekko you should have sticked to your promise and stayed retired. maybe another piercing to go along with it.


      • #63
        i'm 2-0 in twlb
        violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

        [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
        [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


        • #64
          rofl ekko

          u talkin like u a vet, bram has played so many good twl matches in pretty much every league. take another rittalin dude.

          on point, dice lookin good in LB, diso really doesn't scare me and syndicate can be beaten. I think dice will make it to the finals, no problem. look at their fkn conference, they the only team imo in the league who should be makin it past 1st round of playoffs (a-s? spastic? ancients???). In our conference; diso, syndicate,-f-,sk8,pandora, all good squads really. Its gonna be -f-,diso,synd,pand in playoffs and will be -f-(4) vs diso(1) and synd(2) vs pand(3). we gonna take it from syndicate, and then will be a close match with diso.
          What maneuver could possibly be smoover?


          • #65
            What a great thread.

            and by 'great' I mean shitty.


            • #66
              Originally posted by concealed
              rofl ekko

              u talkin like u a vet, bram has played so many good twl matches in pretty much every league. take another rittalin dude.

              on point, dice lookin good in LB, diso really doesn't scare me and syndicate can be beaten. I think dice will make it to the finals, no problem. look at their fkn conference, they the only team imo in the league who should be makin it past 1st round of playoffs (a-s? spastic? ancients???). In our conference; diso, syndicate,-f-,sk8,pandora, all good squads really. Its gonna be -f-,diso,synd,pand in playoffs and will be -f-(4) vs diso(1) and synd(2) vs pand(3). we gonna take it from syndicate, and then will be a close match with diso.
              The result of which will be something like this.
              5:royst> i was junior athlete of the year in my school! then i got a girlfriend
              5:the_paul> calculus is not a girlfriend
              5:royst> i wish it was calculus

              1:royst> did you all gangbang my gf or something

              1:fermata> why dont you get money fuck bitches instead


              • #67
                Originally posted by Jrahen
                you didnt even watch the game,why come here and make useless comments and make yourself look funny?

                talking bout e-coolness your just making yourself look e-dumbass somehow.

                cut it and start making sense instead of trying to insult ppl which dont make sense.
                I commented the attitude wanting to point it out. Apparently got my intentions mistaken by you and started an useless argument. You proved my point though. :P
                Originally posted by Diakka
                Lets stop being lil bitches


                • #68
                  Ekko has to learn that when all spids do well it's most likely a good team effort, instead of somebody just owning bram in all aspects of game play.
                  6:megaman89> im 3 league veteran back off

                  Originally posted by Dreamwin
                  3 league vet


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Dabram
                    LoGGi! is the prime example of what's wrong with these modern day basers, newbies like you think a good camping rec is going to help a squad win a championship. Wrong. Stop drooling over defensive players who'll risk fuck-all to edge a game for their team or you'll never get the mentality needed to get anywhere near good.

                    Anyway back on track. Imo Syndicate's spiders weren't as aggressive as Disoblige's spiders, as shown in some recs. I also kinda felt this in the game, when we needed it we came out very aggressive and luckily for us Synd's spiders seemed to care a bit more about their recs than about keeping us out of the FR. This could be because we really wanted to bring Synd their first loss before anyone else could, but also because we have a lot of competition for our first spiderline and the line we played had to proof their worth. To be honest I felt pretty comfortable during that game, however I'm sure that the next time you guys will come out with a different mentality.

                    Edit: Why is Ekko commenting on other players' skill-level?

                    as i said dabram i was going to get this for posting that, and i must say i didn't see the game but i know that atleast spikey and pavement use to be agressive spiders so to me that didnt see the game all i get out of a winning team with a negative total is a team that won with flagtime but got run over, now that you put it that way i can actually be wrong, thanks for pointing that out and correcting my view on it
                    2:Entertainer> Supreme Auth> we should all be like: Morh> EIN REICH EIN VOLK EIN FUHRER and then jones and logain would be "SIEG HEIL o/"


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by LoGGi!
                      as i said dabram i was going to get this for posting that, and i must say i didn't see the game but i know that atleast spikey and pavement use to be agressive spiders so to me that didnt see the game all i get out of a winning team with a negative total is a team that won with flagtime but got run over, now that you put it that way i can actually be wrong, thanks for pointing that out and correcting my view on it

                      How can a team that wins with flagtime be run over ? The point it, major contributors to overall neg rec are the sharks, which between themselves have like -200 deaths, and all our spids had pretty much even scores, some slightly more kills (luck in cram, or being more def), some had more deaths (more agressive).

                      It was a good game, and very fun to play in, and their cram at the end was very sturdy with sharks rotating perfectly for a stint of several minutes. See ya in playoffs Syndi...all guns blazin'

                      Ekko: those players you mentioned are indeed proving their worth, but you should also notice who they're playing with in a line, and, as for bram (an absolute top 10 spid all time), what does it say about the team when he doesn't have to carry ?

                      Royst is top shark easily, that's why he's not spiding. Add to that an 8 season veteran shark Mantra...and...well...

                      It's good to finally see some cockiness, the fellas deserved it by playing well, but there are still a lot to do, plenty of squads that can beat us, and in's all about current form.

                      we need new maps for next twl
                      Originally posted by Disliked
                      However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                      Originally posted by concealed
                      when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Ekko
                        Obviously you must be very heavily medicated or just retarded.

                        "you've never talked to me in the game or played against me from what I can remember, so get rid of your hostility or if you must, redirect it towards someone who knows who you are/what ships you play and has a reason to dislike you."

                        I am finished replying to this thread. I have nothing against Disoblige. I said from even before TWL started that they would do really good. I also said Syndicate was overrated and we'll only see if that's true in a few weeks, which is why I'm finished with this thread.

                        One last response to Bram though. You should know that the reason you're squad is succeeding in TWLB and the reason I was sure Disoblige would do well in TWLB this season is because of fairly new basers such as Remu, Trouper, Last Standing, and Royst, (only naming a few.) All of who outperform you in spider. Even Royst is a better spider, and he starts shark for your squad.

                        Know your place as a back-up terrier for warportal, and a mid-level spider who would not start for Disoblige if he was not a captain. (Only talking about basing here.)

                        Don't expect me to reply to anything else you say. But thanks, at least you've given me a reason to dislike you.
                        Lol, you got some nerve to call someone retarded and then go on and make a post like that. Who are you trying to kid, kiddo?

                        Since this thread was mostly about Diso vs Synd, and I respect Synd and don't like my squadname being used frequently in a trashtalking thread, my post was a try to give it some new direction.
                        However just when I posted I saw you made another shitty post just before me, which was nothing but fuel for another flamewar. So yes I felt obliged to add a sneer comment. That was all, then you, unsurprisingly, started with your shit.
                        Just face it, a guy like you is in no position to comment on squads like Syndicate or Disoblige. And I'm not at all surprised that you actually believe you're good, probably better than players on these squads. Perhaps that's the reason you never outgrew the stage of being talented. Maybe you should've put some more time into studying players like myself..
                        Even though I've never spoken to Dwopple, what I read from him, I get the impression he's willing to learn from his teammates, and when you can get help from guys like Fbz and Necro, you're bound to become good in this game.
                        Maybe you're just frustrated Ekko that you're not on the level you hoped to be and are seeing all these newer players pass you by, while people still can't get your name right. Time to retire again perhaps? You could take the honour to yourself instead of getting axed.

                        Personally I'm very glad that this season we got spiders who are better than me up some fronts. We got a bunch of spiders who can decide a game, we got a lot of spiders who can rack up huge amount of kills and a few spiders who will always do the dirty work. As a lineup-maker it's great when you can put down a well-balanced team every week.


                        • #72
                          Crven and Bram,
                          All this talk about spidering and sharkin....where is the mention of WP's terriering? In your rush to make Ekko and others to look foolish, you left out his comeback this season. :P
                          Additionally, you guys are playing as a team, playing like you want to win. Where the fuck was this last year? :P :P


                          • #73
                            Nobody's been on wps ass cuz they know he's like Kevin Costner, an Untouchable. Plus, he's generally just hiding and tossing his detachees into the grinder, I mean, after the Synd game ended, his first words were not "hotdamn you ppl rock!", but they were "c'mon guys that's too sloppy! I died in this game more than I died in all the other games combined! Shape up!!"
                            What a dick.

                            I didn't play last season
                            Originally posted by Disliked
                            However, I have a bigger problem, being an atheist for 9 years, most of it during my teenage years I've become a little addicted to masterbation. I've tried to stop and even asked God to help but I'm unable to resist the temptation and it's driving me insane with grief.

                            Originally posted by concealed
                            when i was on incuria i took 40 mgs of adderol like an hour before every match. didnt help me that much :X


                            • #74
                              I'm not gonna pretend I didn't want to make a comeback this season. But the team that's been built around me is making it a LOT easier. We have a ton of good, active spiders to choose from who all have what it takes to help decide a game (i like brams distinction in spids: u got defensive spiders, agressive spiders and dirty work spiders. You need some of every kind). Royst is easily one of the best sharks in the game currently. He pops crams like Crven pops cherries. And when all this motivates an old dog like Mantra to shark again and enjoy it, things really can't go wrong. Then the job of the terrier suddenly gets a LOT easier.

                              Syndicate has a mean team and I think we played a very attractive game last sunday. I'm sure we'll meet them again in the play offs, and like Crven said, the form of the day will decide much then.

                              Dice is still the squad to beat. They are the reigning champs. In my eyes Diso's season is already a succes. We have never been this dominant in all 3 leagues. Whatever our performance in the play offs, I'm a happy man.

                              Props to bram, loggi, Eeks and Ekko for turning this thread for the most part into meaningless trash.


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by Dwopple
                                i see dice only winning LB this season
                                LOL, AND YOU ARE GOING TO STOP THEM, OH ALL MIGHTY DWOPPLE

