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  • MVP's

    There are two primary considerations to consider when thinking about 'MVP's', the criteria used and the selection method.

    'MVP' is can be considered in many ways but these are the various criteria that I can think of that are often used;
    - skill of player (actual value of a player to his squad)
    - number of games played
    - the player who demonstrates leadership
    - general character, disposition, loyalty and effort of the player
    - player who demonstrates the ability to bring his squad to a winning/playoff position
    - player who brings his heart to the game

    The other primary consideration is 'who selects or votes'? Let's consider the question another way, who are the best people to know what value a player has contributed to his squad? Would this not be the Captain and Assistant Captains to the squad? How can anyone else possibly know something as important as value to his squad? How can speccers judge whether or not a player is doing what his Captain has asked them to do? No one can see this in any statistic, no one can know this without being on the squad.
    No matter how 'great' (skillful) a player is, he does not help his squad if he only shows up for 60% of the games played. But on the other hand, a Captain knows whether or not the player has legitimate reasons not to show up. Other people generally do not know these things. It would suck to not consider someone who has not been able to make games due to his cancer treatment, death in his family, service to his country or society, etc.

    I propose that MVP be given at the squad level and the choice is made by the leadership of the squad.


  • #2
    effort is pretty difficult to judge in this game.
    general character, disposition and loyalty really arent criteria worthy of most valuable player.
    i agree that a most valuable player definately has to have played at least 75% of the games or else he cannot be that valuable to the team.
    other than that u hit the nail on the head.
    What maneuver could possibly be smoover?


    • #3
      lets look at what mvp stands for: Most Valuable Player
      With this being said, its the person who brings you the most wins. Nothing else.
      the price is right, bitch.


      • #4
        I've always thought it was pretty stupid that the bot often rewards the MVP to a player on the losing team when it comes to close games.


        • #5
          Just let people vote. have the bot say at the end of the game "pm me with your choice for mvp" only let players who played vote, and voila, mvp.
          The only TWO TIME TWLJ All-Star and TWLB All-Star who never played a game.

          Originally posted by Richard Creager
          All space detectives come armed with tcp/ip persona blasting pistols, it's required for their line of duty. Silly of both maisoul and goddess to not know this before hand, they get what they deserved, fucking zapped, bitches.


          • #6
            I think every squad should get some props where it's deserved. The cap (or just people from each squad) should be able to have a place to give their praise to the people that helped bring a squad through the season.

            I think if Epi is still doing that Hall of Fame, he should make room for something like this. Of course not all squads (dropout squads) would be allowed this.
            7:Knockers> how'd you do it Paul?
            7:Knockers> sex? money? power?
            7:PaulOakenfold> *puts on sunglasses* *flies away*

            1:vys> I EVEN TOLD MY MUM I WON A PIZZA

            7:Knockers> the suns not yellow, its chicken
            7:Salu> that's drug addict talk if i ever saw it

            1:chuckle> im tired of seeing people get killed and other people just watching simply saying "MURDER. RACISM. BAD"
            1:chuckle> ive watched the video twice now


            • #7
              Why would the MVP (MOST VALUABLE PLAYER) be required to have good character and all that other Bullshit. FUksake the guy who performs should get the award, who the fuk cares how friendly he is. This should be based on skill factors only.

              Personal MVP for 3 leaguer is Meg89. The guy simply MVP'd about every game he played in and rarely went under 1:1 in lj/ld.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                ...FUksake the guy who performs should get the award, who the fuk cares how friendly he is. This should be based on skill factors only.
                So a player who acts like a complete moron by doing things like spamming other squad's chat, induces lag, breaks into other squad's private forum and then publishes confidential information into a public forum, whines constantly when he loses, brags constantly when he wins, even cheats, he is still in the running for a MVP (because according to you the only thing that matters is 'skill')?

                But in fact if each squad were to chose their own MVP, then players that do things listed above would still have a chance at a MVP as long as the squad leaders have the same perspective.

                I would also suggest that the 'All-Star' game be made up of the MVP's from each squad.


                • #9
                  Exactly, nothing that u said in that post should matter in an MVP award. Exept the "lag enducing" which im not sure where that came from. If u want all that character bullshit to matter then call it the sportsmanship award not the dam MVP.

                  When ur done ur TWL/TWD game does the mvp go to the nicest guy in the game? Or does it go to the guy who usualy performed the best?


                  • #10
                    I simply listed 'various criteria' that are often used in sports leagues like NBA, MLB, etc. If you know better, so be it.
                    Again if the leaders of each squad select the team MVP, and the squad the person plays for values winning at any cost and does not care if a person is doing behavior that is damaging to the game and community, then that person is still MVP capable.
                    I do not understand why you would want to tell other squads what to value or not.

                    Additionally, the basis of the idea is that the leaders of each squad are the ONLY ones who really know if a player has 'peformed' (to use your words). No one watching from the side-lines can tell if a player is doing what they are asked to do.


                    • #11
                      I dont really get what ur trying to do here. You want an MVP from each squad that the squadcaptains pick? Why? Thats something we should do to pick the all-star team. There should be season MVP's given out by the TWL staff for each ship/league/sharkpair.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                        I dont really get what ur trying to do here. You want an MVP from each squad that the squadcaptains pick? Why? Thats something we should do to pick the all-star team. There should be season MVP's given out by the TWL staff for each ship/league/sharkpair.
                        Season MVP's or All Stars picked by the leaders of each team for that team are the only things that make sense.

                        Staff, spectators, people on other squads, etc. can not possibly know or understand if a player has done what was requested of him during the season. Doing what is asked of you during the season is a big part of what makes a player have value to his team.
                        The captain/leaders of a squad define not only what ship a player is in, but also his style of play. In TWLB for example, a captain tells a spider that during cram he should drop into the lower position each game to snipe the enemy. Obviously this player is not going to rack up the best score and may even be criticized by people sitting in spec watching the game. How many staffers or people looking at stats understand that he is being the consummate team player by not thinking about his own record but rather doing exactly what is being asked of him?
                        This is the same for a spider who has been asked to be very aggressive and push out or a spider who has been asked to sit back and camp. If this is what the Captain wants from them, how the does anyone in staff or spec know?

                        Yet we seem to have a lot of people who think they can tell how much value a player has provided to his squad without knowing anything about what was asked of that player.


                        • #13
                          MVP = Most Valuable Player = matchwinner

                          The player who will win games for you.

                          For those games where its close this player will swing you the win, rather than the other team.

                          For the games where you are behind this player will bring you back infront.

                          For the games where you are going to win easily this player will normally ask to be benched :P

                          This only really applies to dueling, im not sure how u decide in basing....
                          Rediscover online gaming. Get Subspace

                          Mantra-Slider> you like it rough
                          Kitty> true

                          I girl with BooBiez> OH I GET IT U PRETEND TO BE A MAN

                 - The Offical Flabby Website


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Ephemeral
                            Season MVP's or All Stars picked by the leaders of each team for that team are the only things that make sense.

                            Staff, spectators, people on other squads, etc. can not possibly know or understand if a player has done what was requested of him during the season. Doing what is asked of you during the season is a big part of what makes a player have value to his team.
                            The captain/leaders of a squad define not only what ship a player is in, but also his style of play. In TWLB for example, a captain tells a spider that during cram he should drop into the lower position each game to snipe the enemy. Obviously this player is not going to rack up the best score and may even be criticized by people sitting in spec watching the game. How many staffers or people looking at stats understand that he is being the consummate team player by not thinking about his own record but rather doing exactly what is being asked of him?
                            This is the same for a spider who has been asked to be very aggressive and push out or a spider who has been asked to sit back and camp. If this is what the Captain wants from them, how the does anyone in staff or spec know?

                            Yet we seem to have a lot of people who think they can tell how much value a player has provided to his squad without knowing anything about what was asked of that player.
                            Well then i suppose thats cool but i dont think anyone would care about that. I think that ur idea of squadcaptains pickin a player or so from there team to play in the all-star game is a better way to choose the team then have the stupid ALLSTAR VOTING we got now.


                            • #15
                              I'm MVP of the human race.

