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  • #16
    Ok ill give my side. I too hate Pandora for a number of reasons. They came to our zone and made a squad full of DSBERS then start saying how they are all that and smack tlaking the people of tw whose zone this is. I play DSB and i got shunted there even though im on Danger. Any DSBER that comes here ill tell them to go home cause in my opinion there not welcome here. I don't want DSBers in my zone, simple.
    Makelele> whos camping
    Sumpson> mitch
    KiAN> Mitch mind not camping?
    Lemar> mitch
    Mitch> shut the fuck up and get in


    • #17
      this is our lebanon vs israel scenario.
      Originally posted by Tyson
      There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
      Originally posted by HeavenSent
      Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
      Originally posted by Izor
      Women should never be working in the first place.


      • #18
        useless thread, pandora never had a chance


        • #19
          Originally posted by Jones
          useless thread, pandora never had a chance
          This is useless, but Pand had a chance. I think most ppl though they would win. Maybe that's why Vati got so emotional when someone called his squadmate fat.


          • #20

            K here is my reply to all of this.

            Why do i act the way i do? Well for fun, without drama their is no fun. I talk shit, and I say we are the best, because this is what people want to hear, they want to see the trash talkers either win it or lose it. People watched a lot of Pandora's matches in hopes too see us lose. WE got attention, and please dont tell me that we wasted your sunday last nite, because i know many people in spec were enjoying themselves watching the match. This game is all about having fun, and seriously I act the way i do because i get a kick out of watching people hate me, and people wanting to see me lose. Pandora is a squad that is a lot of fun, people in our chat know that we aren't what we say we are. Why do you think we have so much tw people in our chat? and on our squad and still haven't left? Do you think we are actually taht arrogant? Why do you think peole like Vati is sitll on the squad.

            But overall great TWL SEason for us and for everyone else. Hope too see you all next year.
            KISS MY RINGS

            1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
            1:Eelam> ROFLMAO


            • #21
              Originally posted by eelam <tw>
              K here is my reply to all of this.

              Why do i act the way i do? Well for fun, without drama their is no fun. I talk shit, and I say we are the best, because this is what people want to hear, they want to see the trash talkers either win it or lose it. People watched a lot of Pandora's matches in hopes too see us lose. WE got attention, and please dont tell me that we wasted your sunday last nite, because i know many people in spec were enjoying themselves watching the match. This game is all about having fun, and seriously I act the way i do because i get a kick out of watching people hate me, and people wanting to see me lose. Pandora is a squad that is a lot of fun, people in our chat know that we aren't what we say we are. Why do you think we have so much tw people in our chat? and on our squad and still haven't left? Do you think we are actually taht arrogant? Why do you think peole like Vati is sitll on the squad.

              But overall great TWL SEason for us and for everyone else. Hope too see you all next year.
              Taken straight from the Zone Objectives.
              "The ultimate goal of Trench Wars is the development and maintenance of an online community that fosters teamwork and camaraderie among its members. By providing an environment that promotes integrity, good sportsmanship and fun, Trench War’s strives to remain as one of the Internet’s best online gaming communities."

              Now please explain how your statement even comes close to the Zone objectives. Talking trash, pissing people off, bragging is no fun for anyone but the poeple doing it. Do you even know what sportsmanship is? Integrity?


              • #22
                Eelam, you're doing this for all the wrong reasons. Personally I respect squads and players that don't brag about their performance and if they sometimes do, they can live up to it. You said people in Pandora know that you're not what you claim to be, then you claim to be the best. So when you know that you're not the best, why would you even remotely suggest anything like that.

                Believe me, being the underdog and beating "superior" squads, like we did against Pandora and Dice, is much more fun than losing after claiming to be the best. Plus the fact that -FINAL- hardly makes any noise about its basing and we're in the finals two seasons in a row makes it even more enjoyable. Maybe next season we won't be once again underestimated.

                I don't like trash talkers, I like friendly people and luckily I've made some good friends in this game, that's the reason why I'm still playing. Interesting people make this an interesting game, but morons just make it unenjoyable.
                Domi> I'll take right one, you take left..truce
                USS Banana> ok
                Domi> on a sidenote Samurai and Strike are hunted
                Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
                USS Banana> you arent playing
                Domi> made too many plans and forgot to play

                Nowyoudie> Sika once talked to me
                Nowyoudie> He said !ready


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Disqualifier
                  Eelam, you're doing this for all the wrong reasons. Personally I respect squads and players that don't brag about their performance and if they sometimes do, they can live up to it. You said people in Pandora know that you're not what you claim to be, then you claim to be the best. So when you know that you're not the best, why would you even remotely suggest anything like that.

                  Believe me, being the underdog and beating "superior" squads, like we did against Pandora and Dice, is much more fun than losing after claiming to be the best. Plus the fact that -FINAL- hardly makes any noise about its basing and we're in the finals two seasons in a row makes it even more enjoyable. Maybe next season we won't be once again underestimated.

                  I don't like trash talkers, I like friendly people and luckily I've made some good friends in this game, that's the reason why I'm still playing. Interesting people make this an interesting game, but morons just make it unenjoyable.
                  I dont think anyone really "underestimated" -f-. I know i personaly had u guys goin to the playoffs b4 the season and durin the season. Everyone knows when -f-'s top line comes they are a force in any of the 3 leagues, the problem u guys seemd to have this season was gettin that top line on tho. Thats when ppl started to eliminate u guys from the title shot.

                  Eph: Why is every post u make about friendship and all kinds of gay homosexual shit? Seriously, the zone isnt gonna change bc u keep repeating the same thing in each thread. We get ur point of view, u want everyone to hold hands and get along, sometimes i wish it was this way too, but guess what it isnt gonna happen.


                  • #24
                    Gay homosexuals? Are those like straight homosexuals? PLEASE ENLIGHTEN ME CIG SMOKE
                    Originally posted by Ward
                    OK.. ur retarded case closed


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Cig Smoke
                      Eph: Why is every post u make about friendship and all kinds of gay homosexual shit? Seriously, the zone isnt gonna change bc u keep repeating the same thing in each thread. We get ur point of view, u want everyone to hold hands and get along, sometimes i wish it was this way too, but guess what it isnt gonna happen.
                      How is being a good person 'homosexual shit'? How is sportsmanship 'homosexual shit'?
                      I think that people should not hide behind the anonymous nature of the internet and act like a 10 y.o. who has street credits.

                      Look, I know that a little shit talking can be fun. If I were to PM you 'ez' in some game we both would know and understand what was going down, the context would be clear. But this is not about two people who have played the game for years and know each other. This is about the amount of bullshit pub talk that has invaded the game/leagues/forums to the point of being detrimental and damaging. Obviously, as stated in the posts above, people now think it is cool and generates 'interest' to be an asshole.

                      People like Moot and many other are trying to establish some order and purpose to all of this so TW will survive for years to come. TW limits racism for the same reasons. Intentionally talking shit to 'make it more interesting' clearly are opposite from the Mission and Values of this Zone.

                      And as a side note (and take this from someone who has a clear understanding of this), everyone should try to live each day as though it is your last. It is no big effort to be nice.
                      Besides, if you live a good, honorable life when you are younger, when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.


                      • #26
                        Well the whole point of this thread was geared toward what Ephemeral pointed out: en effort to bring TW's objectives to light. I admitted a couple times that there is a good possibilty that my squad does have some arrogant trashtalkers, and by the response I cannot deny that that is probably the case. So this goes out to Mouse and Eelam and any others: I personally do not want to be on a hated squad because you enjoy drama. I lost at least a few good shark partners to such nonsense, including Paul O, Dwopple, Gabraham, and if I payed more attention to forums I would probably have left too. So I will continue to play on Pandora in the hopes that we can grow up, play with respect and humility, and by doing so earn the respect of others. I do not want my final game in next TWL so be overshadowed by everyones hatred for my squad. Just because trash talking has become a part of TW does not mean it has to be, just because most internet games include it does not mean we have to be a party to it. I'm not upset by someone being called fat every time he talks, I am dismayed at the amount of negativity that followed our squad this season. Don't make me join Rejected Basers.


                        • #27
                          I liked Pandora when I joined them, but that was only because I was ignorant to how incredibly arrogant, immature, and hot headed some of the members were. The squad has a lot of younger players, and that's just fine; But when you come into a zone with a bunch of DSB guys shooting your mouth off like every DSB guy that has come here before you, you're not going to get a warm welcome, nor are you going to get any sympathy for a while (especially with threads like these. Vati I understand you're not one of those 'dsb guys').

                          Now, had you guys done that, learned your lesson, then kept your mouths shut during the season, you would have seen much more respect. Keep it cool on the off season, and perhaps you'll get a new level of respect next season when you're not the 'new DSB guys.'

                          With that, you guys had a great season. You suprised and pissed off people with the way you guys played the season. I hope you guys stick around you're great competition and I forsee a great future for your squad.


                          • #28
                            I insist that you get another log that includes my insults of your squad and you in it.

                            Taking bets, how long until Pandora dissolves? The spread is 2 weeks.

                            Taking bets, how many members will Anti-Scrub, Disoblige, and Spastic steal once Pandora dissolves? 4, 2, 6.


                            • #29
                              You must be over the age of 18 to play TW. Minors are not allowed.


                              • #30
                                Why are you argumenting over something silly like this?

