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TWL All Star's and details

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  • #31
    Originally posted by genocidal
    I'd really like to know Cig Smoke's superior idea of choosing an all-star team.
    Well id ont really have an idea of choosing an all-star team. Maybe only have a small # of ppl choose instead of having every player in TWL voting. That way its not a popularity contest.

    Or we could go with something like Ephemeral was sayin on his "MVP" thread where squadcaptains choose a # of players to go to the all-star game. We could build off that idea. I think thats much more affective then having WBZ votin for basing all-star and basers votin for wb all-stars and so on. Plus then its not based on ur name and ur popularity with everyone.

    I also think having the game on week 11 durin replays would be better then having it at the end of the season when everyone lost interest already.


    • #32
      Originally posted by Jrahen
      start making sense

      guess what happened last year in LB finals.
      I wasn't in -f- then


      • #33
        Originally posted by Cumulonimbus
        you could put all your best players together and still not beat -f-'s lb line
        heh, very easy to disagree eventho you had a good lineup


        • #34
          doubt you guys woulda beaten dice with cape terring and me/cig sharking :/
          TWLB Champions Season 8
          TWLJ Champions Season 8
          TWLB Champions Season 10
          TWLB Champions Season 11


          • #35
            It really looks like sour grapes when people complain AFTER something is done.
            This issue was brought up at the beginning of the year and then again a few weeks ago, giving people a chance to offer a unbiased opinion yet few people bothered at that time. To his credit, Cig did respond a few weeks ago.


            • #36
              Originally posted by Cumulonimbus
              I wasn't in -f- then
              one man doesnt make a team.
              1:cripple> guys i am sorry for all the inconvenience of my virginity that i have let out on this squadron, i love u all

              1:Chief Utsav> please leave me alone


              • #37
                one man breaks a team (cape all 3 leagues)
                violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

                [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
                [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Kawrae
                  heh, very easy to disagree eventho you had a good lineup
                  Yeah, even Syndicate's lineup with another terr would've been a huge threath. :/

                  Originally posted by a2m+
                  doubt you guys woulda beaten dice with cape terring and me/cig sharking :/
                  Cape did terr in the game, but he'll just have to lower his CE levels for next playoffs so he can actually stay in the game. Missing you as a shark was a handicap, but war doesn't need one man; we had Domi and koan missing from the same game.
                  Cumulonimbus isn't far from the truth though, a few years of experience as a team can come a long way especially in basing, plus we had the core from last year (5 players who played in the final last year). Those finals were probably the sickest games we've ever played, with all the lag outs, shipchanges and missing players but that's all in the past, we're the new idols of TW n00bs now.

                  At least the "allstars" teams would have troubles beating us
                  Domi> I'll take right one, you take left..truce
                  USS Banana> ok
                  Domi> on a sidenote Samurai and Strike are hunted
                  Get ready. Game will start in 10 seconds
                  USS Banana> you arent playing
                  Domi> made too many plans and forgot to play

                  Nowyoudie> Sika once talked to me
                  Nowyoudie> He said !ready


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by a2m+
                    doubt you guys woulda beaten dice with cape terring and me/cig sharking :/
                    cape was terring, he jus experienced lag trouble around the middle of the game.

                    we also didn't have domi or koan for that one. and those two are so important to our base lineup.
                    RaCka> how can i get you here
                    death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                    RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                    death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by Jrahen
                      one man doesnt make a team.
                      cumu is pretty important to -f-'s spider line. he solidified the whole team.

                      his style was something we were missing when we were knocking on the twlb door las few years.

                      this year, we clicked at the right time and knocked that door down.
                      RaCka> how can i get you here
                      death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                      RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                      death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                      • #41
                        It´s somewhat funny how one game changes the perspective of people but yea keep judging that way, good vibes = )


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Disqualifier
                          Yeah, even Syndicate's lineup with another terr would've been a huge threath. :/

                          woah, i'm sry that i said that -F- lb line ain't invincible <_<


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Kawrae
                            woah, i'm sry that i said that -F- lb line ain't invincible <_<

                            hi kaw's!
                            RaCka> how can i get you here
                            death row> well basically im holdin off cuz i jus joined sweet. so its not u, its me
                            RaCka> YOU'RE DUMPING ME?!?!?!?
                            death row> LOL I KNOW I JUS READ THAT LINE AGAIN


                            • #44
                              shining title afk
                              TWLD Season 8 Champion: -FINAL-
                              TWLB Season 9 Champion: -FINAL-

                              Sika> go in, burst and portal out © everett 2006 all rights reserved
                              Cross> feel like masturbating after seeing everett in javbirt
                              1:LF> my gf gives bad head, how do i fix this 1:pinkSTAR> give head to another guy 1:LF> k ur ignored
                              4:moot> cintra thinks he's as good as ev now so he's decided not to talk in public like him
                              1:broly> winning this title is like having sex


                              • #45

                                k, i have to say this, -Final- you guys didnt beat us, we beat ourselves, i dont think that whole game you guys had the edge ( excluding you guys holding the cram). You guys just got lucky becuase we played stupid. Same goes for the dice game, the only team you guys beat was syndicate and well they ez pz.
                                TWLJ SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                                TWLD SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                                KISS MY RINGS

                                1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
                                1:Eelam> ROFLMAO

