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TWLB - Disoblige vs Light

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  • #76
    Bah and I said I wouldn't post again. Frankly I didn't think my post would be overlooked so causually.

    I'd also like to add that "Btw - I did try informing pallies of my decision to play prior" meant there was a squad message about 5 minutes before the game started. Way to be on top of things, 2D!
    Know the whole game. I brought this to attention around a week early to 2 members of your squad who said they would pass it on.

    Everyone that plays against me sees it as a "huge" advantage. I hardly see it as that. I think Ruby summed it up in his comparison. I'm not really sure how that doesn't get through your head. 150-40 and 10 terrier kills is better than whatever I could have possibly done in any match so far this season. I'll trade you anyday. ANYDAY! I truly wish I could let you play on my exact connection for one match and I wish I could play against you.

    You blew over my words, you totally ignored every disadvantage my lag is to myself and my team. I do not think it sways the game either way. It definently affects the style of gameplay, but get used to it, adapt, it is not any benefit in the whole of the game.
    TWLB Champion Season 1 (Light)
    TWLD Champion Season 6/7 (Elusive/Syndicate)
    TWLJ Champion Season 7 (Syndicate)

    1 of the first 2 to get all 3. (Fireballz is other)


    • #77
      Btw - I need no excuse to play.

      I'd consider it nice that I have sat out of three matches. Deal with it, stop complaining. Look at both sides, stop forgetting the opposite end of the deal, I've admitted the advantages I've gained from lagging but you fail to every consider those you recieve.
      TWLB Champion Season 1 (Light)
      TWLD Champion Season 6/7 (Elusive/Syndicate)
      TWLJ Champion Season 7 (Syndicate)

      1 of the first 2 to get all 3. (Fireballz is other)


      • #78
        I don't think you're going to change anyones mind other than your squadmembers.


        • #79
          You're such a nice guy, 2D.

          Can I have an address to send that Thank You card to you?
          Music and medicine, I'm living in a place where they overlap.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Mitch
            c'mon kiddies lets play the blame game
            lol owned. Mitch wins at that game every time.
            1:koan> indy is like being skinny and liking weird music
            1:tRICERATOPS> just a bunhc of faggots is all being indy is
            1:koan> we cant talk about this infront of castro
            1:koan> he's going to see this and be like WTFZ im a skinny vegeterian white dude with selective music tastes


            • #81
              Originally posted by Ruby
              Ya, you forgot to mention that Epinephrine has more experience then you do by far.
              Oh yes he most certainly has. Ephinephrine is the king of basing. I see him base all the time. And I remember when I took a break from TW a year or two ago...huh, good thing Ephinephrine was around then, to gain that much needed experience.

              Originally posted by Ruby
              I played on ZH in their prime basing, and we were perfect record until me and mitch left. I was a wb/spider. I know how to base.
              Zero Hour was such a good basing squad... And no offense, but Mitch didn't even terr.
              "Disoblige - It's not just a squad, it's a lifestyle" - BermuDa



              • #82

                we are ez.
                we dont even have the skill to kill 2d
                mitch owns wp
                light sharks owns mantra, jonas, miau
                light javs OWNS boki, thundermare
                light spider are the coolest i dont even need to start about that, we are so fucked and there is no way we can beat them...

                GL & HF
                Sticks and stones may brake my bones,

                A friend will bail you outta jail, but a true friend will be sittin right next to ya sayin DAMN THAT WAS FUN!!!!


                • #83
                  we lost because i am a "poser" and a "fuck up", ask my squad mate jedi.
                  Pallies Support Group "We all feel lonely sometimes"

                  Pallies Basing Store (not just subspace merchandise)

                  okie dokey baby?


                  • #84
                    I just wanna point out once again that you dont need to be a vet and have alot of experience to be a good base spider.

                    Thats my contribution to this thread.
                    Originally posted by Tyson
                    There is no such thing as hoologians there are only football supporters.
                    Originally posted by HeavenSent
                    Hello? Ever tried to show a Muslim a picture of Mohammed? I dare anyone to try. You will die.
                    Originally posted by Izor
                    Women should never be working in the first place.


                    • #85
                      Divine, you're a fuck up and a poser

                      2d's lag.
                      First off, I'm using a 56k modem too now (until I get ADSL), and I have an average ping of 350ms. I terred in 2 private basing games with this lag. The first time my lag was around 500-750ms and it was ridiculously easy, I could fly wherever I want without getting killed, simply because whoever aimed at me, where several cms off aim because of the lag. And my bursts killed more than ever. The few hits I took, were quickly recharged.

                      The second time I played with 350ms ping, damn, that was hard! I didn't lag enough to make people miss shots at me, but lagged enough to not see any bomb or shrap or even spiderbullets coming at me before it hit me.

                      I think 2d's lag is kind of like the first lag-case I mentioned. Because everything is so laggy, he can't aim well because of that, and nobody cain aim at him well, also bullets _randomly_ hit him so now and then and he is unable to dodge them. It's not very much fun to play with that lag, because you don't have much control of the situation.
                      Anyway, 2d attaches, deattaches, gathers some energy, and presses the 'rocket'. Due to the high acceleration and speed of the rocket, the lag's effect will be twice as bad.
                      Let's say Light is in lower base, and Pallies are defending the flagroom (agreed, not a likely situation ). Well, 2d flies to the entrance in an attempt to get in the base. The spiders in line shoot back, but their timing is horrible (lag), and 2d finds a hole in the bullet line where he can fly through (combined with some packetloss). From a spectator's point of view it is like 2d warpso from spot to spot. Spiders on the line are distracted, focus on 2d. 2d dies. Spiders keep shooting at 2d, because they didn't see him explode, instead, after 3-4 seconds he fades away. In the meanwhile the rest of the team charges the entrance, and easily gets in because 2 spiders weren't in line.

                      Let's look at how a laggy jav would play in a flagroom battle. First, the jav would die alot, simply because he can't dodge shit with that lag. What he can do though, is press rocket, and fly in a evasive way towards to enemy terrier. The jav breaks through the spider/repel line of the enemy, perhaps taking a few hits. Now this is when a few spiders/sharks turn back to attempt to stop the javelin from killing their terrier. In most of the cases, the jav would die, simply because he lost too much energy, and his rocketed timed out.
                      In the meanwhile, the enemies break through the weakened defense.


                      I guess I made PJ's and Pusher's point clear now. You don't have to have a good rec to positively influence the game for your squad. 65-50 rec isn't good, but if that's the price to destract a whole team, in order to take over the base (so other ships can rack up kills), then it's definately worth it.

                      2dragons hates his lag because he can't control the situation, can't dodge, can't kill so much. Probably that's why he thinks that his lag is just a big disadvantage, I pretty much try to show the other side of the coin.


                      also, I don't think that missing out 3 games isn't very much. I myself have played in only 1 TWL-B game because my PACKETLOSS was around 13-15%. And the LAG settings wouldn't let me play, because I ate 13% more bullets (and in the times I played with 10-13% ploss, I don't get more complaints about lag than anyone else, because my lowish ping (70-90ms) compensated for my packetloss)

                      and if 2dragons truely suck so much with his lag (65-50 or whatever), then why does Light keep rostering him? I'm pretty sure they have javs which will do a much better job.


                      • #86
                        no /\_o/ myth _o_/\ he just has amazing skills..



                        • #87
                          2dragons is an awesome jav. I never denied that o_O


                          • #88
                            I beleive Dabram was reffering to your speakerating skills!


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by Ruby
                              I find it hard to believe that you are not as good as you think you are.
                              That is an amazing reply Ruby. You took my last statement and repeated it. You should be on a debate team.

                              When have I *ever* said I was any good at this game? You once claimed I have an ego. If I did, I'd be pleased that someone noticed (isn't that the point of an ego). However, it's not. Frankly, I think I'm a shitty shark, bad wb dueler (unless you count spawning and straying as skills), possibly the worst jav this game has ever seen, an average spider (but from last night's performance, I'd downgrade that to shitty), and, at my best, an average terr. The main reason why teams I terr win (when they do win), is because they are good. Their skill makes me look better than I am.

                              Oh and to whomever said "no one likes you Mitch" (or something like that). I like Mitch. He's a nice guy. I don't enjoy playing with him sometimes. He can take the fun out of game when he's yelling over a private basing game.

                              If ZH hadn't dropped out, I think I'd start a Vortex vs ZH topic. Then we could have arguments about who's going to actually show up. It would be a nice change of pace.



                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Mythrandir
                                Divine, you're a fuck up and a poser

                                2d's lag.
                                First off, I'm using a 56k modem too now (until I get ADSL), and I have an average ping of 350ms. I terred in 2 private basing games with this lag. The first time my lag was around 500-750ms and it was ridiculously easy, I could fly wherever I want without getting killed, simply because whoever aimed at me, where several cms off aim because of the lag. And my bursts killed more than ever. The few hits I took, were quickly recharged.

                                The second time I played with 350ms ping, damn, that was hard! I didn't lag enough to make people miss shots at me, but lagged enough to not see any bomb or shrap or even spiderbullets coming at me before it hit me.

                                I think 2d's lag is kind of like the first lag-case I mentioned. Because everything is so laggy, he can't aim well because of that, and nobody cain aim at him well, also bullets _randomly_ hit him so now and then and he is unable to dodge them. It's not very much fun to play with that lag, because you don't have much control of the situation.
                                Anyway, 2d attaches, deattaches, gathers some energy, and presses the 'rocket'. Due to the high acceleration and speed of the rocket, the lag's effect will be twice as bad.
                                Let's say Light is in lower base, and Pallies are defending the flagroom (agreed, not a likely situation ). Well, 2d flies to the entrance in an attempt to get in the base. The spiders in line shoot back, but their timing is horrible (lag), and 2d finds a hole in the bullet line where he can fly through (combined with some packetloss). From a spectator's point of view it is like 2d warpso from spot to spot. Spiders on the line are distracted, focus on 2d. 2d dies. Spiders keep shooting at 2d, because they didn't see him explode, instead, after 3-4 seconds he fades away. In the meanwhile the rest of the team charges the entrance, and easily gets in because 2 spiders weren't in line.

                                Let's look at how a laggy jav would play in a flagroom battle. First, the jav would die alot, simply because he can't dodge shit with that lag. What he can do though, is press rocket, and fly in a evasive way towards to enemy terrier. The jav breaks through the spider/repel line of the enemy, perhaps taking a few hits. Now this is when a few spiders/sharks turn back to attempt to stop the javelin from killing their terrier. In most of the cases, the jav would die, simply because he lost too much energy, and his rocketed timed out.
                                In the meanwhile, the enemies break through the weakened defense.


                                I guess I made PJ's and Pusher's point clear now. You don't have to have a good rec to positively influence the game for your squad. 65-50 rec isn't good, but if that's the price to destract a whole team, in order to take over the base (so other ships can rack up kills), then it's definately worth it.

                                2dragons hates his lag because he can't control the situation, can't dodge, can't kill so much. Probably that's why he thinks that his lag is just a big disadvantage, I pretty much try to show the other side of the coin.


                                also, I don't think that missing out 3 games isn't very much. I myself have played in only 1 TWL-B game because my PACKETLOSS was around 13-15%. And the LAG settings wouldn't let me play, because I ate 13% more bullets (and in the times I played with 10-13% ploss, I don't get more complaints about lag than anyone else, because my lowish ping (70-90ms) compensated for my packetloss)

                                and if 2dragons truely suck so much with his lag (65-50 or whatever), then why does Light keep rostering him? I'm pretty sure they have javs which will do a much better job.
                                PING Current:60 ms Average:70 ms Low:50 ms High:520 ms S2C: 0.1% C2S: 0.2%
                                chello likes me again
                                TelCat> there arent 'sort of' get the flag

