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Appeal on Grounds that Staff did not follow thier own Rules.

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  • Appeal on Grounds that Staff did not follow thier own Rules.

    Okay before i start we must understand that the reason behind Mouse axing me at the beginning does that matter because intent is not covered in TWL Rules.

    Firstly, lets analyze the Rule itself:

    5.09 In the event that a player is accidentally de-rostered from a Trench Wars League Squad, an Email must be sent to the Trench Wars League Operators within 24 hours or else they will be subject to all roster lock and waiting period restrictions. (See Rules 5.06, 5.07 and 5.08) If the player becomes rostered on another Trench Wars Leagues or Trench Wars Divisions Squad within the 24-hour period, this offer will not apply.

    The first reason why i should be reinstated is that it does not tell us what the definition of "accident" is, and with your decision on declining my appeal you had given yourself a definition that was not found in the rules being your first mistake with the appeal. Okay, viewing the reasoning that is given by TWL staff about why such things as being "axed" is not accidental, than why does this rule even exist because if one were to look at it the only way a person can be off the roster is by 1. leaving the squad or 2. being axed, therefore using the way staff ruled on this decision the word "accident" should not even be seen in the rules. I am not sure if the current staff members wrote the rules, but i believe the rules were written in such a way that it allows squad captains the ability to fix mistakes that they have made with such cases as this by inserting the word accident. We are not in a courtroom or in some contract, were in this game to have fun and the rules are made to make sure people have fun but also people do not cheat. I believe this rule was written to make sure that squad hopping does not happen.

    Secondly, after considering all of the above, staff should not critically analyze the situation or interpret it in their own way, because staff is not responsible for coming up with a plausible story of their own that is not your duty. Your duty in staff is to read the rules as they are and make sure they are implemented. Both mouse and I had sent our emails within 24 hours claiming that this was an accident. And since our actions are covered in the rules as not being an accident, because no where in the rules does it say axing can not be considered an accident I should be reinstated. Because we had covered all aspects of the rule, 1. that it is an accident because both parties involved in the situation say it was, and 2. we had sent our emails in 24 hours.

    Thirdly, I am not here to fight with you guys, but I just want to the ability to play with a squad that I help create and build from the start, and this being my last season in TWL i would like the ability to finish it. I am not asking for much because 1. i did not hop to another squad i am asking to be reinstated back into my old squad that i have played 2 leagues with, and 2. that this will not hurt anyone in the process. The reason why I am so adament about this is because i honestly feel that the rules do not critically asses this type of situation and should be allowed for this season and than rules should be rewritten in a way to prevent these types of things ( if staff wants ) next season, but i dont think this should happen, because lets face it were all here to have fun and enjoy playing TW. Yes, people get upset with another and stuff like this happens, but come on this is not like were breaking a social law, and its not like we even broke a TWL rule. I just want the ability to finish off my last season in Pandora fully even if that means losing in the semis, but i just want the ability to do that.

    In conclusion, i know you guys do not need to reconsider but I really hope you guys do, because from the stand point of the rules itself i did nothing wrong, but this whole thing was a misunderstanding amongst 2 squad mates. I just really hope that you guys really consider how the rule is stated and how it does not give a clear definition about what an accident is and therefore I should be allowed back into league. Also, you can not keep me out of league saying that yes their is a loop hole in the rules, but it will be changed for next season and still keep me out because it is unfair for me. So please if your going to fix it , fix it next season but let me play with how the rule stand right now.

    1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
    1:Eelam> ROFLMAO

  • #2
    I love you Eelam, but I think you're just gonna have to bite the bullet on this one


    • #3
      6.06 All judgments and decisions made by the Trench Wars League Staff are final. There is no appealing a final judgment.

      Even if you could appeal,

      6.03 All appeals are to be sent to Appeals sent to any other location or by any other means will not be heard.

