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TAPS - Trench Wars Association of Players and Staff

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  • TAPS - Trench Wars Association of Players and Staff

    Given the disputes which have been presented recently (by a broad spectrum of the community) it seems that a lot of people have said that a "council of peers" would be beneficial to the community for the purpose of "peer review" of staff decisions. With this in mind, I have come up with one (of many) possible way to implement this:

    TAPS - Trench Wars Association of Players and Staff

    Any registered player (both players and staff) in TWD (to make sure people don't try to enter with multiple aliases) can apply to join TAPS.

    After a 1 week application period, all people who have applied will be able to choose 5 other people who have applied to TAPS (aside from themselves) who they would be willing to have represent them in TAPS.

    -Top 50% of all players (based on votes) who have applied will become members of TAPS (player side).
    -Top 50% of all staff (based on votes) who have applied will become members of TAPS (staff side)

    Because there are far more players than staff, there will have to be an arbitrary limit established so that votes on each side will be weighed the same. For example, if there are 50 members in player council and only... 15 in the staff side, the weighting system would make the 15 staff votes equal in weight to the 50 player votes.

    -The non-staff player who receives the most votes will be the Chair of TAPS (Player Side)
    -The staff member who receives the most votes will be the Chair of TAPS (Staff Side). There should probably be a requirement that the chairman of staff side needs to be either a mod or smod (ie. no ZH or ER can be chairman).

    Following this up this will be 5 players with the next highest votes (on each side) who will be members of a governing board of the council.

    In an instance where there a decision is made by staff in which a large portion of the community disagrees, staff will allow the members of TAPS to initiate arbitration to come up with a reconciliatory decision which both sides can agree on. For the sake of expediency, this entire process would have to be completed within 1.5 weeks.

    Once TAPS is called in, both sides will present their case, and all members of TAPS (both players and Staff) will vote on one of two options which have been presented.

    Chairman votes will count as 5x the vote of regular members, and members of the board will have votes which count as 2x the vote of the regular members.

    In an instance of conflict of interest (ie. if the decision is about specific squad(s) those members will not be allowed to vote - regardless if the conflict of interest involves a chairmen, member of the board, or regular member.

    TAPS elections will take place a month before every TWL season (to make sure that TAPS is composed of active people).

    The decision which garners the largest number of (weighted) votes will then be instituted. For the sake of expediency, no appeals process would be present, however it would probably be a good idea to give the Dean of Staff the ability to veto a TAPS decision if it is very controversial.

    This is by no means the only way something like this could be implemented, but it should give people an idea and give them the chance to come up with an improved version of this one.

    I find it highly unlikely
    that staff would ever willingly implement a system like this because it would displace the absoluteness of their powers, but looking at this logically - this is a game, shouldn't the decisions made in the game represent what the large segment of the community wants, rather than what a small segment (the staff) of the community wants?

    This post is not necessarily as a response to the recent arguments regarding TWL invitations, this is meant more as a general idea which could resolve a wide variety of disputes both current and in the future.

  • #2


    • #3
      Originally posted by genocidal View Post
      Wow, you must be a fast reader to respond 10 seconds after I posted the thread.



      • #4
        I'm Superman.


        • #5
          Just do captains of all the squads or something. its much easier.
          4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
          4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
          4:Geio> DEEZ?
          4:Geio> LOLOL
          4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
          4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
          4:spirit> LOL
          4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


          • #6
            Originally posted by Scoop View Post
            Just do captains of all the squads or something. its much easier.
            Hmm, that would be good if it was to deal with TWL related issues, but it might be a little limiting to just using captains to solve other general TW issues (since it would not be representative of the whole community).


            • #7
              get our your quill pens; we're writing the constitution!

              i can see this being a lot of work with two outcomes.... either very little usefulness or a player oligarchy that dictates biased opinions about general topics. not enough checks and balances :P
              SSCU Trench Wars Super Moderator
              SSCU Trench Wars Bot/Web Developer

              Stayon> That type of thing, when you're married for 50 years but you know you fucked up when you dropped chilli sause on your elitist rich boss, while crossing the cafeteria's lunch zone, getting you fired, because you were distracted admiring the cleaning lady's ass that you beated off to, when your sluggish wife and two retarted kids were asleep.


              • #8
                I prefer TWAPS.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Zingy
                  I find it highly unlikely that staff would ever willingly implement a system like this because it would displace the absoluteness of their powers, but looking at this logically - this is a game, shouldn't the decisions made in the game represent what the large segment of the community wants, rather than what a small segment (the staff) of the community wants?

                  This post is not necessarily as a response to the recent arguments regarding TWL invitations, this is meant more as a general idea which could resolve a wide variety of disputes both current and in the future.
                  I think the potential for this kind of system to go unused is more likely to be the deciding factor, not that it's going to "displace the absoluteness of our powers". The Complaint email for example is rarely used. Staff members are still part of this community, they're only given extra responsibilities and tasks.

                  Player oversight in my opinion wouldn't work as information is not given out lightly but for some issues like TWL invites I can see how it might be valuable. When designing TWPS Qan had an idea of a "player congress" but the idea didn't pan out because he believed people wouldn't be interested in it. I don't know if people would be today and the community might not be mature enough. So there's a lot to get it off the ground, it will depend on how much time and effort upper staff and the general public want to spend on it.


                  • #10
                    This is the main reason I will quit this game after this season.

                    PS - Hi Necro!
                    TWLD Season 8 Champion: -FINAL-
                    TWLB Season 9 Champion: -FINAL-

                    Sika> go in, burst and portal out © everett 2006 all rights reserved
                    Cross> feel like masturbating after seeing everett in javbirt
                    1:LF> my gf gives bad head, how do i fix this 1:pinkSTAR> give head to another guy 1:LF> k ur ignored
                    4:moot> cintra thinks he's as good as ev now so he's decided not to talk in public like him
                    1:broly> winning this title is like having sex


                    • #11
                      in light of the recent disaster TWL 2007, i vote yes

                      2:Lance> OMG
                      2:Lance> BCG is afking in my arena
                      2:Master of Dragons> you got steve'd

                      Creator/Co-Creator of:

                      ?go Prisonbreak, Twcountry, Hathunt, Treehunt, Birthday, Divbase, Defense, Devest, Trifecta, CSDOM, Brickbase, Sharkball, HateBase, Hatetf, Assassin, JavTerror, JavHunt, XmasZombies.

                      New Maps are in production...


                      • #12
                        In light that I am probably the best jav in Trench Wars.

                        I nominate myself as the Chairman of the TAP side, due to the fact that I am not a stafferfaggotBBQ.

                        I am a fast typer and I like Captain Crunch Cereal. These 2 assets should allow me to base my decisions solely on the best outcome for TW as a zone.

                        Please consider this as my personal Resume for the job.

                        P.S. I can probably drink a can of coke in 8.5 seconds

                        TWLB Champion Season - 9
                        TWLJ Champion Season - 10
                        TWLJ Champion Season - 11
                        TWLD Champion Season - 12
                        TWLJ Champion Season - 12
                        TWLD Champion Season - 13
                        TWLJ Champion Season - 13
                        TWLJ Champion Season - 14
                        TWEL-J Champion Season - 4


                        • #13
                          At first I had questions, but the picture explained everything.
                          Originally posted by Vatican Assassin
                          i just wish it was longer
                          Originally posted by Cops
                          it could have happened in the middle of a park at 2'oclock in the afternoon while your parents were at work and I followed you around all afternoon.


                          • #14
                            This would be a good idea, but you have to remember that staff currently has all the power at the moment. And if you think they would allow this to go into effect and have to share their "power", you're crazy. <_<


                            • #15
                              You ate some priest porridge

