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My Proposal for League Structure for Next Season

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  • #16
    even if splitting up wont promise increased activity, it still shouldnt drop it. also, i enjoy watching some of the otehr games. if we split it up, theres a chance i might get to watchin a few more of the games than i do now. there would be fewer games each week and that would allow more spots to open for caps to agree on. thatd also allow for games to be more spread out over that 5 hours or whatever instead of having all the wb games from 1-2 then all teh jav games from 2-3 then all lb's from 3-4.

    but if this does happen, i hope time slots wouldnt be decreased

    1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


    • #17
      You still have idiot TWL staffers to consider before you think of any idea to try and benefit the league
      I'm just a middle-aged, middle-eastern camel herdin' man
      I got a 2 bedroom cave here in North Afghanistan


      • #18
        Originally posted by Sufficient View Post
        The fact that players must split their time between 3 leagues makes me believe that competition and activity would be better if the leagues were split. What makes you believe basers won't try out wb and javs more? I'm not saying there will be a huge change. But to me it makes perfect sense that wb and javs would get a slight or even mediocre boost if split from basing, and vice versa.

        Remember the vets won't change whatever new changes are made. They've played this game long enough. It's just like any other game that you've played for awhile. There's really no way to "force" vets to care or be more active. On the other hand, there are kinda big ways where you can get newbies involved, active, and competitive.

        Pyramid is a big change, and I still think it's up in the air how well it'll work. Sure Premier League has been using it. I dunno how it's been going though. And I really dunno why you believe it will discourage squads from quitting league. Sure give it a try ... I think change is the biggest thing TW needs ... whatever that change may be.
        I don't disagree that there will be a few more people involved in leagues that otherwise wouldn't be involved in. But what you're not taking into account is the overall effect splitting TWL up will have. Right now it's once a year, people come out from inactivity at certain times, the whole zone get's active. TWL split up doesn't have that, people will be coming and going at all different times. This happens now, but not anywhere near the degree it will have when TWL is split up.

        Think about why TWD is so uncompetitive. There's two main reasons: You can play games anytime you want (and many many games do go down) and there's no reward. Well obviously there's a reward in TWL now and there would be if it's split up. If TWL is split up then you no longer have scheduled games for only 4 months of the year, now you've spread it out throughout the majority of the year and TWL can no longer be classified as selective games. It's essentially become a prized TWD, except you can't bd at the same times you can jd/dd.

        To understand why pyramid league would help cause fewer dropouts, you'd first have to understand why squads drop out. There are numerous reasons but some of the most important ones are: poor captains, squads getting crushed in lopsided matches in TWL (or just losing at all really), etc. I don't think there's any feasible way to ensure there are good captains running all TWL squads. But pyramid league would have squads that are similar in skill level playing each other so you'd rarely have some squad getting crushed in LD 50-20. That's bad. It's boring for the audience to watch the game, it's boring for the squad winning the game, and it's no fun for the squad losing the game. Pyramid league helps minimize these games.
        1:Best> lol why is everyone mad that roiwerk got a big dick stickin out his underwear, it's really attractive :P
        3:Best> lol someone is going to sig that
        3:Best> see it coming
        3:Best> sad


        • #19
          Splitting the leagues is a bad idea I think, this will just cause too many people who play the league that is in the offseason to stop playing, and they may not come back when their league starts.

          I played in the SVS zone league (premier league) this season I think they have a very good sytem. It's a pyramid league and everyone starts off the season equal and the results of the games decides who goes into the pro/intermediate/amateur tiers. At the end of the regular season (this season was 12 weeks long) Every team who earned their spot in Pro enters the pro playoffs and the winner of that is the Pro Champion. Same thing happens in the Intermediate and Amateur tiers. This gives every squad an incentive to keep playing because everyone makes it into the playoffs of the tier they end up in. Every week the matchups are decided by a squads spot on the pyramid. The #1 squad plays #2, #3 plays #4, etc. The top squad in Intermediate plays the bottom squad in Pro every week, allowing for movement between the tiers. This system makes for close matchups and prevents blowout games. This also ensures that every squad but the very top and very bottom are going to win some games and lose some games, so squads don't get bored/discourage by too many easy victories or too many blowout defeats. A major downside of this league is that squads often end up facing the same squad multiple times, but I think the upsides outweigh this downside. For TWL we could try 2 tiers of 8 teams each, with those 16 teams having to qualify through the TWD system. Or we could add a 3rd tier (for TWLJ and TWLD, probably not TWLb) and allow another 8 or more teams in, depending on how many teams are interested.
          Last edited by Static Burn; 12-19-2007, 04:45 PM.


          • #20
            if you could give a guess, how big is the SVS playerbase? are they all active often or just for their games? are there any roster caps?

            i honestly dont really care what happens with twl anymore, as long as something does

            the way you put it static, i like that idea

            1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


            • #21
              Originally posted by Izor View Post
              hey jackass, exalt never said it was his idea, seeing as how he got the idea from other zones' leagues
              i had the idea of the whole premier/intermediate/amateur league thing with ricko making another post keeping the idea going
              Right there is what he said.

              Interesting Idea, Eelam. Breaking the leagues into three leagues could work. I think we should try it, we've been trying to get competive play all this season, and whats a better way then try a new league system?

              Originally posted by MetalHeadz
              . And what is pandora doing in 'pro' section?
              Pandora got to the finals of LB, last year. Why else they wont be in the pro league? Sure, I don't like the members because of most of their members, but I think they are a good basing squad.
              TWLD Champion 2014
              TWDTB Champion 2013
              TWDTB Champion 2016
              TWDTB Champion 2017
              TWDTB Champion 2019.. my last one.
              -tj hazuki/hazuki :wub:


              • #22
                Originally posted by eelam <tw> View Post
                P.S. : I know alot of people going to argue using Exalt line of arguing that i am "taking" other people's ideas, but instead we all know there are problems with TW and these are the ideas that many have agreed will work, but what I am doing is giving a structure of how they will work and why they should be incorporated.
                Originally posted by exalt
                this is way too hard to read, but ill put this in simple terms for you

                stop stealing other peoples ideas, thats all your doing in this post

                i had the idea of the whole premier/intermediate/amateur league thing with ricko making another post keeping the idea going, duno who thought of the seperating basing and dueling thing but its already been said

                see how stupid and arrogant you seem when you demean other's posts that you don't bother to read? jackass.

                this is funny:
                Originally posted by izor
                hey jackass, exalt never said it was his idea, seeing as how he got the idea from other zones' leagues
                Originally posted by exalt
                i had the idea of the whole premier/intermediate/amateur league thing
                izor and exalt keeping it real

                ps oh xPrOnEsSim already noticed this one, i need to read entire thread before replying to 10 posts therein.
                Last edited by Vatican Assassin; 12-19-2007, 04:32 PM.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MetalHeadz View Post
                  Jesus fuck, add incomprehensible to the list of eelams flaws.

                  Sounded like utter wankness. And what is pandora doing in 'pro' section?
                  hey metalheadz does every single thread in this forum need to have your bunched panties involved? i swear all you do is go a round spewing hate and offering nothing.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vatican Assassin View Post
                    see how stupid and arrogant you seem when you demean other's posts that you don't bother to read? jackass.

                    this is funny:

                    izor and exalt keeping it real

                    ps oh xPrOnEsSim already noticed this one, i need to read entire thread before replying to 10 posts therein.
                    hey jackass

                    how about you start reading threads from like a month or two ago, better yet read threads i made or ricko made... or look elsewhere in trench wars main thread and look up everything ive posted

                    eelam got this idea from me and ricko about the amateur/intermediate/pro thing, and we got the idea from svs

                    but the whole thought of implimenting it in TWL has not been said in a long long time, but now that it was first mentioned it seems people like eelam like to create the same threads that other people created and say it was their own ideas. Notice the title of the thread is "MY PROPOSAL"

                    also look it up i came up with the voting thing, which static burn took further... but im sure you will deny that too

                    ill just stop comming up with good ideas i guess, since im called a jackass for claiming them
                    RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                    RaCka> mad impressive


                    • #25

                      newbie stfu, i played svs last season i know how there pyramid works.

                      I said it was "my" proposal because i implemented ideas you did not think of and argued why they should be implemented. Your posts are telling the problems of league and what should be done rather than stating why something should be implemented and why it would work.

                      But with respect to Reaver's post. I honestly believe now that splitting league up would be a bad idea, because like reaver said it takes away the essence of league, which after thinking about it is a big thing and what separates league from TWD. I believe we should try implementing the pyramid system next season only, choosing the squads with the results of this season. I believe facing squads in your division more than once will result in much better game play and tougher playoff matches.

                      Wonder why there isn't much response from twl coordinators ?
                      TWLJ SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                      TWLD SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                      KISS MY RINGS

                      1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
                      1:Eelam> ROFLMAO


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by eelam <tw> View Post
                        newbie stfu, i played svs last season i know how there pyramid works.

                        But with respect to Reaver's post. I honestly believe now that splitting league up would be a bad idea, because like reaver said it takes away the essence of league, which after thinking about it is a big thing and what separates league from TWD. I believe we should try implementing the pyramid system next season only, choosing the squads with the results of this season. I believe facing squads in your division more than once will result in much better game play and tougher playoff matches.

                        Wonder why there isn't much response from twl coordinators ?
                        dont call me a newbie, your the base pubber, never even heard of you before i looked on forums and your name kept popping up as someone everyone seemed to hate, because your a little bitch. And then in chats I would see players talk how newbie you are... so no, i think YOUR the newbie

                        and EVERYONES played in svs... but guess what? You didn't make this little "proposal" until AFTER everyone else made the idea in the first place. And then you tried claiming it as your own idea. Thats what i think is fucked up. But w/e, your still considered a faggot by all of tw anyway, so no one cares.
                        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                        RaCka> mad impressive


                        • #27

                          rofl i kept making posts about how i will make a league structure after my exams why don't you go look for that.

                          Exalt, before you talk shit to me why don't you get good at your ship, I am one of the best jav and baser in this zone son GET GOOD.
                          TWLJ SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                          TWLD SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                          KISS MY RINGS

                          1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
                          1:Eelam> ROFLMAO


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by eelam <tw> View Post
                            rofl i kept making posts about how i will make a league structure after my exams why don't you go look for that.

                            Exalt, before you talk shit to me why don't you get good at your ship, I am one of the best jav and baser in this zone son GET GOOD.
                            i am good at my ship

                            and I dont know if your good at jav or as a baser, i dont watch newbies play

                            play a few years first pubber, then talk to me

                            and i dont give two shits about basing, so have fun trying to make me think your good that way, cuz you wont. Basers are usually players that cant cut it playing other ships, or guys that got bored with wb/jav and moved on to basing, but your a pure baser, so i cant really give you respect

                            never even heard of you b4 like, two weeks ago
                            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                            RaCka> mad impressive


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by Exalt View Post
                              eelam got this idea from me and ricko about the amateur/intermediate/pro thing, and we got the idea from svs

                              but the whole thought of implimenting it in TWL has not been said in a long long time, but now that it was first mentioned it seems people like eelam like to create the same threads that other people created and say it was their own ideas. Notice the title of the thread is "MY PROPOSAL"

                              also look it up i came up with the voting thing, which static burn took further... but im sure you will deny that too

                              ill just stop comming up with good ideas i guess, since im called a jackass for claiming them
                              Read the end of eelams first post exalt. He says he knows the original ideas aren't his but people like you will deem it necessary to point out that he is stealing ideas. He then says that he is only giving them structure so they can be implemented. You have reminded us that these are your ideas so many times that eelam finds it necessary to say he already knows, not that it does any good. THAT'S why you're a jackass. You don't read his post, you just go "ARG thats MY idea ARG."

                              You got us all to vote for the game, good job. You came up with some good ideas. Good job. Please stop reminding everyone what ships you are good at and perhaps start working with eelam and others toward helping TW. He IS agreeing with YOUR ideas right? Stop worrying about who came up with them and start writing about the only reason eelam wrote in the first place, giving them structure and implementing them.


                              • #30

                                get to the finals exalt than talk to me k thnx, or better yet become one of the best in your newbie ship than talk to me. GET GOOD B).

                                P.S. I aint a pure baser you dipshit, i am more known for my javing skills than i am my basing but hey, your not part of the elite circle so hard for you to know that, keep riding spectate and let the big boys play k thnx.

                                P.P.S: my autograph signing sessions are usually on sunday 4pm, ill give you a free one since your on my ass every post i make B)
                                TWLJ SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                                TWLD SEASON 12 CHAMPION
                                KISS MY RINGS

                                1:Eelam> 3:TagMor> meh, i get girls regardless
                                1:Eelam> ROFLMAO

