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  • TWBots

    Would someone please post the player commands to the bots and explain them so everyone can know and understand them.

    Thank you.
    "Have Guns and Travel SubSpace / Continuum"

  • #2
    For TWL games:

    /!squadfreq - bot will put you on your squad's freq as determined by squad profiles on the league website. You must be squadjoined for this to work.

    /!lagout - places you in after you lagout. Maximum 3 times. I think for TWLB the host will have to override that.

    For the game "Hunt":

    /!prey - Tells who you should be hunting if you forget.

    /!score <name> - Checks your score or score of another if specified.

    /!scoreleader - Tells who currently has highest score.

    Now for other bots:

    scbot (starcon bot):

    PM the bot with a ship number to be placed in that ship (except for levi)

    /!trade <name> - Give the capital ship position to <name>.

    /!capital - Grants you the capital ship position if it isn't already taken.

    /!ping - Just a fun little thing. Just sends you back "pong".

    robobase (bot for basing):

    Pm the bot with a ship type to be placed in that ship or to reserve that ship for next game following these rules:

    One terrier is allowed per team. Two sharks are allowed per team. Levis are not allowed. (First come first serve)..

    /!notify - Bot will notify you when the next game is starting.


    /!next - Gets the next help answer if there are multiple answers to be given after using a ?help

    /!summon - Requests a live representitive (ZH) to come help you after you have used a ?help

    Of course / is only used to represent a PM to the bot. You can still use :: or :botname: on these (must be in the same arena except for RoboHelp)

    Off hand I can't think of anymore - if I do I'll post them.
    Last edited by 2dragons; 07-19-2002, 10:52 PM.
    TWLB Champion Season 1 (Light)
    TWLD Champion Season 6/7 (Elusive/Syndicate)
    TWLJ Champion Season 7 (Syndicate)

    1 of the first 2 to get all 3. (Fireballz is other)


    • #3
      You're too helpful for your own good, Austin.


      • #4
        Sometimes I try to be beneficial to the zone!
        TWLB Champion Season 1 (Light)
        TWLD Champion Season 6/7 (Elusive/Syndicate)
        TWLJ Champion Season 7 (Syndicate)

        1 of the first 2 to get all 3. (Fireballz is other)


        • #5
          Should have typed "On It!" 2d :P
          gravy_: They should do great gran tourismo
          gravy_: Electric granny chariots
          gravy_: round the nurburgring

          XBL: VodkaSurprise


          • #6
            Lol yeah, but then I might have had some big problems concerning this game and me!
            TWLB Champion Season 1 (Light)
            TWLD Champion Season 6/7 (Elusive/Syndicate)
            TWLJ Champion Season 7 (Syndicate)

            1 of the first 2 to get all 3. (Fireballz is other)

