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The New TWL Rules

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Capital Knockers View Post
    I actually really agree with this, I don't see why we should stop squads from being able to play on a Tuesday or something if they can both show all their top players that day. People do have lives, I don't see why we need to be so strict about cramming it all into a weekend (mostly Sunday) if both teams and an Op is free on a weekday.
    i thought it had to do with scheduling referees to watch the game. If it's just arbitrary, i don't see why it couldn't have some more leeway. But if it's about scheduling refs, it's probably as changible as it could be.

    RE:lag issues

    Flabby your progressive ideology in regards to specing/warning/banning lag issues is commendable. If someone's visually lagging: eating bullets over and over again, flying through rocks, or just jumping around you shouldn't need any quantitative evidence to remove them from the game. Having three people verify this seems rather fool-proof, or at least much more honest. Might help to weed out who's manipulating their connections too - if they're able to correct the visual lag without really changing their statistics...
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