TWDC-J Hot or Not ::::: Final Score - Sage vs. Laser: 40 - 50 by requiem
The final of TWDC-J was a fairly exciting and close one at that. I'm glad to see this TWDC cup thing bring a bit of population aswell back to tw so i will give mirrorrim a mention on this weeks hot aswell
Hot ::::: Dawk ::::: Whats up Dawk, i dont know who the hell this guy is but he did put forward a stellar performance posting a 13 kill game without dieing out. not bad, not bad. honourable mentions to Spikey for being the only player on his team to post a positive record.
Not ::::: Cuji ::::: There are a few players this week that could have taken the cake. After almost sparking a slight comeback cuji thought it would be a great idea to kill his only teamate who was putting up some numbers which opened the door for laser to walk right through. Honourable mentions go to Havu and that harry potter spell on their top notch 1-6 and 1-5 performances.
Hot or Not TWDD-Cup Finals ::::: Sweet - 50:Fate - 36 ::::: Sweet gets into TWLD. by kthx
Honorable Mention ::::: Lagouts ::::: Lagouts played a huge factor in this match and might have been the reasoning behind Fate losing this game despite being outgunned considerably. After deed and cloth both had early lagouts they started to catch up on their kills which they got far and few between at the start despite warlord who had three before anyone else has any on Fate. After fate got over their first bout of lagouts the game was almost tied around 25-30 before they made the game altering decision to sub in validity but I will get to that later on.
Hot Player of the Week ::::: Tohn ::::: Despite what Jones had told me earlier in the week Tohn managed to show up this weekend and he obviously came to play. I didn't expect him to be such a huge factor for Sweet and opted instead for Aerin to be the player to watch but I was wrong. Tohn started out the match strong, getting important kills which allowed Sweet to play the 5v4 instead of the 5v5 which gave them a huge advantage. Towards the middle he didn't do much but then again at the end he ended up hitting some nice shots. From what I saw his teaming was impeccible, and without him in this game might have turned out to be much closer than it was. VT was the only other player on Sweet who was doing anything beyond the regular 1:1 and I am not sure with Dak's terrible performance if that would have been enough. Next week for preseason they should also have Spaceship back to play for Dak so without that weak link they might do pretty well against some of TWL's "mid squads".
Not Player of the Week ::::: Validity ::::: Man.. I don't even know where to start with this trash performance. How do you get subbed into a match while the game is still 5v5 and go 1-4 and then do a +1 lagout in a match that will either get you into twl or make you wait another year. I honestly expected him to play well, I figured he would start and get at least a solid 12 kills before he died out. This is single handedly one of the worst twlesque performances I have ever seen. I would be even more disgusted if this was the only thing that cost Fate the game but unfortunately Creek played like the terrible warbird he is. Warlord although starting strong obviously couldn't handle the pressure of holding together his team towards the mid-point as was honestly needed of him. Hectic.. who the hell is Hectic anyways and why is he starting in warbird, the guy is pure rubbish, most of his deaths weren't from being rushed, or even a fast stray, they were from some of the worst shots I have ever seen. Deed was lagged out for half of the round, and why they didn't have more players there to sub him I couldn't tell you. But as I looked through the public dump that is sweet, the worst piece of trash on the hill was Validity. The one and only good thing I can say about anything on Fate would have to be Cloth, even with his terrible team dying around him, and lagging out, he managed to go positive. Anyways I am glad this squad is out of TWLD because I am sure that they would have dissolved after going 0-3 anyways. Im sorry to sound lame for this recurring theme in this HoN but, good riddance to bad rubbish.
HoN TWDC-B Finals has not been written yet
Maybe some of you can post your own comments!
The final of TWDC-J was a fairly exciting and close one at that. I'm glad to see this TWDC cup thing bring a bit of population aswell back to tw so i will give mirrorrim a mention on this weeks hot aswell
Hot ::::: Dawk ::::: Whats up Dawk, i dont know who the hell this guy is but he did put forward a stellar performance posting a 13 kill game without dieing out. not bad, not bad. honourable mentions to Spikey for being the only player on his team to post a positive record.
Not ::::: Cuji ::::: There are a few players this week that could have taken the cake. After almost sparking a slight comeback cuji thought it would be a great idea to kill his only teamate who was putting up some numbers which opened the door for laser to walk right through. Honourable mentions go to Havu and that harry potter spell on their top notch 1-6 and 1-5 performances.
Hot or Not TWDD-Cup Finals ::::: Sweet - 50:Fate - 36 ::::: Sweet gets into TWLD. by kthx
Honorable Mention ::::: Lagouts ::::: Lagouts played a huge factor in this match and might have been the reasoning behind Fate losing this game despite being outgunned considerably. After deed and cloth both had early lagouts they started to catch up on their kills which they got far and few between at the start despite warlord who had three before anyone else has any on Fate. After fate got over their first bout of lagouts the game was almost tied around 25-30 before they made the game altering decision to sub in validity but I will get to that later on.
Hot Player of the Week ::::: Tohn ::::: Despite what Jones had told me earlier in the week Tohn managed to show up this weekend and he obviously came to play. I didn't expect him to be such a huge factor for Sweet and opted instead for Aerin to be the player to watch but I was wrong. Tohn started out the match strong, getting important kills which allowed Sweet to play the 5v4 instead of the 5v5 which gave them a huge advantage. Towards the middle he didn't do much but then again at the end he ended up hitting some nice shots. From what I saw his teaming was impeccible, and without him in this game might have turned out to be much closer than it was. VT was the only other player on Sweet who was doing anything beyond the regular 1:1 and I am not sure with Dak's terrible performance if that would have been enough. Next week for preseason they should also have Spaceship back to play for Dak so without that weak link they might do pretty well against some of TWL's "mid squads".
Not Player of the Week ::::: Validity ::::: Man.. I don't even know where to start with this trash performance. How do you get subbed into a match while the game is still 5v5 and go 1-4 and then do a +1 lagout in a match that will either get you into twl or make you wait another year. I honestly expected him to play well, I figured he would start and get at least a solid 12 kills before he died out. This is single handedly one of the worst twlesque performances I have ever seen. I would be even more disgusted if this was the only thing that cost Fate the game but unfortunately Creek played like the terrible warbird he is. Warlord although starting strong obviously couldn't handle the pressure of holding together his team towards the mid-point as was honestly needed of him. Hectic.. who the hell is Hectic anyways and why is he starting in warbird, the guy is pure rubbish, most of his deaths weren't from being rushed, or even a fast stray, they were from some of the worst shots I have ever seen. Deed was lagged out for half of the round, and why they didn't have more players there to sub him I couldn't tell you. But as I looked through the public dump that is sweet, the worst piece of trash on the hill was Validity. The one and only good thing I can say about anything on Fate would have to be Cloth, even with his terrible team dying around him, and lagging out, he managed to go positive. Anyways I am glad this squad is out of TWLD because I am sure that they would have dissolved after going 0-3 anyways. Im sorry to sound lame for this recurring theme in this HoN but, good riddance to bad rubbish.
HoN TWDC-B Finals has not been written yet
