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TWL Preseason Week 1 HOT or NOT

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  • TWL Preseason Week 1 HOT or NOT

    Hot or Not Week 1 ::::: Pre-Season ::::: TWLD by Kthx

    Ok, with the first week of full TWLD play out of the way I can finally start doing what I was planning on doing in the first place. I am going to be writing about all the games a little bit before I go into the best of the best, and the worst of the worst. I actually had a chance to watch every game this week also so I think that everything should be pretty thorough.

    Thunder vs Dynasty -

    Dynasty started out this week playing terribly, the teaming was awful, nobody was getting any kills, and one of the players I expected to play well ended up getting subbed out 3-7. Fortunately for Dynasty this is also when the teaming started to get a bit more cohesive. Eager made a decent appearance turning KK's rec into 7-10 by the end of the match, and Geza and Weak really dominated the end game thanks to some terrible teaming on the part of KillerGT and Burnt (who was playing quite well up until the end). Ardour had a massive choke going from 9-4 to 12-10 which in part gave Dynasty the oppurtunity they needed to come back from a -11 defecit. Needless to say Thunder didn't have all their starters in but if Dynasty can recapture the end game they had here, they might end up over .500 in this TWL.

    Syne vs Quake -

    Now Syne as I am sure most of you know is hardly a powerhouse in this game but I still expect them to pull off atleast one upset this season. They really had a chance this week but the Skepsis/Raspi combination was just too experienced for these guys. Paky Dude who some consider to be "too good for syne" got shut down completely. Harder who started out 0-4 before getting subbed makes this writer think that perhaps he should have played "harder" opponents during the year to get into TWL, he was obviously not ready for this level of competition. Still Quake won the game, no thanks to the other three starters who were largely negative during most of the game. I am starting to wonder if perhaps Sake and Pirates will be stealing more of their players throughout the upcoming week. Should be interesting to see how much of Ignite's bought and paid for roster doesn't get repossessed.

    Heavy vs Pirates -

    This game was a straight rape from start to finish, Annoyance and Kthx started out the round going 12-0 combined before either of them were killed. Izor started out a bit slow with a 2-6 but managed to fight his way up to an 8-8 thanks to great teaming nearly the entire round. This was probably the strongest starting line this week. As for Pirates.. Hermit needs to walk the plank after that terrible performance, and although the rest of the lineup are generally good warbirds the teaming was lackluster at best, especially with Plob#f dying out early in the game. Once again.. this isn't Pirates starting lineup after picking up Vys, and without Scoop, but they looked pretty bad this week.

    Sake vs Disoblige -

    Otherwise known as "the game that I predicted perfectly" by some, due to the fact that I called the score before the game started. This match was very close at the start because Deluge was getting spawned, but after the first few rough minutes the game stayed very close until Pjotter was out and the game was 4v5. Sake used this advantage perfectly and continued to destroy the remaining scattered Disoblige members to a 37-50 victory. (Azreal lagged out -3 so it was 37-50 sake). As a predominantly "not" writer I am looking forward to watching more disoblige games for inspiration. However with Sake gaining Drow, Mega Newbie, and possible Deez their lineup looks stronger than Ever.

    Rape vs Sweet -

    What a terrible outing, and considering I made this my featured match of the week I personally was embarrased. This was the slowest game that I have seen so far this TWL with neither side able to kill at the start of the game. Fortunately for Sweet they found a leader in Spaceship who managed to kill 14 enemies partially thanks to the fact that there were so many around that his teammates couldn't hit. I honestly thought that Sweet might be on the same level as Dynasty but now I am sorry I ever mentioned the two of them in the same sentence, I think either of these squads should be happy to beat Syne by 5 kills. If it wasn't for spaceship I would have just made this entire game the not section. Both of you had better learn to fucking aim or atleast leave a message for mirrorrim asking him to go ahead and start looking for a replacement.

    So after all of that we get to the exciting part, my Hot and Not picks of the week.

    Hot Player of the Week -

    My hot player of the week is going to be WAR, although there were other selections available none of them were games that were close at one point so. War controlled the tempo of his team very well and managed to get 11 kills while doing so. He played the front man since he had fewer deaths than his teammates and did a good job of trapping Disoblige players on high deaths. It is hard to say whether Sake would have lost without him, but I think it would have been a much closer game.

    Not Player of the Week -

    I have two very terrible terrible teamers to mention this week in my not section. In a game that was EASILY winnable by Thunder, for some reason KillerGT and Burnt decided to play a 2v2 as a 1v1v2 and ended up losing the game for their team. Never before in the history of TWL has such an inexcusable lack of teaming occured in a game. On top of this Ardour going on a 3-6 run late in the game didn't help matters. However this doesn't excuse KillerGT and Burnt who should be able to kill "geza and weak" easily from losing this game. This Terrible Twosome is the reason why Thunder lost, congratulations.


    Hot or Not TWLDJ-Preseason week #1 by requiem

    Hot Player of the Week ::::: Hercules :::::

    There were quite a few matches this week that could have given me a player to name for the hot title. The one that stuck out the most was hercules, this guy posted 18 kills
    in a walk over dice. Honourable mentions this week go to Deez Nuts who ran through Dynasty with an impressive 16 kill game and to kian who pulled a 14-4 in his game, quite
    frankly i think he pulled this one out of his ass and I doubt we will see it again. Good game guys.

    Not Player of the Week ::::: Laser :::::

    For the Not player of the week I am definately naming an entire squad. Who woulda thought the first and only preseason week of TWLJ, the reigning TWDC-J cup winners would
    have a no show and forfeit.. they blame the twl website which could have given them atleast a little bit of an excuse but lets be serious there are forums people can check
    aswell. Thanks for making this weeks "not" an easy one to right and i will be looking forward to see who will be replacing you in week 2 after your 2nd no-show.


    TWLB Hot or Not by voth

    Voth's NOT pick of the week: Disoblige
    Well Disoblige, you truly showed just how inconsistent and washed up you are. Not only did you lose to a squad has much less skill than yours, but you lost in a game where they lagged out 16 times as a squad, and one of which was their terrier. That's inexcusable to say the least. Pjotter was laughable at best in javelin with a 57-56 and 3 TeKs on BasingCrew's esteemed terrier, JeBu, who could be killed three times by a monkey banging on a keyboard. At which point in the minds of the Disoblige captains did this come up: "Let's substitute Mantra out for a middle aged man who's reflexes as far as repping goes are slower than molasses in January." Let's be honest; Ephemeral is not a TWL caliber shark. Cool guy, but he isn't good enough to support the team around him. So, another mistake by Diso. Let's also not forget that their elite pickups, Kawrae and Spikey, didn't show, so they forced bram into terr and Galleleo into the game somehow, which should be a sin in itself. Only way they could of been more funny is if they put Major Crisis in the game. Thumbs way down for a disappointing disoblige squad this week in TWLB.

    Voth's HOT pick of the week: Pirates
    Now I know what you're all thinking... "omfg Pirates lost this is the hot section wtfz0r!!!" Yeah, it is, and Pirates were hot in TWLB today. They took it to the defending champs all game, and it came down to the last seconds, where they barely fell short against Dice. Hercules proved that he is not basing deficient as he piloted his terrier decently enough to keep his team in the game. Dwopple and Knockers proved to be a good enough shark duo to support Pirates' spiders, where there were some surprises. Poxy and Turban ended with 114 and 118 kills, respectively, and Turban notched 2 TeKs on a tough Chief Utsav. Oh yeah, Cripple, you were making fun of poxy in the TWB predictions thread, I think it's awesome that he outkilled the self proclaimed "best spider in trench wars." It's ok Cripple, one day you'll be able to back up the fecal matter that spews from your cornhole on a daily basis, but it's apparently not today. The real star here was M_M God, who definitely made a2m and Jrahen work by and came up with a bunch of clutch bombs and TeKs. I still think they should of changed him to spider when they had cram with about a minute until the win, but that doesn't take away from his great game. Maybe dice is missing a second shark more than we thought, a2m can only do so much and Jrahen should of been spidering. Maybe if you recruited a few more Brainwave sharks one of them would of shown up, megaman.

    Honorable mention goes to Mainliner for completely manhandling a stubborn Penetrate team, proving that their teamwork and explosive spiders make them a contender for the title.
    Last edited by Voth; 12-01-2008, 02:32 PM.
    7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

    Duel Pasta> great
    Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face


    TWLB Champion Season 12
    TWLJ Champion Season 11
    TWLB All-Star Season 10
    Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history

  • #2



    • #3
      pirates should be in the NOT section, honestly. We literally won that game......7v8. Our TERR lagged out 3 of the starting spids I added lagged out and we had to sub in requiem and smurf and to top it all off jrahen was in shark. Please tell me why their loss was so impressive lol.

      1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
      1:waven> is if im going to prison
      1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


      • #4
        I thought before the game that we (Dynasty) Would run wild all over thunder's players honostly...Just due to the fact that we have been teaming great as of lately..First 7 minutes of this game had our team frustrated..Id rush in and see 4 of my players getting picked off. So we had to slow our roles for a minute and regroup our efforts and thought's and decided to go right at them. (single out one player)! The ending was pretty exciting. Regen and I pretty much made KGT run away from us thinking we were chasing him. When we would just turn around and focus on burnt....DUH?!?! Anyways in a nut shell it doesnt mean anything cuase it was pre-season. We will take this all way more seriously next week. Good luck and thanks for playing all. Hopefully we get a good season out of this year. ^-^


        • #5
          yeah! fu spikey and kawrae!
          Originally Posted by HeavenSent
          You won't have to wait another 4 years.
          There wont be another election for president.
          Obama is the Omega President.


          • #6
            check your sources voth, spikey and kaw werent eligible to play this week...


            • #7
              Originally posted by megaman89 View Post
              pirates should be in the NOT section, honestly. We literally won that game......7v8. Our TERR lagged out 3 of the starting spids I added lagged out and we had to sub in requiem and smurf and to top it all off jrahen was in shark. Please tell me why their loss was so impressive lol.
              dont see how that is an excuse for turb/poxy outkilling every1 on ur team?

              was a gg, dont think dice expected us to even be that close, especially with herc in terr ^.^
              zidane> big play
              Omega Red> dwop sick
              mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
              WillBy> ^^

              1:Chief Utsav> LOL
              1:Rule> we dont do that here.

              cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


              • #8
                btw wark. I think you meant to say "Geza and Regen". even though weak had a gg too.
                A glass can only spill what it contains.

                "Now, I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds."

                "I do not really understand myself these days. I am supposed to be an average, reasonable, & intelligent young man. However, lately (I cannot recall when it started) I have been a victim of many unusual & irrational thoughts."-Charles Whitman


                • #9
                  Originally posted by megaman89 View Post
                  pirates should be in the NOT section, honestly. We literally won that game......7v8. Our TERR lagged out 3 of the starting spids I added lagged out and we had to sub in requiem and smurf and to top it all off jrahen was in shark. Please tell me why their loss was so impressive lol.
                  nerd rage

                  anyway champ, if you're going to defend that title like you so confidently say on a daily basis, maybe you're going to need a little depth and players who don't lagout!
                  7:Warcraft> Why don't white people hit their kids anymore?

                  Duel Pasta> great
                  Duel Pasta> I spilled juice on my face

                  Tower> NATIONAL WEED YOUR GARDEN DAY

                  TWLB Champion Season 12
                  TWLJ Champion Season 11
                  TWLB All-Star Season 10
                  Best undeserved TWL title winner in Trench Wars history


                  • #10
                    I've been telling that you guys lag --

                    Reformat your computer, downgrade from Vista to XP, buy a new connection -> should help.

                    At least it helped me and my spike MED (it used to be around 30, now 2-5).



                    • #11
                      Good writing, except for the part of "spikey and kawrae not showing up". We couldn't play because of the 1 week waiting rule. oO;

                      SeRtIfi> What's the point of going out with friends everyday just to hang out when I meet them in school and sometimes on weekends anyways, if I can play in SubSpace with them?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Voth View Post
                        and to kian who pulled a 14-4 in his game, quite
                        frankly i think he pulled this one out of his ass and I doubt we will see it again. Good game guys.
                        Hated </3 lol wait and see

                        Good read voth, keep up the good work! (ps see it was posted at 1:03am, nice work bro)
                        Last edited by KiAN; 12-01-2008, 12:34 PM.
                        1:Blasphemy> if ur gonna put a jav in line
                        1:Blasphemy> we gotta have people like eelam and kian in
                        1:Blasphemy> from the beginning

                        1:exquisite> u know whats wierd
                        1:exquisite> having ur dad talk to u on AIM
                        1:exquisite> like zzzzz
                        1:Ease> you think thats wierd?
                        1:exquisite> ya
                        1:Ease> try skipping school
                        1:Ease> and having ur mom IM you
                        1:Kian> LOL EASE
                        1:Collusion> LOOL
                        1:exquisite> LOL


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Voth View Post
                          nerd rage

                          anyway champ, if you're going to defend that title like you so confidently say on a daily basis, maybe you're going to need a little depth and players who don't lagout!
                          i'm not sure why 89 is offended, he should be flattered. anyone who only just loses to dice's 4th string lineup is made the hot team of the week! it's quite offending to pirates though..
                          i think thunder should be hot of the week for beating a rather weak spastic line.. or maybe mainliner.. i didn't watch, but from the scores it seemed both dominated their games.. unlike pirates who lost..

                          with that it's also funny we're made not of the week for losing an LB-unworthy lagfest of a game.. it seems someone was a little to eager to have a go at Disoblige.. i'm sure we did worse than the team who didn't even get 3 min on the clock though!

                          ps. pjot is clearly the overall not player of the week; 5-10 or something in LD, and he tk'd me from lowerbase when we finally had a cram going.. wtf was that pjotter, wtf.
                          pps. also da1 for not being able to play because of lag and then just going afk, so i have to make line/coord/sub and play at the same time, great captain as he is. then right after the game he comes back and complains that i didn't use any subs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by megaman89 View Post
                            pirates should be in the NOT section, honestly. We literally won that game......7v8. Our TERR lagged out 3 of the starting spids I added lagged out and we had to sub in requiem and smurf and to top it all off jrahen was in shark. Please tell me why their loss was so impressive lol.
                            It's not like we put in a top line ourselves.
                            4:DEEZ NUTS> geio hopefully u smoke ur last cig right now
                            4:Geio> yo wont ever happen again
                            4:Geio> DEEZ?
                            4:Geio> LOLOL
                            4:DEEZ NUTS> LOL
                            4:scoop> cant tell if deez was trying to be a good influence or telling him to die LOL
                            4:spirit> LOL
                            4:Geio> LOLOL THINK HE TOLD ME TO DIE
                            4:Geio> FUCKING DICKHEAD


                            • #15
                              the only thing that is making me wonder right now is if that 'top line' you are mentioning scoop is if you are in it. hercules owns u in terr and i dont think ive ever seen him terr in my life. oh btw requiem for twlb hot player of the week 1/2 through game sub with 71 kills 2 teks and 4 fts!!! not to mention i cleaned house and killed their whole team with 25 seconds left of flag time that they were holding. rise to the occassion right herc?
                              Subnova Owner

