Originally posted by Exalt
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Originally posted by Exalt
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These r my twld pwoer renkings for week fiv3e first i want to clear upo that exzlt rite dynasty r 9-1 ratio for all games they plays in twl so far n shuld be place higher wspot becuz they beet thunder two time in twl game if you win u r better squad if u are lose ur worser squad htats how it always gona bee anuways here go my power rnkings
1. quaak
;dey g onna wiuns becaus they has best palyers n getting all wins no lost yet and has #1 camptain in allo huistory of subspece
2. Pjrates:
tuhey have benen playing ral hard fafter lost to qukae so yea gud lux
u guais r suprising ever4y way, i pick u nujber 3 cauz u habs some quixsans on ur squad like exlalt that go realy highs rekord laszt week with like eightens to nine and gots n nbp, u r surprse like backdoor entry, very beteran, i would ben ot surprise if dynasti win twld this seasom.
uy gais get plase before dyunasty cauz clerly it imposibull to be betur than someone who beet u 2 timees expecialiey when beteranz like exult get 18to9 scoors.
tumndert is obiousley better den u guy so they get to go 4 on this list, but you negber nose bcuz u guyz has players olike rackets egor n ktunx nquick sen ds was onli squid in twl to gos four to fiv3e plaher so oviosley ther ssome vetran pleyrs in squd.
6. Swe3it is number 6
godc sauquad name but u need toi get act toguther bcz twl is serius buesness n i don wan u gux to vall behbnd . i htink rivbersizwe is the hbes men on ur rooster so u shuld gibe him all 10 live insted of subbin him out, he can make amazin cumbax ifu give him chan se
hai puscume u get delactuble naem to plai on ur squd yet? megju nubie shuld ob staid on quaaik cuz pendu beer is fat ugli asizn whail dat rujined mejua nube skills to dthe max
lol u gus r win aaginst disbliges, henistlie i was surpersise.
lollllllllllllllll ombgwtfbbq how u in twls? LOL
as u can se last 3 squd i don hjas muich to spek about