No one has made one of these yet, so I'm going to name the potential candidates from each squad this season.
::::: Quake :::::
Deez nuts - Solid performances pretty much all season. A shoo-in.
Raspi - Thunder game is the biggest thing going for him so far, although week 1 I think I remember him having another big game. Perennial all star candidate
Vash - Hard to really ignore the stats he puts up, even though his teamwork needs improvement.
::::: HEAVY :::::
Apok - All 3 of the candidates should be shoo-ins on this squad. Apok could possibly be the most dominant wb this season killing almost at a 2:1 ratio.
Izor - Clearly the most underrated player this season with the teamwork and recs he brings to the table. 6 wins, 6 positive recs. 1 loss, 1 negative rec.
RaCka - Vicious rushes and monster games when he plays. Dont think I've seen him miss close range all season. Barry Sanders would be jealous of his juking abilities.
::::: Thunder :::::
Ease - Carried a couple games this season. Good in wb mostly with mid to long range shots.
b4 - Another perennial All Star selectee. Has had a couple shaky games this year, Dynasty popping out to me off the top of my head, but has more than made up for it since.
Creature - NO CREATURE NO VICTORY still seems to be holding true, excluding the one death outing he had at the end of a lost cause.
::::: Pirates :::::
Hercules - If there was a clear cut all star on this squad, Herc would be it. Always manages to get good recs. Never really a threat to get 15+ with his playstyle, but consistent positive outings.
plob#f - Most solid team player on pirates. Recently choked this week, but there were many other problems with the rest of his team so he cannot be expected to be god-like.
vys - Shaky here, while hes capable of 14-2's and 13-6's, he's also capable of 5-5's when the other 4 people on his team have died out.
::::: Dynasty :::::
Exalt - Started out the season for Dynasty with an 0-5 in a win. Rebounded with an 18 kill performance a couple weeks later. Can do very bad but at the same time he does very well more often because he has some ability to play with his team.
Regen - Very underrated player. What I have seen to be the nucleus of Dynasty's team all season long. Watching most of their games to comment on HoN or features, I have seen him around the action either luring or picking up clutch kills in close games.
Unabled - Rinse and repeat what I put for exalt, but less teaming ability.
::::: Sweet :::::
Caos - Constantly getting kills, but at what cost? Horrible, horrible teamwork. But he gets stats!
saetep - Hard to argue with his 10-3, 14-3, 7-4 also.
Dak - One of the better players on Sweet imo. Has a 4-10 in the mix which hurts him, but a lot of good recs like 8-2 also.
::::: Sake :::::
pascone - The sole reason Sake even has a chance at this point in the season. Consistently there which is more than I can say for the rest, and consistently good
Deluge - I feel obligated to put in 3 people for this squad also since I did for the rest, and Del adds a big threat to sakes lineup when he shows. Unfortunately, that isnt often.
Mega Newbie - Again, when he shows up he is above average at his ship. He just hasnt showed much.
I cant think of any other players besides possibly Deliver on Rape, but I might have missed people. Feel free to comment/revise/add your own
::::: Quake :::::
Deez nuts - Solid performances pretty much all season. A shoo-in.
Raspi - Thunder game is the biggest thing going for him so far, although week 1 I think I remember him having another big game. Perennial all star candidate
Vash - Hard to really ignore the stats he puts up, even though his teamwork needs improvement.
::::: HEAVY :::::
Apok - All 3 of the candidates should be shoo-ins on this squad. Apok could possibly be the most dominant wb this season killing almost at a 2:1 ratio.
Izor - Clearly the most underrated player this season with the teamwork and recs he brings to the table. 6 wins, 6 positive recs. 1 loss, 1 negative rec.
RaCka - Vicious rushes and monster games when he plays. Dont think I've seen him miss close range all season. Barry Sanders would be jealous of his juking abilities.
::::: Thunder :::::
Ease - Carried a couple games this season. Good in wb mostly with mid to long range shots.
b4 - Another perennial All Star selectee. Has had a couple shaky games this year, Dynasty popping out to me off the top of my head, but has more than made up for it since.
Creature - NO CREATURE NO VICTORY still seems to be holding true, excluding the one death outing he had at the end of a lost cause.
::::: Pirates :::::
Hercules - If there was a clear cut all star on this squad, Herc would be it. Always manages to get good recs. Never really a threat to get 15+ with his playstyle, but consistent positive outings.
plob#f - Most solid team player on pirates. Recently choked this week, but there were many other problems with the rest of his team so he cannot be expected to be god-like.
vys - Shaky here, while hes capable of 14-2's and 13-6's, he's also capable of 5-5's when the other 4 people on his team have died out.
::::: Dynasty :::::
Exalt - Started out the season for Dynasty with an 0-5 in a win. Rebounded with an 18 kill performance a couple weeks later. Can do very bad but at the same time he does very well more often because he has some ability to play with his team.
Regen - Very underrated player. What I have seen to be the nucleus of Dynasty's team all season long. Watching most of their games to comment on HoN or features, I have seen him around the action either luring or picking up clutch kills in close games.
Unabled - Rinse and repeat what I put for exalt, but less teaming ability.
::::: Sweet :::::
Caos - Constantly getting kills, but at what cost? Horrible, horrible teamwork. But he gets stats!
saetep - Hard to argue with his 10-3, 14-3, 7-4 also.
Dak - One of the better players on Sweet imo. Has a 4-10 in the mix which hurts him, but a lot of good recs like 8-2 also.
::::: Sake :::::
pascone - The sole reason Sake even has a chance at this point in the season. Consistently there which is more than I can say for the rest, and consistently good
Deluge - I feel obligated to put in 3 people for this squad also since I did for the rest, and Del adds a big threat to sakes lineup when he shows. Unfortunately, that isnt often.
Mega Newbie - Again, when he shows up he is above average at his ship. He just hasnt showed much.
I cant think of any other players besides possibly Deliver on Rape, but I might have missed people. Feel free to comment/revise/add your own
