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Heavy talked shit, Pirates talked shit...

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  • #16
    lol owned
    1:pascone> bike u gonna fold like a shirt in twl?

    jack> (6")-o KIRBY punches you two sillys


    • #17
      Originally posted by ignite ignite View Post
      Stripes wasn't rostered when he got on, I'd like to file an appeal.
      appeal it to me? a twl op, who confirmed this response with other twl ops? that will probably go well
      violence> dont talk 2 me until u got 900+fbook friends and can take 1 dribble from the 3 point line n dunk

      [Aug 23 03:03] Oops: 1:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life
      [Aug 23 03:20] money: LOL NOT QUITE VIO BUT 5:siaxis> you try thta ill play possom then reverse roundhouse kick your life


      • #18
        Originally posted by eelam <tw> View Post
        quake wont win anyways. My name gonna be their before vys or ignite EZZZ
        if eelam wins TWLD, does this mean i have an LJ title??

        do work.
        zidane> big play
        Omega Red> dwop sick
        mr mime> its called an orca smash u uncultured fk
        WillBy> ^^

        1:Chief Utsav> LOL
        1:Rule> we dont do that here.

        cripple> can u get pregnant if u cum in gf's ass


        • #19
          Originally posted by royCE View Post
          thanks for playing, it was fun :>

          you couldnt even handle me after i log on from like a week of inactivity...pathetic

          other then that, true finalists made it, like expected

          thunder, depth of your squad deserves respect, so your gonna be the only bunch of nerds i wont talk shit to, kk?

          looking forward to beating you in finals and taking the title as the first squad to go undefeated, you understand?

          im best wb in trenches, recognize

          why u making threads after going negative?


          • #20
            I hope pirates win twlb, but i don't want a twlb title when I've owned all regular reason and then get benched in the playoffs. It will just be a pointless title because i won't have played the playoffs to get it.
            I'm the only player to single handedly beat quake in a round. I'm still the best warbird in tw.
            Tobey Maguire got bit by a spider, me? Must’ve got bit by a goat

            - The best player to every play the game....Will duel any 10* who thinks otherwise.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Vys View Post
              I hope pirates win twlb, but i don't want a twlb title when I've owned all regular reason and then get benched in the playoffs. It will just be a pointless title because i won't have played the playoffs to get it.
              I'm the only player to single handedly beat quake in a round. I'm still the best warbird in tw.

              It's not like you played for quake in playoffs or regular season after all.
              2:blood> i think vt is a terrible player to be honest
              2:vt> what makes you think i am terrible
              2:blood> irrefutable empirical evidence

