Hey everyone,
Well the TWL preseason kicked off today! Not without some hitches I might add, but all the same a rather successful day! The TWL website should be up on monday, and you will be able to start scheduling matches then for next weeks season opener.
I'd like to point out a few things to everyone in TWL, so you are clear on how things will work for the season.
These are just a few things that everyone in TWL should know. The rules are available on the new TWL website and on this very forum. It is strongly advised that everyone be familiar with them, so there will be as little confusion as possible when it comes to game time (rules are simple :P).
Thanks a lot!
Well the TWL preseason kicked off today! Not without some hitches I might add, but all the same a rather successful day! The TWL website should be up on monday, and you will be able to start scheduling matches then for next weeks season opener.
I'd like to point out a few things to everyone in TWL, so you are clear on how things will work for the season.
- Blueouts are to be requested by squad caps and assistant caps only. The request is to be made to the host, and will be a spec chat only blueout. All players in the game will be able to speak.
- TWL Referees are no longer in charge of team substitutes. Our system works exactly the same as TWD, caps and asst. caps are the ones in control of subs and ship switches for their game.
- The Blind Line-Up system is being used for all 3 leagues. No one will be able to view the line-up of either team until the ref officially starts the game. At that time, all players will be put in one at the same time, and the game will begin.
- All players must be squadjoined with their registered TWL squad, or they will be unable to play in the game. (Have to have your squadname on in the game)
- Make sure only 1 capt/asst capt messages the host with a lineup. Spamming of lineups will not be tolerated in any fashion.
- The !myfreq option will be activated and available for the TWL season opener.
These are just a few things that everyone in TWL should know. The rules are available on the new TWL website and on this very forum. It is strongly advised that everyone be familiar with them, so there will be as little confusion as possible when it comes to game time (rules are simple :P).
Thanks a lot!