kaos is gay
i left cuz i wanted to , i lied about leaving but i had issue to finish up
and i dont feel like tellin the truth for leaving
if u want to know mr. kaos
its because Cripples was gettin boring and no one was never fucking on
LOUIS was never on , i only joined to be with danyal but he was never on neither
so i was like fuck it ill leave
so i lied to about
get over it
btw kaos is fucking waste of time for a squad
no one goin to join that shit
i left cuz i wanted to , i lied about leaving but i had issue to finish up
and i dont feel like tellin the truth for leaving
if u want to know mr. kaos
its because Cripples was gettin boring and no one was never fucking on
LOUIS was never on , i only joined to be with danyal but he was never on neither
so i was like fuck it ill leave
so i lied to about
get over it
btw kaos is fucking waste of time for a squad
no one goin to join that shit