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TWLD Week 8 HoN

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  • #61
    LOOOOOOOOL the fuk jus happened here
    1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

    1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

    Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

    Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

    Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


    • #62
      Originally posted by Mythril View Post
      both ease and scoop are better than you. who planted the idea in this guy's head that he's even a top 10 wb in the zone?
      allow me 2 make list in my opinion (order can b rearranged but i think these are the top 10 not counting the washed up fuks):

      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


      • #63 when me and Cres talk about random stuff it goes to useless crap. These guys argue about rings and everything else, having to do with nothing going on now in TWL and it doesn't get moved to trash talk. Just goes to show I'm not liked.
        Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup


        • #64
          Looks to me that the twld beef finally hit hard. Its always been my understanding that Twld is where we try to own each other before we hit the shit talk in the forums. I personally wanna eradicate the dinosaurs (creature and friends) but I'll try it where it counts. As so should everybody else. Let the league end and may the winner talk shit about the other.


          • #65
            this is what twl is all about. i hadn't even heard of this guy before he joined quake or stray, forgot which one was first. none the less, it's always amusing to see someone making a complete fool out of himself. i bet vash is around my level of skill in warbird. gg?

            +1 to this thread.

            +1 @ cres HoN post


            • #66
              Originally posted by Rasaq View Post
     when me and Cres talk about random stuff it goes to useless crap. These guys argue about rings and everything else, having to do with nothing going on now in TWL and it doesn't get moved to trash talk. Just goes to show I'm not liked.
              these guys are clearly keeping their bickering game related. you and cres were talking about messy desks. this is precisely the kind of trash talk that i told you i would allow because it's in the spirit of twl to get all riled up and trash on players from other squads.
              jasonofabitch loves!!!!


              • #67
                For years TWLDers bragged about their dick size, I think it's great that its now about abs instead.



                • #68
                  Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
                  allow me 2 make list in my opinion (order can b rearranged but i think these are the top 10 not counting the washed up fuks):

                  Not a bad subjective list. Here's my take on the objective list using my master sheet (last 2 years of play in TWLD minus last week and TWDTD). Naturally stats only account for kills and deaths and don't recognize any other types of skills:

                  DEEZ NUTS
                  When I stab you, you stay stabbed.

                  T0MA> play like a man


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Black Mage View Post
                    DEEZ NUTS

                    This is the best thread on forums at the minute, ty Cres.


                    • #70
                      last 2 years???? LOLOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA there you go

                      at the end of the day, its the butt hurt vets that talk shit, using their name as a reason to be heard.
                      look at scoop, look at mythril, look at ease....all talkin like they know facts.

                      truth is, your opinion is wrong, no matter how you look at it...

                      none of you are better then me, end of story.

                      i didnt get an ego, or became delusional...i just realized how much better i am then the rest of you from countless games i faced you scrubs cannot hold a candle up to me, let alone see me in ship 1.

                      look at the stats last 2 years...

                      the fact is, i dont or never will need stats. i judge by what i see in game, and when im faced against any of you 1 v 1 in any arena involving ship 1, i know the result. and the result is me owning you. i knew that from the start, and now, the stats are here just to confirm what ive been saying all along.

                      i could give a fuck what you vets think about me, but know 1 thing, and that is:

                      YOU WILL NEVER BE BETTER THEN ME
                      Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                      • #71
                        but nonetheless, i accomplished what i came to do. expose ease as a jealous butthurt insecure little man whos afraid of someone like me, a guy with abs, to be better then him in a game hes so proud to claim his own...

                        suck a dick you fuckin loserrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
                        Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                        • #72
                          wish i had abs

                          so scrawny

                          jasonofabitch loves!!!!


                          • #73
                            After reading all this, I just want to know why "the_paul", some scrub ass baser that got banned is posting in TWLD HoN, gtfo this thread newbie you don't deserve to read it.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Welfare View Post
                              After reading all this, I just want to know why "the_paul", some scrub ass baser that got banned is posting in TWLD HoN, gtfo this thread newbie you don't deserve to read it.

                              ur location say 'NC' but i captain NC17 squadrin 4 many year n not remimbir dis fuk on it

                              allow xplain or gtfo noopi
                              GOD DAMMIT NAPPA


                              • #75
                                Vash probably has ab's on his fingers now with how much he's... you know what? I honestly don't know what he's trying to accomplish here.

                                Anyways, I just wanted to point out, when did TWD and TWL become solo campaigns? 1v1 doesn't prove anything but the fact you give more of a damn about being great at this prehistoric game.

                                I'll admit, Vash, you are a great solo artist, possibly one of the better one's. Though Ease and Scoop are way better teamers than you, which, in the end, prevails in TEAM events, like TWLD.

                                Also, you were on Mad, which was ran by Spawni, Apok, and "Scoop".


                                Honestly, I was glad when you left Fierce. You are possibly the most annoying douchebag on this game.

                                Good day :grin:
                                1:exquisite> nvm for jd, brb throwin my dog in the dumpster

                                TWBR Media Specialists

                                TWLD Season 14 Champ

