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Hot or Not TWLB Week 3

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  • Hot or Not TWLB Week 3

    dicE vs. LEGO

    dicE: NL>Trigger (5), TABARNAK!!! (8), a2m (8), cripple (3), JAMAL (3), Leitz (3), sdfasdfs (2) and Stayon (3).
    LEGO: Mikkiz (5), Nokkonen (8), Pardon (8), Baffling (3), dreamwin (3), Murder (3), Zizzo (3) and Qwas (3).

    Lego gets the First TD after 3 minutes. Domi (sdfasdfs) gets the crambreak in no time. After 6 minutes Domi gets his First TD while NL>Trigger has died 3x already. Mikkiz pulled a perfect move with a port in cram. Whole dice left the cram and mikkiz ported in and bursted -> trigger died. The cram of lego is like paper, worthless. Both teams cant hold a cram and domi is being useless in fr fights. Its a really tied game, while some of lego spids can barely pull even. At 10-10 domi gets changed into spider. After that change dice pulled the game to their hands. With 3 secs left lego got a td. But then domi got back in jav to crambreak fast. Dice wins with 15-13.30

    MVP: Cripple

    Hot: Mikkiz, lots of surviving
    Not: Zizzo dying more than his sharks.

    HEIST vs. Fierce

    Heist: tim (5), vatican assassin (8), cig smoke (8), diakka (3), kess (3), pavement (3), sarger (3) and superstar-prokiller (3).
    Fierce: Pressure (5), meddi (8), max b (8), cremation (3), eelam (3), sponger (3), temporary (3) and endangered (3).

    Pressure is the First terr to die, with shrap. At 4-1 Fierce got their First td. Children gets subbed in for endangered. Tim died to bad repping of his sharks, they repped a burst at him in cram. Then tim tries to lag his way into base. It went up tied untill sspk got subbed out for Renzi. Heist controlled fr more. At 13-9 children gets subbed out for Deez nuts and Eelam gets into jav.But that didnt change the game and Heist wins 15-9.19

    MVP: pavement

    Hot: kess and pavement. Pavement for MVP and kess with 3 teks.
    Not: temporary with only 60 kills.

    Real vs. Penetrate

    Real: kawrae (5), mytrhil (8), menelvagor (8), reaver (3), spikey (3), hellkite (3), weaver (3) and avaruus alus (3).
    Penetrate: Cintra (5), fermata (8), veloce (8), acidbomber (3), trasher (3), tsumetai (3), royst (3) and solacer (3).

    Mythril starts awesome with repping a mine into his own team. After two minutes Cintra dies for the First time. It went tied up until 4-4 then pene took a long cram. Mythril killed/emped his team several times, its like he is playing for penetrate. Pene pulled a 11 minute cram and won 15-4.23

    MVP: Tsumetai

    Hot: Acidbomber for being the most annoying spider.
    Not: Mythril.
    Major Crisis

  • #2
    I couldn't make it online in time for game today, then I saw we got 13:30 against dice I was impressed! Atleast, until I looked at the stats page and wondered how the hell we got that much time with over 700 deaths on the team. Mikkiz OP and needs to be nerfed.
    rEnZi> just looking at rageritual tilts me
    rEnZi> its crazy
    rEnZi> thats real power

    Siaxis> yo it was way harder to kill Rage then beam in that dtd


    • #3
      i h8 undering vs acid, but pene looking very very strong. dice always stacked as usual, no cape/mega and still managed to win.. heist looking like heist, bunch of noobs trying to attach to renzi while tim is terring.. fierce/real have potential scary line ups, they just need to gel and find the right people to play. lego pushes too hard, hurts them sometimes on the counter. if they can adapt to 1-2 floaters to stop the counter shit could hit the fan. if i am missing any other squads sorry, watching redneck fishing
      Mythril> shayde why you gayer than aids now?


      • #4
        I don't know how temporary received the not of the week. The game wasn't going in our direction and then changed as soon as he started to under.


        • #5
          Thix? pretty sure temporary played me on under almost all game, and i think i won on that one... u should know
          Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

          1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
          1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


          • #6
            Originally posted by kess View Post
            Thix? pretty sure temporary played me on under almost all game, and i think i won on that one... u should know
            His partner for most of the game wasn't even a baser. When Enda was in for the 2 minutes he played you guys didn't make it passed under much. It doesn't really matter, you guys won, but I don't think temp should be thrown under the bus like that when his under is huge for us. Be happy we needed him there and not over.


            • #7
              Here's a change real would probably never consider, but might be a great move. Make menel spider, make him under (imo he's a pretty good under spid) and put apoc wow! or someone else in shark. (Conf, producer, or even delta?)

              Ps. dont put minotar in under (i know you didn't this game, but just saying), he's an effective over-pusher and nothing special in under.
              1:CrazyKillah> oder if i olny knew u irl u would be dead and i would be in jail

              menomena> did you get to see the end of the steelers greenbay game though
              JAMAL> yeah you dumb fat faggot, was good ending

              1:Cape> Why did u axe req
              1:cripple> I'm very religious, and my new years revolution was to make this squad a better one, so I kept with my resolution and axed req.


              • #8
                The recaps are a little bare. They could use a little more detail and, well, personality.
                LUE 402 >>> j00
                Ha ha HA. Not to scale.


                • #9
                  Not saying he is a bad underer or w/e, first time i saw him playing there really.

                  but dont try to make it seem the not was undeserved, he did have a bad game and his under wasnt effective
                  Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

                  1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
                  1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


                  • #10
                    kess talking like an experienced baser, cute
                    DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 8 CHAMP
                    DICE TWLB SEASON 10 CHAMP
                    DICE TWLB SEASON 11 CHAMP
                    DICE TWLB SEASON 13 CHAMP
                    DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 15 CHAMP
                    DICE TWLJ/TWLB SEASON 16 CHAMP

                    1:waven> i promised myself that the only way id ever roid
                    1:waven> is if im going to prison
                    1:waven> no one gonna try to rape me


                    • #11
                      Author of the clutchest and most tilting TEK of the century.

                      1:cripple> i luv lbj cock
                      1:cripple> if he paid me 50k for every time i gave him a bj i'd do it


                      • #12
                        not sure why spastic is in LD


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by megaman89 View Post
                          kess talking like an experienced baser, cute

                          YO show some respect here, this is a Puta we're talkin about here... FUkin remember the days he was on spastic some time ago? now then he was definatly a noob LOL

                          He may have improved a slight bit since then not sure yet

