Two games are over and done with, and the finals are set. Would Thunder conquer Real without Ease or Raspi to back them up? Would Penetrate pull off the upset of upsets? Read on and find out. Or just check the TWL site. But that's totally the lame way of doing things.
Round 1
Fierce vs. Penetrate
50 - 39
MVP: Apok!
This one started slowly and stayed fairly close for around 5 minutes, with Fierce increasing their lead from 1... to 3... to 5... to 7... to 10... etc, as they took the first round from Penetrate by 11 in a match that was probably a lot closer than most people would have actually thought. Highlighted by some awesome starts from Apok (9-5, 14-9 finish) and Engineers (6-2, 11-5 finish), Fierce shut down Penetrate in about 12 minutes flat, starting with Peru (5-10), who was the first of Penetrate's casualties. Ricko (6-3, 13-10 finish), despite his pretty solid, albeit laggy start, started suiciding when his team was down 10 in an obvious attempt to finish strong so someone like me would talk about him here. It worked, man. And as many expected them to, Fierce takes a 1-0 lead and they should glide their way into the TWLD finals, right? Not quite. They had a battle ahead of them yet.
Round 2
Fierce vs. Penetrate (Game of the Week, perhaps even Game of the Playoffs when all is said and done)
50 - 47
If there's any round from the semifinals to watch, this is it by a large margin. Fierce got off to basically the same start as before, taking a small lead and trying to make it bigger, led by Dak's (4-1, 10-8 finish) strong start, but hindered by Apok (1-4 start) getting beat on early. A couple minutes later, Penetrate has actually not only tied this game, but taken the lead, with creaTure (6-3, later 10-4) leading a determined group of WBs that didn't want to go down so easily. Penetrate had the momentum now as they were looking to extend this game to a third round... and they probably would've, too, if it weren't for those pesky kids Apok (7-9 finish) and DEEZ NUTS (14-9), and their little dog Engineers (9-9), too. Apok got to 9 deaths quickly, and then just... didn't die. And it wasn't due to Penetrate's lack of trying, either. Apok was bobbing and weaving everywhere, dodging shots that any normal man would have run into, and he was probably the biggest factor in his team getting the victory, despite the not so impressive record, as EVERYONE on Penetrate was gunning for this guy, giving DEEZ and Engi the opportunities they needed to get some big time kills and seal the deal. Congratulations to Fierce for not only staying undefeated, but for doing so in a truly TWL-worthy fashion, and good luck in the Finals!
TL;DR I think everyone has seen this before, but this is the best thing I could think of for Apok.

Round 1
Thunder vs. Real
39 - 50
MVP: Mythril!
Thunder, having lost both LJ and LB already, now had to look forward to a match against Real without Ease or Raspi to aid them. And... yeah, they needed their help here. Round 1 goes to Real by 11, as Mythril (13-8) went off and had... not necessarily a monster game, but a big one nonetheless, leading his team in kills. That isn't really the tale of the game, though, as much as this interesting little factoid is. Real subbed two people in late for Jones (1-5) and scoop (4-8). They combined for 15 kills and 1 death. Unreal. The combo of Obi (2-6, subbed out) and Phrenitis (1-4) hampered the strong efforts of Riverside (13-10) and Unabled (10-10), and Cres (4-4 to 4-10) bottoming out like he did certainly didn't help matters, either. Real takes a 1-0 lead, and Thunder is a loss away from completing, as Apok would call it, a Triple Frown this Sunday.
Round 2
Thunder vs. Real
37 - 50
MVP: avaruus alus!
I'm not so sure words can tell this story as well as the TL;DR image does. But I'll do my best. Real hits Thunder even harder in Round 2, sending them home with an 0-5 record for the Sunday, beating them by 13. The story of this game? Probably Burnt, actually, despite what the MVP tells you. His 12-1 round follows up his 9-1 sub for a combined 21-2 in this LD match. What the fuck, man. What the fuck. Not to discount Sika (15-9), who decimated Thunder's chances just as badly. Again, Riverside (12-10) and Unabled (10-10) put up the big numbers for Thunder, but this was over almost as quickly as it began. Congrats to Real for advancing to the Finals!
TL;DR This is the first time I've done this without an animated GIF, but I think it's absolutely worth it.

Hot of the Week: Apok! (the MVP didn't hurt, but he was pretty much every reason why Fierce won Round 2.)
Honorable Mentions: Burnt (21-2 combined? Holy. Fucking. Shit.)
And that's the HONORABLE MENTION! Burnt had a ridiculous Sunday, but even if he hadn't, those games would have probably gone Real's way. Apok, by staying alive and luring the entire Pene line after him, led the comeback for Fierce, and kept them undefeated. That was so fun to watch, you have no idea.
Not of the Week: Thunder!
I wrote that last season. Slightly updated for the hell of it.
Next Week is The Finals XVI
Fierce vs Real
It's gonna be good.
Sir Dwight-Knight
Round 1
Fierce vs. Penetrate
50 - 39
MVP: Apok!
This one started slowly and stayed fairly close for around 5 minutes, with Fierce increasing their lead from 1... to 3... to 5... to 7... to 10... etc, as they took the first round from Penetrate by 11 in a match that was probably a lot closer than most people would have actually thought. Highlighted by some awesome starts from Apok (9-5, 14-9 finish) and Engineers (6-2, 11-5 finish), Fierce shut down Penetrate in about 12 minutes flat, starting with Peru (5-10), who was the first of Penetrate's casualties. Ricko (6-3, 13-10 finish), despite his pretty solid, albeit laggy start, started suiciding when his team was down 10 in an obvious attempt to finish strong so someone like me would talk about him here. It worked, man. And as many expected them to, Fierce takes a 1-0 lead and they should glide their way into the TWLD finals, right? Not quite. They had a battle ahead of them yet.
Round 2
Fierce vs. Penetrate (Game of the Week, perhaps even Game of the Playoffs when all is said and done)
50 - 47
If there's any round from the semifinals to watch, this is it by a large margin. Fierce got off to basically the same start as before, taking a small lead and trying to make it bigger, led by Dak's (4-1, 10-8 finish) strong start, but hindered by Apok (1-4 start) getting beat on early. A couple minutes later, Penetrate has actually not only tied this game, but taken the lead, with creaTure (6-3, later 10-4) leading a determined group of WBs that didn't want to go down so easily. Penetrate had the momentum now as they were looking to extend this game to a third round... and they probably would've, too, if it weren't for those pesky kids Apok (7-9 finish) and DEEZ NUTS (14-9), and their little dog Engineers (9-9), too. Apok got to 9 deaths quickly, and then just... didn't die. And it wasn't due to Penetrate's lack of trying, either. Apok was bobbing and weaving everywhere, dodging shots that any normal man would have run into, and he was probably the biggest factor in his team getting the victory, despite the not so impressive record, as EVERYONE on Penetrate was gunning for this guy, giving DEEZ and Engi the opportunities they needed to get some big time kills and seal the deal. Congratulations to Fierce for not only staying undefeated, but for doing so in a truly TWL-worthy fashion, and good luck in the Finals!
TL;DR I think everyone has seen this before, but this is the best thing I could think of for Apok.

Round 1
Thunder vs. Real
39 - 50
MVP: Mythril!
Thunder, having lost both LJ and LB already, now had to look forward to a match against Real without Ease or Raspi to aid them. And... yeah, they needed their help here. Round 1 goes to Real by 11, as Mythril (13-8) went off and had... not necessarily a monster game, but a big one nonetheless, leading his team in kills. That isn't really the tale of the game, though, as much as this interesting little factoid is. Real subbed two people in late for Jones (1-5) and scoop (4-8). They combined for 15 kills and 1 death. Unreal. The combo of Obi (2-6, subbed out) and Phrenitis (1-4) hampered the strong efforts of Riverside (13-10) and Unabled (10-10), and Cres (4-4 to 4-10) bottoming out like he did certainly didn't help matters, either. Real takes a 1-0 lead, and Thunder is a loss away from completing, as Apok would call it, a Triple Frown this Sunday.
Round 2
Thunder vs. Real
37 - 50
MVP: avaruus alus!
I'm not so sure words can tell this story as well as the TL;DR image does. But I'll do my best. Real hits Thunder even harder in Round 2, sending them home with an 0-5 record for the Sunday, beating them by 13. The story of this game? Probably Burnt, actually, despite what the MVP tells you. His 12-1 round follows up his 9-1 sub for a combined 21-2 in this LD match. What the fuck, man. What the fuck. Not to discount Sika (15-9), who decimated Thunder's chances just as badly. Again, Riverside (12-10) and Unabled (10-10) put up the big numbers for Thunder, but this was over almost as quickly as it began. Congrats to Real for advancing to the Finals!
TL;DR This is the first time I've done this without an animated GIF, but I think it's absolutely worth it.

Hot of the Week: Apok! (the MVP didn't hurt, but he was pretty much every reason why Fierce won Round 2.)
Honorable Mentions: Burnt (21-2 combined? Holy. Fucking. Shit.)
And that's the HONORABLE MENTION! Burnt had a ridiculous Sunday, but even if he hadn't, those games would have probably gone Real's way. Apok, by staying alive and luring the entire Pene line after him, led the comeback for Fierce, and kept them undefeated. That was so fun to watch, you have no idea.
Not of the Week: Thunder!
Originally posted by Ganon-Knight
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Next Week is The Finals XVI
Fierce vs Real
It's gonna be good.
Sir Dwight-Knight