Randomly this idea popped into my head, to make it so that you (as a single player) need to play in a certain number of TWL matches to even qualify for a TWL medal (given that your squad actually wins a particular league).
What to do: Enforce a rule that requires each squad member to play a certain number of TWL games before they can even be considered eligible for a TWL medal, given that their squad actually wins whatever league. Or, you could even break it down by specific leagues and require a squad member to play a certain number of games in a particular league if they are to even to be considered eligible for getting a medal in that league (given that their squad wins).
What it does: It prevents individuals from joining the same squad just to ride the bench and win a TWL medal that they did not even contribute to (like myself).
Why: Because you're no longer awarding the TWL medals to ANYONE on the TWL roster, but only to those in a particular squad who contributed to that squad's success.
Potential problems/limitations: (1) Deciding on the number of games necessary to be played by a squad member (at minimum) to be considered for a TWL medal, (2) deciding whether to break it down by specific leagues (i.e., the number of TWLD games would determine if one is eligible for a TWLD medal) or not, (3) convincing those who are semi-active or substitute players to accept this rule, (4) those who don't play enough in TWL probably don't even care about winning (or being considered "eligible" for) a medal, and (5) top squads will still remain top squads because they'll have the top lines (however, we also potentially create more squads...or at least spread out the talent to other squads....which would ultimately lead to additional squads again....aka, more competition).
Potential benefit: For those who do care a little more, and aren't part of a squad's top line (or even substitutes who know they wouldn't get enough TWL playing time on a certain squad), would be more inclined to join a different squad because they want to at least be eligible to winning a TWL medal since that'd probably be their main reason for initially joining that stacked squad.
What to do: Enforce a rule that requires each squad member to play a certain number of TWL games before they can even be considered eligible for a TWL medal, given that their squad actually wins whatever league. Or, you could even break it down by specific leagues and require a squad member to play a certain number of games in a particular league if they are to even to be considered eligible for getting a medal in that league (given that their squad wins).
What it does: It prevents individuals from joining the same squad just to ride the bench and win a TWL medal that they did not even contribute to (like myself).
Why: Because you're no longer awarding the TWL medals to ANYONE on the TWL roster, but only to those in a particular squad who contributed to that squad's success.
Potential problems/limitations: (1) Deciding on the number of games necessary to be played by a squad member (at minimum) to be considered for a TWL medal, (2) deciding whether to break it down by specific leagues (i.e., the number of TWLD games would determine if one is eligible for a TWLD medal) or not, (3) convincing those who are semi-active or substitute players to accept this rule, (4) those who don't play enough in TWL probably don't even care about winning (or being considered "eligible" for) a medal, and (5) top squads will still remain top squads because they'll have the top lines (however, we also potentially create more squads...or at least spread out the talent to other squads....which would ultimately lead to additional squads again....aka, more competition).
Potential benefit: For those who do care a little more, and aren't part of a squad's top line (or even substitutes who know they wouldn't get enough TWL playing time on a certain squad), would be more inclined to join a different squad because they want to at least be eligible to winning a TWL medal since that'd probably be their main reason for initially joining that stacked squad.