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TWLJ - Fierce vs Pandora - Appeal

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  • Originally posted by royCE View Post
    If it is proven that a Pandora player did it, it should be a 100% successful appeal for the simple fact that a player of the opposing team -tried- to tamper with the opposing team during their match. If i could prove that he spammed me in-game with a flood of PMs as i was playing my LD, and i took a screenshot of it, he would be banned for sure and i could appeal the game on the grounds that i was distracted and could not communicate with my team. Though it was not ingame, he did it through a program that is associated with Trench Wars, that has clearly been advertised within the game as a tool to further promote communication among teams. I saw the bot zone the ad multiple times.

    With that said, i could care less if it gets appealed or not, but when you have the player of the opposite team screwing you through a "loop hole", that is complete BS and deserves an appeal. If you want to win fairly, why are you having one of your teammates jeopardizing the game in your favor?


    not to mention the predictions that involved Pandora beating us :/ funk out my face lawl

    No one is talking about the LD match because it has nothing to do with this thread.
    tmaC> 1:fireballz> im the greatest coordinator of all time
    capE> lucky he didnt say captain
    capE> LOL BURN

    Tapzu> tamzu vleane, we all know tou copied that nick from me

    1:merce> ima go take a shower and try to suk my own dick

    9:Fludd> guys, i want u all to know something..
    9:megaman89> fludd go play monopoly with children and dome

    1:Kentaro> nice gay name elven
    1:Kentaro> suits you well
    1:PUTAO> fuk urself fuk emo, ur mother suck mu penis all day screaming my name


    • Originally posted by royCE View Post
      Though it was not ingame, he did it through a program that is associated with Trench Wars, that has clearly been advertised within the game as a tool to further promote communication among teams. I saw the bot zone the ad multiple times.
      ? even tws facebook page is advertised through zoners to promote communication and what not....does that mean a player who got spammed on fb has grounds to appeal?
      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


      • Didn't finish reading this thread because everybody is being retarded, got tsunami with weasel lawyer tactics, children trying to be funny with his appeal to all queers humor and a whole bunch of other players with faulty logic and reasoning

        As a spokesman for all that's good and fair, speaking straight from the heart, i will say this.

        I sympathize for my squadmates, but i gotta say the game shouldn't be appealed. The spamming came from vent and the punishment should be dealt with in a matter only involving vent aswell. At most the attacks should result in the player being banned from the vent server. If fierce got spammed from hunt hiding in eg or some shit and made them lag then the game shouldve been appealed, but since vent isnt needed to play, the whole game shouldnt be played again because something went wrong with it. What happens in vent stays in vent don't let it affect the game.

        this appeal was made cuz ppl were mad and wanted justice, hopefully pandora getting slammed in ld was justice enough


        • Originally posted by PapaRaazi View Post
          this appeal was made cuz ppl were mad and wanted justice, hopefully pandora getting slammed in ld was justice enough
          I feel chuckle didn't get a fair chance :\
          5:beam> why is every custodian in the vampire diaries a big black guy who gets eaten by a vampire
          5:beam> this show incredibly racist
          5:beam> got a party with 10000 white ppl no other ethnicity in sight
          5:beam> all of a sudden 300 pound black custodian comes out of nowhere to get eaten

          2:Oderus Urungus> fis gets moist in the crotch when she has an opportunity to shiplock me


          • PS) if tw staff has been encouraging the use of that vent server than its obviously a diff story, and they should take some action, but i don't care enough to look into it, it's not like anybody cares about ship #2


            • Originally posted by PapaRaazi View Post
              Didn't finish reading this thread because everybody is being retarded, got tsunami with weasel lawyer tactics, children trying to be funny with his appeal to all queers humor and a whole bunch of other players with faulty logic and reasoning

              As a spokesman for all that's good and fair, speaking straight from the heart, i will say this.

              I sympathize for my squadmates, but i gotta say the game shouldn't be appealed. The spamming came from vent and the punishment should be dealt with in a matter only involving vent aswell. At most the attacks should result in the player being banned from the vent server. If fierce got spammed from hunt hiding in eg or some shit and made them lag then the game shouldve been appealed, but since vent isnt needed to play, the whole game shouldnt be played again because something went wrong with it. What happens in vent stays in vent don't let it affect the game.

              this appeal was made cuz ppl were mad and wanted justice, hopefully pandora getting slammed in ld was justice enough

              tmaC> 1:fireballz> im the greatest coordinator of all time
              capE> lucky he didnt say captain
              capE> LOL BURN

              Tapzu> tamzu vleane, we all know tou copied that nick from me

              1:merce> ima go take a shower and try to suk my own dick

              9:Fludd> guys, i want u all to know something..
              9:megaman89> fludd go play monopoly with children and dome

              1:Kentaro> nice gay name elven
              1:Kentaro> suits you well
              1:PUTAO> fuk urself fuk emo, ur mother suck mu penis all day screaming my name


              • velociraptor porn

                1996 Minnesota State Pooping Champion


                • Damn.

                  It is a shame that neither Geio or Amnesti are here to vouch for this appeal to be granted, as that would ensure maximum hilarity for the future of this thread. It sure is a good thing that stupidity is contagious, this zone would be rather dull if we didn't have all these blockheads running around like a bunch of headless chickens.

                  Sadly this appeal might actually be accepted by TWL staff as it is quite likely that they will show their usual favoritism.


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                    Thanks in advance.


                    • luf this thread, feel like playing mafia again.


                      • Let me get this straight...because Fierce used a third party program, it gave you all the right to try and screw up their game as much as you can without any consequences? If it was a random person, fine. I will take a loss on grounds of negligence. But why is noone considering that it might have been a Pandora player? This obviously changes things, regardless of how "ridiculous" this appeal is.

                        I have yet to hear a reason as to why Pandora shouldn't automatically forfeit the match IF they indeed did have their player responsible for this...
                        Call me Hadoken cus' Im down right FIERCE


                        • I'm loving these replies. Please keep them coming!


                          • doesn't matter who it was or the reason. the real issue is how much real lag would come from someone logging in and out of vent - the answer is none. you guys had zero lag, you guys are appealing on the basis of getting trolled on vent which is your fault for not having any precautions or not knowing how to use it. i'm sure it sucked to get trolled mid game, but as far as lag goes....yea right


                            • Haha.

                              Why the hell would Pandora be punished due to what happened? Behold, here is the logic Fierce follows -- I shall call it the "Tiny Logic" and counter-appeal this appeal.

                              Appeal against squadron Fierce in TWLJ and TWLD

                              As we may know by now, the squadron Fierce has been using a third-party software called Ventrilo since the beginning of the season to gain an unfair advantage over other squads. This has not only increased their latency by a small (insignificant, but it's still extra latency) amount, but it also gives them an unfair edge over other squads that are not capable of using a VoIP program for communication during TWL matches.

                              I feel that they are violating the rule 5.01 and thus every player that has used Ventrilo during TWL matches should be permanently banned from playing in TWL for any future seasons.

                              To prevent this from happening again, staff should monitor the remaining squads to prevent them from gaining this unfair advantage.

                              Hope this gets accepted as soon as possible as I am fucking livid about this violation of rules.


                              • Originally posted by zidane View Post
                                doesn't matter who it was or the reason. the real issue is how much real lag would come from someone logging in and out of vent - the answer is none. you guys had zero lag, you guys are appealing on the basis of getting trolled on vent which is your fault for not having any precautions or not knowing how to use it. i'm sure it sucked to get trolled mid game, but as far as lag goes....yea right
                                never thought id say this to zidane but use ur head for once god damn

