Dudgeon vs Cobra
Upset of the Week
Mikkiz (35-2, 2 teks) returned to the fray this week with a staggering 500bty performance on-pace to notch the ace before dying at 14:40 and generously giving Cobra a respite. After a week that saw The Dudgeonites fall to Spastic with Dreamwin in terr, DUMBWIN (77-51) led the charge with an impressive 3 teks, whilst ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Gilder (67-24) dominated the under and was 4:1 at one point, sizzling the opposition with lasers.
Melanoma (68-46) and Zizzo (73-46) played excellent over as well, pushing hard behind nokkonen (2.9 RPD) and Pardon (2.8 RPD), with a solid 2 teks from Sakke (58-37) to round out Dudgeon's stellar upset and first win of the season (Kudos for not dissolving/ragequitting like everyone else!)
On Cobra's side, it was NO RENZI, NO WIN as the snakecharmers fell for the second week in a row, despite Creature (2.9 RPD) returning to shark with big Dwop (2.8 RPD). The lackluster squad saw terrmaster Chief Utsav's (29-10, 0 teks) first poor performance of the season, further marred by an ignominious sub-out of flared (13-16) for infrared (44-30) who himself was negging the majority of the game, leaving Necomotic (65-53), Sleazy (66-44), Murder (61-50) and Turbad (57-45) to try to keep the sinking ship afloat.
HOT: Mikkiz, 500bty rockstar performance, and 30 seconds away from the ace
NOT: Chief Utsav, who'd been stellar all season, with a disappointing 10-death performance. Needed to be almost perfect to give Cobra a chance.
Pandora vs. Sweet
Match of the Week
Leitz (107-65) continued to put up strong numbers as Pandora steamrolled Sweet (should have ended 15-9 but Pandora got tim'd as he died holding cram for no reason, giving Sweet a 4 minute cram). sarger (104-73) and Ayn (90-56) provided the necessary firepower in the over to stop Cripple (120-56) and megaman89 (92-57), while Kate Upton (81-52) protected under, and finally Undercut (93-64) put up respectable numbers to account for the two-time finalists win.
tim (39-6, 4 teks) was serviceable in terr, despite at least two terr-ible deaths, whilst Mattey (2.9 RPD) and Vati (3.1) had a strong sharking game, bullying LF (2.7) and Hulk (2.9) around, and giving Pandora the edge, despite a 527-525 score.
Behind Sweets two Dice all-stars followed the ever-campy cremation (95-57), sphinx (92-60), and Eelam (83-65). Burnt (29-10, 1 tek) undertook ship 5 duties once again.
HOT: Mattey/Vati, for some top-notch sharking and shifting the tides of battle despite evenly matched spiders.
NOT: LF. Outsharked, out-captained, and rage-quitting his own squad after losing, ready to run back to dice and hope mega will let him off the bench and joke shark after tab/a2m assure victory. but not before a healthy deposit to his paypal account.
Penetrate vs Spastic
Only match I didn't see, so I'll make vague assumptions about what happened.
Penetrate ousted Spastic in typical fashion, as the dynamic duo of Veloce and fermata shackled spastic into a corner the whole game, whilst a near perfect Cintra (35-1, 2 teks) anchored the two-time champs.
domi (102-46) camped his way to bot-mvp, despite Trasher's (89-32) best efforts to usurp the title, leaving Blahhy. (85-53) and Krage (52-40) as meat shields while Acidbomber (68-34) did his thing under.
An absent Eria forced JAMAL to shark with Gran Guerrero, and poxy was nowhere to be found, depleting their spider power and leaving RUCCI (62-52), SPRAINED (71-45), and SPIDERHATE (82-60) undermanned on over. Pyroblast (55-44) and CJW (44-67) got massacred under by the under-specialist Acid.
Pure Luck couldn't match his heroics from weeks prior with a 17-12.
HOT: domi, outkilling everyone -- but mercifully not lag-javing
NOT: CJW, 44-67, negging while rest of squad positive
Sage vs Raid
Sage's depleted roster managed to muster up 7 players to take on Raid, as Da1andonly (14-7) took up terring duties behind superstar-prokiller (2.4 RPD - not a typo) and spikey (1.9 RPD -- not a typo).
Ogron (47-29), Havu (41-31), Zyclon (33-35) and NL>Trigger (32-40) took on fighter-ship duties Zzzzz... huh, who, what... sorry, fell asleep there.
Best, bon, kira, kyou, and lifter played retard ships, with nowyoudie sharking and Reaver terring
HOT: Who cares
NOT: Who cares
HOT PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Mikkiz, for his stellar terring in the shitstomping Dudgeon gave Cobra
Like the Oscars, here we recognize all the ragequitting sore-losers who've left us this TWLB season, because their charmin' soft ego's couldn't withstand not winning in a 2D spaceship game
megaman89, Dudgeon/Sweet (ragequitting two squads in one season, amazing)
cripple, Sweet
LF, Sweet
sphinx, Sweet
kess, Sage
a2m, Sage
wbm, Sage
Major Crisis, Sage
Confluence, Sage
NL>Terminator, Sage
Pressure, Raid
Stayon, Sage
Steep, Raid/Sweet
dsb, Spastic
Ephemeral, Spastic
Lionheart, Cobra
Props to everyone on Dudgeon for sticking it out!
Dudgeon vs Cobra
Upset of the Week
Mikkiz (35-2, 2 teks) returned to the fray this week with a staggering 500bty performance on-pace to notch the ace before dying at 14:40 and generously giving Cobra a respite. After a week that saw The Dudgeonites fall to Spastic with Dreamwin in terr, DUMBWIN (77-51) led the charge with an impressive 3 teks, whilst ROOKIE OF THE YEAR Gilder (67-24) dominated the under and was 4:1 at one point, sizzling the opposition with lasers.
Melanoma (68-46) and Zizzo (73-46) played excellent over as well, pushing hard behind nokkonen (2.9 RPD) and Pardon (2.8 RPD), with a solid 2 teks from Sakke (58-37) to round out Dudgeon's stellar upset and first win of the season (Kudos for not dissolving/ragequitting like everyone else!)
On Cobra's side, it was NO RENZI, NO WIN as the snakecharmers fell for the second week in a row, despite Creature (2.9 RPD) returning to shark with big Dwop (2.8 RPD). The lackluster squad saw terrmaster Chief Utsav's (29-10, 0 teks) first poor performance of the season, further marred by an ignominious sub-out of flared (13-16) for infrared (44-30) who himself was negging the majority of the game, leaving Necomotic (65-53), Sleazy (66-44), Murder (61-50) and Turbad (57-45) to try to keep the sinking ship afloat.
HOT: Mikkiz, 500bty rockstar performance, and 30 seconds away from the ace
NOT: Chief Utsav, who'd been stellar all season, with a disappointing 10-death performance. Needed to be almost perfect to give Cobra a chance.
Pandora vs. Sweet
Match of the Week
Leitz (107-65) continued to put up strong numbers as Pandora steamrolled Sweet (should have ended 15-9 but Pandora got tim'd as he died holding cram for no reason, giving Sweet a 4 minute cram). sarger (104-73) and Ayn (90-56) provided the necessary firepower in the over to stop Cripple (120-56) and megaman89 (92-57), while Kate Upton (81-52) protected under, and finally Undercut (93-64) put up respectable numbers to account for the two-time finalists win.
tim (39-6, 4 teks) was serviceable in terr, despite at least two terr-ible deaths, whilst Mattey (2.9 RPD) and Vati (3.1) had a strong sharking game, bullying LF (2.7) and Hulk (2.9) around, and giving Pandora the edge, despite a 527-525 score.
Behind Sweets two Dice all-stars followed the ever-campy cremation (95-57), sphinx (92-60), and Eelam (83-65). Burnt (29-10, 1 tek) undertook ship 5 duties once again.
HOT: Mattey/Vati, for some top-notch sharking and shifting the tides of battle despite evenly matched spiders.
NOT: LF. Outsharked, out-captained, and rage-quitting his own squad after losing, ready to run back to dice and hope mega will let him off the bench and joke shark after tab/a2m assure victory. but not before a healthy deposit to his paypal account.
Penetrate vs Spastic
Only match I didn't see, so I'll make vague assumptions about what happened.
Penetrate ousted Spastic in typical fashion, as the dynamic duo of Veloce and fermata shackled spastic into a corner the whole game, whilst a near perfect Cintra (35-1, 2 teks) anchored the two-time champs.
domi (102-46) camped his way to bot-mvp, despite Trasher's (89-32) best efforts to usurp the title, leaving Blahhy. (85-53) and Krage (52-40) as meat shields while Acidbomber (68-34) did his thing under.
An absent Eria forced JAMAL to shark with Gran Guerrero, and poxy was nowhere to be found, depleting their spider power and leaving RUCCI (62-52), SPRAINED (71-45), and SPIDERHATE (82-60) undermanned on over. Pyroblast (55-44) and CJW (44-67) got massacred under by the under-specialist Acid.
Pure Luck couldn't match his heroics from weeks prior with a 17-12.
HOT: domi, outkilling everyone -- but mercifully not lag-javing
NOT: CJW, 44-67, negging while rest of squad positive
Sage vs Raid
Sage's depleted roster managed to muster up 7 players to take on Raid, as Da1andonly (14-7) took up terring duties behind superstar-prokiller (2.4 RPD - not a typo) and spikey (1.9 RPD -- not a typo).
Ogron (47-29), Havu (41-31), Zyclon (33-35) and NL>Trigger (32-40) took on fighter-ship duties Zzzzz... huh, who, what... sorry, fell asleep there.
Best, bon, kira, kyou, and lifter played retard ships, with nowyoudie sharking and Reaver terring
HOT: Who cares
NOT: Who cares
HOT PLAYER OF THE WEEK: Mikkiz, for his stellar terring in the shitstomping Dudgeon gave Cobra
Like the Oscars, here we recognize all the ragequitting sore-losers who've left us this TWLB season, because their charmin' soft ego's couldn't withstand not winning in a 2D spaceship game
megaman89, Dudgeon/Sweet (ragequitting two squads in one season, amazing)
cripple, Sweet
LF, Sweet
sphinx, Sweet
kess, Sage
a2m, Sage
wbm, Sage
Major Crisis, Sage
Confluence, Sage
NL>Terminator, Sage
Pressure, Raid
Stayon, Sage
Steep, Raid/Sweet
dsb, Spastic
Ephemeral, Spastic
Lionheart, Cobra
Props to everyone on Dudgeon for sticking it out!