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revenge vs pandora twlj APPEAL

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  • #46
    1:Mattey> proof that god doesnt exist : animals can swim into your dickhole

    TWLD Season 10 Champion - Syndicate


    • #47
      "Rule, you also mention accountability. How can you then claim to not know who avaruus is as the captain of your squad? You also state "If staff ever had an issue with his lag they let us know and we sat him and it was rare." But you just said it wasn't staff's job to babysit, funny how that works isn't it? It almost sounds exactly like what we did with turban. As far as contributing something myself, you're right. But the fact is you aren't contributing either.

      Confluence recruited Avarus and would not disclose who he was. I was aware it could of been Sika (as rumoured), and was not concerned either way at the time. My initial reaction was to try the player out, and if he caused problems, or was detrimental to the squad remove him.

      I have never been part of the group that hates Sika (you a founding member?), and trolled him and Domi for years - to the point that they didn't want to play on their regular names anymore and all but disappeared from the game. I played with Sika in the early -F- days when he was legitimately one of the best players the game has ever seen. Its nice when staff does the role their supposed to, but their life mission is not to monitor and babysit you and your squad every sunday.

      From what I have seen of Turban, I don't think he intentionally trys to use lag as an advantage. He just has it. Consistently. Not every player from Finland has the same issue - their are tonnes who play fine. Pandora has enough javs that Turban can sit until he can get a proper connection.

      Revenge for example has a small/very minimal chance of beating Pandora in a rematch. Most likely they will get stomped. That said they deserve a fair game. How many times have we seen a match effected by the same player having a lag issue. Whether it be turban or someone else. I remember when Cape, Merce etc were banned for cheating. Staff is toothless nowadays when it comes to dealing with players who abuse the system.

      I am done contributing to the game (in a competitive sense) and the leagues till I see a reason to be involved again. As a player when I cap and squad ill put in 500+ games like I did two seasons ago and lead the league in activity. Nowadays I host roughly 1/5th of the javduels played most months and enjoy playing some base. I have no interest in competing in a league which is a joke. No interest in talking to Pandora's trolls like Beam, Zidane and Steadman other then to tell them to Stfu and move on. Better to be uncommitted and uninvolved in a game that holds 1/8th of the appeal it used too.


      • #48
        Originally posted by With Ease View Post
        Eph, this isn't just about the Revenge game. I'm bringing staff into it because it's the third replay of the season. We had to replay the Paladen match because some idiot mistakenly banned two of their starters an hour before the game started. How are we supposed to know turban is lagging more than normal if the bot doesn't spec him and turban himself doesn't feel like he's lagging more than normal? Should I ask each player individually to paste their lag information to me before every game starts? When you're playing in the game you're generally focused on PLAYING. The lag limit was put into place to give captains an idea as to whether or not someone is too laggy to play. As for the Revenge game, Tiny informed zidane that turban needed to be subbed, and immediately after he was subbed. That's all there is to it. Don't sit there and pretend you haven't played with someone from another country in your squad. Turban's lag has never been outside the ordinary for a player from Finland…
        Understood. I was not at this game so I have no firsthand knowledge of Turbs lag in this game. Frankly I was going off his post where he stated, “there's no denying that i had severe lag issues in the match against revenge”. I read this as it was obvious to all, including himself, that there was an issue. My bad, in a later post Turb seemed to back off this and clarify that he had no knowledge of lag during game. I’ll also take it all at face value that you and others who were actually in the game never saw any unusual lag.

        If this was the case then I am mystified on the entire appeal. If there was no unusual lag, or there was some single monster spike, it seems obvious that the entire appeal is bogus. Someone from staff want to jump in here and confirm/deny the lag accusations? This is pretty straight-forward.
        1. Was there or was there not excessive lag or some other latency situation in this game with some players?
        2. Was staff able to respond to the situation in a timely fashion during the game?



        • #49
          edit: these forums my god. read below 4 msg.
          Last edited by Turban; 02-26-2014, 03:19 PM.


          • #50
            Gonna close this thread as its turning into a pointless bitchfest but before I do I'll clarify some things. 1. Yes tiny is relatively new to his powers atm and as I pointed out to him privately he did make some mistakes in this match when trying to determine Turbans lag. However due to his inexperience he did attempt to get help from a more experienced mod via staff chat which took a decent amount of time. I put a few hours of work into trying to sort this appeal out by myself via first hand accounts from both staff present and some of the players physically in the game my personal conclusion was that yes turbans lag was way too high and he should of been removed alot earlier perhaps a more experienced mod would of done so. Furthermore pandora did nothing wrong to fault them in this appeal as zidane immediately removed turban when requested by tiny verified by logs. This information made me personally vote to deny this appeal outright. However, the duration turban was in the game was almost to its end meaning his lag impacted the majority of it. Thus being completely split 50/50 on a decision for this appeal as I could justify both decisions I decided to take a vote between all TWL-Ops minus undercut for obvious reasons and the majority outweighed me to deny it so I made that decision.
            5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday

            5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke

            pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
            1:Cig <er>> ROFL
            1:fiS> LOL
            1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>


            • #51
              well, only after the game i heard that my lag was ridiculous which made me assume it was true - why would anyone lie about that fact? although no one lagged on my screen, so there wasn't a way for me to "self-diagnose" any lag issues. nevertheless, i'm just going to play on my other connection in TWL from this day forward, while my ping will be slightly higher than usual it should be stable with no spikes or packet loss.


              • #52
                Originally posted by Reckful View Post
                Gonna close this thread as its turning into a pointless bitchfest but before I do I'll clarify some things. 1. Yes tiny is relatively new to his powers atm and as I pointed out to him privately he did make some mistakes in this match when trying to determine Turbans lag. However due to his inexperience he did attempt to get help from a more experienced mod via staff chat which took a decent amount of time. I put a few hours of work into trying to sort this appeal out by myself via first hand accounts from both staff present and some of the players physically in the game my personal conclusion was that yes turbans lag was way too high and he should of been removed alot earlier perhaps a more experienced mod would of done so. Furthermore pandora did nothing wrong to fault them in this appeal as zidane immediately removed turban when requested by tiny verified by logs. This information made me personally vote to deny this appeal outright. However, the duration turban was in the game was almost to its end meaning his lag impacted the majority of it. Thus being completely split 50/50 on a decision for this appeal as I could justify both decisions I decided to take a vote between all TWL-Ops minus undercut for obvious reasons and the majority outweighed me to deny it so I made that decision.
                Heard Poid is pretty good at closing threads of relevance. Is tiny ever going to face any consequences for constantly showing a lack of competence on a weekly basis or do we just wait patiently for his next fuck up? Tired of all of these excuses people are giving for his lack of experience. If you volunteer for a position like TWLOP then it should be understood that you are fully capable of actually moderating and not just half-assing. It takes common sense to verify if a player is lagging and to ask him to spec or be subbed.
                1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
                  Heard Poid is pretty good at closing threads of relevance. Is tiny ever going to face any consequences for constantly showing a lack of competence on a weekly basis or do we just wait patiently for his next fuck up? Tired of all of these excuses people are giving for his lack of experience. If you volunteer for a position like TWLOP then it should be understood that you are fully capable of actually moderating and not just half-assing. It takes common sense to verify if a player is lagging and to ask him to spec or be subbed.
                  So basically you want me to remove the hardest working TWL-Op I have who has gone out of his way to attempt to keep the league interesting with Hot or not organization, making sure games get hosts on weekends, basically volunteering to take over my all-stars project by himself for all 3 divisions which is a pain in the ass to work out because its his first season doing this shit and hes still new but the playerbase wonders why TWL-Ops quit after every single season? You guys really should look in the fucking mirror and realize this. The position of TWL-Op is probably the only one more ungrateful then Head of Bans. Im not going to remove someone so dedicated to helping run the league no matter how much you guys sit here and start a witch hunt for him its better for league stability as a whole to keep him and mold him into a good TWL-Op because tbh I'm retiring from leagues when the season is over and next year once again itll be a new TWL Head and ya once again this little growing pain bitchfest problems will come up again so you can all man up and let him learn and figure shit out the hard way (which he is figuring out) or we can just start over every season with another random guy that gets picked from the staff litter cause hes active but has no idea wtf hes getting into. I'm not going to sit here and argue with this all day as its pointless and you'll never see past today for TWL.
                  5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday

                  5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke

                  pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
                  1:Cig <er>> ROFL
                  1:fiS> LOL
                  1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Reckful View Post
                    So basically you want me to remove the hardest working TWL-Op I have who has gone out of his way to attempt to keep the league interesting with Hot or not organization, making sure games get hosts on weekends, basically volunteering to take over my all-stars project by himself for all 3 divisions which is a pain in the ass to work out
                    So basically he's doing all of your work for you instead of you doing it?
                    Former TW Staff


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Reckful View Post
                      So basically you want me to remove the hardest working TWL-Op I have who has gone out of his way to attempt to keep the league interesting with Hot or not organization, making sure games get hosts on weekends, basically volunteering to take over my all-stars project by himself for all 3 divisions which is a pain in the ass to work out because its his first season doing this shit and hes still new but the playerbase wonders why TWL-Ops quit after every single season? You guys really should look in the fucking mirror and realize this. The position of TWL-Op is probably the only one more ungrateful then Head of Bans. Im not going to remove someone so dedicated to helping run the league no matter how much you guys sit here and start a witch hunt for him its better for league stability as a whole to keep him and mold him into a good TWL-Op because tbh I'm retiring from leagues when the season is over and next year once again itll be a new TWL Head and ya once again this little growing pain bitchfest problems will come up again so you can all man up and let him learn and figure shit out the hard way (which he is figuring out) or we can just start over every season with another random guy that gets picked from the staff litter cause hes active but has no idea wtf hes getting into. I'm not going to sit here and argue with this all day as its pointless and you'll never see past today for TWL.
                      For one thing, HoN and the allstar game is nothing new. I've done HoN for 3 seasons straight and I was never affiliated with staff. People will always step up and fill in for that role. So basically these side ventures do not excuse his failures at his MAIN job, which is to moderate TWL. The guy doesn't even apologize or even admit that he has made mistakes and is trying to improve. This is the common theme with staff as a whole. They refuse to even acknowledge when they mess up. He only trolls and talks shit and then once he fucks up he conveniently goes mute. Proper communication is what differentiates scrubs like Tiny from Ph. The Rasaq thread you closed a month ago clearly demonstrates Tiny's mentality. He has a mall cop personality and needs to be sat the fuck down.
                      1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

                      1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

                      Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

                      Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

                      Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
                        For one thing, HoN and the allstar game is nothing new. I've done HoN for 3 seasons straight and I was never affiliated with staff. People will always step up and fill in for that role. So basically these side ventures do not excuse his failures at his MAIN job, which is to moderate TWL. The guy doesn't even apologize or even admit that he has made mistakes and is trying to improve. This is the common theme with staff as a whole. They refuse to even acknowledge when they mess up. He only trolls and talks shit and then once he fucks up he conveniently goes mute. Proper communication is what differentiates scrubs like Tiny from Ph. The Rasaq thread you closed a month ago clearly demonstrates Tiny's mentality. He has a mall cop personality and needs to be sat the fuck down.

                        His "mall cop mentality" gets "sat the fuck down" in private by me and mm god though his PR could use work I will admit that Ill see if I can get him to respond in here today.
                        5:LF> no the worst texts ever are having to explain to your gf why "megaman89" is demanding that I be somewhere at 3PM on a sunday

                        5:fiS> you're lying, my mom doesnt even know how to poke

                        pinkSTAR has been released from the kitchen long enough to serve you ?go elame3 -Reckful
                        1:Cig <er>> ROFL
                        1:fiS> LOL
                        1:MAGI KOZ> hey population just spiked in here</er>


                        • #57
                          Not only Tiny is a horrible TWL OP who has a vendetta against Pandora since the stomping we gave him last season which he later fell to the wrath of Revenge(no javs) in the playoffs, he is even more of a horrible human being. He is a perfect man for this job as he has three kids and a wife who left his deadbeat ass since he neglects his family because of this game. The guy has no career or future in his life to even do anything so he brings his mall cop mentality on this game so he can feel as a big man. Let's face it, he puts this game ahead of his family we all should be happy for it right? Let's not hate on this deadbeat father anymore, his life is already in shambles...literally lol. Speak among yourselves now.
                          1:Ogron> i can officially say that i am quitting tinder dude fuck that i met the most amazing girl ever
                          1:Zidane> congrats man
                          1:Ogron> yeah she is into star wars movies and plays little bit of LoL
                          1:Ogron> AND we had a 10 minute make out session in my car
                          1:Rough> AND this guy wonders why he is a loser


                          • #58
                            Yo rough u know thats just utterly disrespectful now how u just dissed tiny in such a way, regardless of the things tiny has done wrong that doesnt mean u can insult him being whatever father he is


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Shaddowknight View Post
                              So basically he's doing all of your work for you instead of you doing it?
                              I dont even know what you do in staff aside from throw everyone under the bus and come off like you're the all knowing superbadass smoderator....

                              I am no pro staffmember, so i wont say im any better. but its really bothersome seeing every post so negative. instead of bitching, do something about it.

                              just plz get a shred of humility
                              Last edited by Hydride; 02-26-2014, 06:16 PM.
                              1:Hydride> who we play next week
                              1:ReNdErED> Pandora
                              1:ReNdErED> gulp
                              1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

                              1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
                              1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
                              1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
                              1:cranium> talk about a feeling


                              • #60
                                Can u all just stfu and get along no wonder staff cant accomplish anythin for shit

