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revenge vs pandora twlj APPEAL

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Hydride View Post
    I dont even know what you do in staff aside from throw everyone under the bus and come off like you're the all knowing superbadass smoderator....

    I am no pro staffmember, so i wont say im any better. but its really bothersome seeing every post so negative. instead of bitching, do something about it.

    just plz get a shred of humility
    You don't know what I do.
    All-knowing you say? I do frequently admit to when I don't actually know about a subject, but I do usually give my best guess or at least my opinion on matters.
    Every post so negative? You don't even read half of my posts then.
    Do something about it? Like what? Taking over when I know I wouldn't be good at the job? Getting a lynchmob around to have staffers forcibly removed and have shit hit the fan more?
    Humility, an annoying card to play around indeed.
    Former TW Staff


    • #62
      Originally posted by Shaddowknight View Post
      You don't know what I do.
      All-knowing you say? I do frequently admit to when I don't actually know about a subject, but I do usually give my best guess or at least my opinion on matters.
      Every post so negative? You don't even read half of my posts then.
      Do something about it? Like what? Taking over when I know I wouldn't be good at the job? Getting a lynchmob around to have staffers forcibly removed and have shit hit the fan more?
      Humility, an annoying card to play around indeed.
      well staff is a team, you put down everyone constantly and that gets old

      like i said get a shred of humility..

      you still have the same attitude. the quote "I am not on TWL staff. In fact, I am rather enjoying watching this train wreck showing the ineptitude of certain people in a highly publoc manner." is pretty ridiculous.. grow up and help out your fellow staff members

      And my apologies for the rude words in the post prior to this edit. They weren't necessary. But what ive editted it to is.
      Last edited by Hydride; 02-27-2014, 03:23 AM.
      1:Hydride> who we play next week
      1:ReNdErED> Pandora
      1:ReNdErED> gulp
      1:ReNdErED> if i see Ease im shiftin across map

      1:Hydride> best feeling EVER
      1:Hydride> its like if you get sacked and when the pain goes away feeling x 999999999999999999999999
      1:cranium> uve obviously never fucked a plastic bag filled with jelly inbetween the couch cushions
      1:cranium> talk about a feeling


      • #63
        Originally posted by maketso View Post
        lol? Are you seriously granting this? As I pointed out in SEVERAL ?helps before TWL started that weekend half of the finnish population had that same lag as turban. Pretty sure every game that had finnish players in should be replayed if this one is
        This is the absolute dumbest/weirdest appeal I have literally EVER seen, and I have seen a lot of dumb shit happen in TWL before. I'm not even a LJ player, let alone do I ever even enter ship 2 unless I'm FORCED to due to not having enough players in like TWJD or something but...


        Can I appeal EVERY single TWL game now? Because EVERYONE in this game eats like fuking crazy. It's a joke. I get like 10 eats a game now. I should be averaging 16+ kills a game in TWDD/TWLD/WBDUEL/ELIM/PUB/EVERY OTHER ARENA KNOWN TO MAN simply bcuz every1 eats my shots. Lag in Subspace is the worst than it has ever been. The server is trash, that hopone router thing is trash, and people in Brazil (for instance, not to forget the rest of third world countries or u awesome Finish ppl) literally use their toasters as their routers/modems.

        So can I appeal every TWL game now?
        RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
        RaCka> mad impressive


        • #64
          Originally posted by Reckful View Post
          His "mall cop mentality" gets "sat the fuck down" in private by me and mm god though his PR could use work I will admit that Ill see if I can get him to respond in here today.
          Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
          . This is the common theme with staff as a whole. They refuse to even acknowledge when they mess up. He only trolls and talks shit and then once he fucks up he conveniently goes mute. Proper communication is what differentiates scrubs like Tiny from Ph. The Rasaq thread you closed a month ago clearly demonstrates Tiny's mentality. He has a mall cop personality and needs to be sat the fuck down.
          I will respond for reckful.

          Reason I have yet to reply to this thread is there is no real need for me to reply to this thread. The only reason anyone wants me to reply is so they can goat me into a troll feast. Reckful has explained the decision made, and I really need not add anything further, but I will enlighten you just a little bit.

          The Wolf vs value match, as mentioned before, I did everything I was suppose to do to the 'T'. Reckful however, had information vital to Wolf's roster that had not been properly communicated amongst the ranks, but as he went afk at an extremely inconvenient time and I was left to make a decision with what I had and did exactly what I was suppose to do given what I had. I give my apologies for doing what I was suppose to do, which turned out to incorrect given the information at hand. I was later badgered over and over again for doing my job exactly the right way.

          I am now approached with this scenario, in which I admit I was a little "gun shy" as I would hate to have read forums over and over again about making the right decision that every person likes to look at and take it out of context and assume I did something wrong again. So, given the circumstances, at the time Turbans lag was fine until I saw him spike an inch or two across the screen, after which help was bombarded with lag calls. I then contacted a mod+ to confirm my lag readings so that I could make a ruling on the the lag issues. The ball dropped as my communications with other staff members had a minute or two gap response to assist me in confirming the lag. I'm sure had I not got someone to confirm the lag, I would be reading posts on "You should have got someone to confirm his lag" or some other reason people could come up with to just troll more. So, that being said, my apologies for doing what I needed to do, but not as in a timely manner as it should have been, thus causing the replay.

          If I missed any troll attempts in my response, please forgive me and catch up with me in game. I will more than gladly let you pm me any slanderous insults you feel necessary.

          Originally posted by Rough View Post
          Not only Tiny is a horrible TWL OP who has a vendetta against Pandora since the stomping we gave him last season which he later fell to the wrath of Revenge(no javs) in the playoffs, he is even more of a horrible human being. He is a perfect man for this job as he has three kids and a wife who left his deadbeat ass since he neglects his family because of this game. The guy has no career or future in his life to even do anything so he brings his mall cop mentality on this game so he can feel as a big man. Let's face it, he puts this game ahead of his family we all should be happy for it right? Let's not hate on this deadbeat father anymore, his life is already in shambles...literally lol. Speak among yourselves now.
          You have issues. I would add more, but nothing else needs to be said.
          1:waven> u challenge
          1:waven> if i challenge it looks too scary

          Originally posted by MHz
          Hope you contract ebola from your, no doubt cheap, Easter Egg, you fucking shit-jav, pug-faced cunt.


          • #65
            Guys, the staff hatred and the bad professionalism of staff in response in this thread is pretty ridiculous.

            I think this calls for an even bigger need for the TW Council. Actually, TW needs far more than just the TW Council, but at least it's a start.

            Demonic I see you viewing this thread. Where have you been this last couple weeks? U cannot be afk anymore. This game needs ur leadership skillz bcuz this shit is getting ridiculous. Srsly.

            BTW: I used to bash Tiny on these forums more than any other player around, even you people. I quit doing it though. Why you ask? Because Tiny has proven to me that despite his slight communication/social deficiencies, he is actually probably the best TWL Staffer we have. He is also a very good staff member I think. He is simply misunderstood, his past as a general asshole follows him, and people hate staff in general anyways.

            Either way, leave Tiny alone. The guy does try his best. I for one, just by doing the TWLD Prediction and Hot or Not threads alone see how fucking hard all this shit is. It is hard fucking work. It takes a lot of free time away. It is exhausting. I sure a fuck didn't wanna waste my time writing the things up and doing it all when naturally (despite the few awesome/positive responses I did get, ty, it made it worth it) I will get trashed by SOMEONE simply for trying, no matter how GOOD/BAD I did.

            So here is my thought people. GIVE THEM A FUCKING BREAK. They do their best. They put their free time in into a fucking job that is thankless. Nobody pays any1 for doing shit, unless your name is arobas+ or 24 and then you get paid for lying about making a website that was never even started on (seriously, that was a huge fuck up).

            POINT BEING: People put in their free time for this fucking game only to get shit talked, shit on, abused, and generally fucked and trolled at every juncture no matter what happens or what they do or don't do. Nobody is ever happy, so staff get blamed no matter what.

            Now, do I agree that there are a shit ton of staff that do jack fucking shit and need to be axed? FUCK YES! Axe those fuckers already. Why are they staff when they don't do shit? I do more than them and I'm not even staff. Fuck those useless faggots. Those aren't the people we are bashing in this thread though. Tiny is NOT one of those people. SO GUESS WHAT? SHUT THE FUCK UP UNLESS YOU WANNA DO THE JOB YOURSELF, AND IF YOU DO WANNA DO THE JOB, I'M WILLING TO BET YOU FUCKING QUIT WITHIN A DAY OR TWO AFTER GETTING TROLLED FOR IT 24 HOURS A DAY.

            Aight homies? Get my point here fellow TW players? I am a WB so this isn't really my thread. I don't fully belong here. What I am doing is stating my fucking opinion, which I have a right to state because I've played this game longer than a lot of you, and the ones that have played the same amount or longer aren't usually so disrefuckingspecftul. This shit is hard work, it is NOT FUN to be staff, and it is THANKLESS IN EVERY WAY. SO chill the fuck out.

            That being said, do I agree with the decisions that were made? Not at all. I think that was fucking retarded. Either way though, relax on the personal bashing you fucktards. Unless you wanna put your own free time into this game to make it better like all the staff members that aren't COMPLETELY useless (yes, there are many of those too and fuck those faggots, plz axe them soon), shut the fuck up.
            Last edited by Exalt; 02-26-2014, 09:11 PM.
            RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
            RaCka> mad impressive


            • #66
              Originally posted by Exalt View Post
              Either way, leave Tiny alone.

              btw dont think i should of made reckful force tiny to post on here. kid looks mad emotional right now. but at least that false ego got "sat the fuck down".
              1:Rasaq> i scrub really hard with toilet paper so little pieces of it get stuck to my anus hair and then later on when im watching tv i like to pull them out slowly because it feels pretty good

              1:Mutalisk> heard that n1111ga okyo got some DSLs

              Paradise> No names but there's actually a black man in the arena right now.

              Jones> MAAAAN1111GA UCHIHA

              Paradise> NO NAMES. NOT A SINGLE NAME.....but 3/6 of the players on Force are of a certain descent. I will not go any further.


              • #67
                casket 4 twl op


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Crescent Seal View Post
                  btw dont think i should of made reckful force tiny to post on here. kid looks mad emotional right now. but at least that false ego got "sat the fuck down".
                  If you look at some of my past threads, I've bashed Tiny harder and more often than anyone. It was worse than if Oranje or Rasaq were trying to n*g me every single week. I was harsh on him. That was my past viewpoints on Tiny, so it isn't like I was or am some huge Tiny supporter here. I just wanted to get that straight.

                  I just changed my mind on the guy, and I do see his value as a TWL Op. He literally is one of the best we've had in a long while. He does try his best, and he works hard. He also does TWLJ Hot or Not, and seriously... that isn't as easy to do as you'd think. It takes a lot of fuking time, and it definitely isn't something anyone wants to do in their free time when they could be doing better things like actually playing the game or (better yet) getting laid (not that getting laid is an option for a lot of these guys, but you get my point).

                  I don't think Tiny deserves the criticism that he is getting right now. NOW... if this was POID we were talking about???? That would be a different story altogether.
                  RaCka> imagine standing out as a retard on subspace
                  RaCka> mad impressive


                  • #69
                    I'm better at wbing than sex
                    TWL-J Season 11 Champion
                    TWL-J Season 21 Champion
                    TWL-B Season 21 Champion
                    TWL-B Season 22 Finalist
                    TWDT-D 2017 Champion
                    TWDT-J 2017 Champion


                    • #70
                      if i'm lagging just tell me. no one told me about it, not one single enemy member, staffer or team mate for 10 minutes. i would have gladly benched myself if i had known how bad my lag looked like in game.
                      The fuck you trying to make yourself look like a victim here Turban? :angry: I told you in our chat that your lag is terrible the very first minute in the game. Claiming no one knew about this is ridic when there's 1/3 out of pandas roster there including Zidiot.

                      Well not like a rematch is gonna change the outcome. Fuck everyone in this thread. Especially Rule, Crescent Seal and Rough.
                      1:vys> yo Pure_Luck already told me that i'd be ZH one day when deluge is sysop and method owns TW


                      • #71
                        think you're the only one who remotely hinted that i was lagging during that game. i just didn't take you too seriously because you were also having higher than usual lag and spikes. dreamwin also looked like he had his fair share of problems connection wise.


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by zidane View Post
                          is this dinosaur ever going to stop talking to me, go to sleep u old geezer.
                          4:BigKing> xD
                          4:Best> i'm leaving chat
                          4:BigKing> what did i do???
                          4:Best> told you repeatedly you cannot use that emoji anymore
                          4:BigKing> ???? why though
                          4:Best> you're 6'4 and can't use emojis like that
                          4:BigKing> xD


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Ricko View Post
                            I'm better at wbing than sex
                            keep in mind i inducted this guy into the 0-6 club a week after i got in
                            GOD DAMMIT NAPPA


                            • #74
                              this thread is a whole lot of tl;dr
                              whats going on here
                              Big Chill


                              • #75
                                How's everybody doing?
                                Raazi> this is the only place men chase jessup

